Are you ready to make memories with this new quilt along? Join us for the Summer Memories Quilt Along starting Monday, May 1. We’re ready to start sewing the beautiful Summer Picnic quilt from Susan Ache’s new book Summer Memories! Read on for the full schedule and quilt along details.

Quilt Along Supplies
For the Summer Memories Quilt Along, you’ll need the Summer Memories Quilt & Cross Stitch Book by Susan Ache for the full pattern. The pattern is written for traditional piecing, but you can use triangle paper for all those little HST’s too. 1.5″ Half Square Triangle Paper is optional for making the blocks.

For fabrics, there are so many options. You can match the book or use one of your favorite colorways (like red and green or spring). We have a few collection ideas and a full list of fabric requirements for the Summer Picnic quilt in our announcement blog post.

To join the quilt along is simple. Just post a picture of your blocks and use the hashtag #SummerMemoriesQAL, and you’re in! Check the hashtag to find more quilters participating, and comment on their pictures to start making new friends.
Author Susan Ache (@yardgrl60) and Kimberly Jolly (@fatquartershop) will be sewing and showing their progress on Instagram each Monday, along with some amazing quilters who are sewing along. Be sure to follow them to get inspired! In case you’re wondering, there will not be step-by-step tutorials for this quilt along, but you can find all the instructions beautifully written in the book.

The Summer Picnic Quilt is 70″ square when finished and includes five cute, classic basket block designs.
Meet the Quilters
- Amy Robertson, (@amyjohnstonrobertson)
- Amy Smart, (@diaryofaquilter)
- Connie Campell, (@freemotionbytheriver)
- Erica Ericsson, (@etricsson)
- Francine, (@buffaloflattsquiltco)
- Pat Sloan, (@quilterpatsloan)
- Sherri McConnell, (@aquiltinglife)
- Susan Ache, (@yardgrl60)
- Susan, (@thefeltedpear)
- Tracie, (@joyfully_tracie)
Quilt Along Schedule
The nine-week quilt along goes from May 1 – June 26. We will be sewing two blocks a week and spend a week on finishing. You can sew your blocks in the order they appear in the book or skip around and sew them in the order you prefer.
May 1 | Week 1 – Sew two blocks |
May 8 | Week 2 – Sew two blocks |
May 15 | Week 3 – Sew two blocks |
May 22 | Week 4 – Sew two blocks |
May 29 | Week 5 – Sew two blocks |
June 5 | Week 6 – Sew two blocks |
June 12 | Week 7 – Sew two blocks |
June 19 | Week 8 – Sew two blocks |
June 26 | Week 9 – Finishing the quilt top |

Author Susan Ache visited with Kimberly in this Livestream to share about the book, how she puts fabrics together in her quilts, designing for cross stitch, and more! If you haven’t watched it yet, you’re in for a treat!
Join us and share!

You can find Summer Memories at Fat Quarter Shop and follow author Susan Ache on her Instagram (@yardgrl60).
Keep up with this quilt along by following us on Instagram to see and share work from your fellow quilters. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for our special Summer Memories giveaways on Instagram. Don’t forget to use #SummerMemoriesQAL to share your progress on social media if you’re sewing along!
I’m sorry but I am not understanding the making of two blocks. For block 1 the book says to make six baskets with the red and six baskets with the pink. So in one week are we supposed to be making 12 blocks? Or are we making two sets of four blocks each?
The way I understand the schedule we will make 2 blocks each week for 8 weeks for a total of 16 blocks as shown in the picture.
Cheryl, I’m sorry for the delay in responding! Do you see how the quilt is a grid of 4×4 blocks separated by sashing, where each block is made of 4 baskets? For each week you’ll make 2 blocks (equals 8 basket units total). If you follow the order of the book, for week 1 you would make two of the “basket one blocks”. for week 2 you would make one of the “basket one blocks” and one of the “basket two blocks”.
I’m confused by this also.
I’m sorry about the confusion. Rebecca is correct. Do you see how the quilt is a grid of 4×4 blocks separated by sashing, where each block is made of 4 baskets? For each week you’ll make 2 blocks (equals 8 basket units total). If you follow the order of the book, for week 1 you would make two of the “basket one blocks”. for week 2 you would make one of the “basket one blocks” and one of the “basket two blocks”.
Are there instructions somewhere about how to use the triangle paper with these blocks?
Hi Arden! We don’t have any videos specific to this Quilt Along, but we do have plenty of videos about how to use triangle paper. I’ll link them below!
I am a little confused. Kimberly says she used triangle paper to make the 1.5 inch HST. But in the book, on page 32, it states the HST will measure 2″ X 2″. I like using the Triangle paper, but not sure whether to use 1.5 paper or H200.
Kimberly is stating the finished size. I usually cut bigger & trim down. I cut mine 2.5 instead of the 2 3/8”.
Also notice there are 5 different types of baskets. Hope I helped.
Thank you. I did a mock up of the 2.38. The finished size is 2 inches like the book states. 1.5 paper gives you a finished HST of 1.5, not what the book says.
Hi Roberta, on page 32, that HST is 2″ x 2″, but when finished – sewed into a quilt – it will finish at 1.5″ square. That why it calls for H150 triangle paper. It’s all based on the finished size when it’s sewn in.
FQS has a ton of info about how to use the paper. It’s super easy. Go to YouTube for very detailed video