Spooky & Sweet Mystery Quilt and Stitch Along is Coming Soon... - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Spooky & Sweet Mystery Quilt and Stitch Along is Coming Soon…

We’ve prepared something Spooky & Sweet for Halloween! The Spooky & Sweet Mystery Quilt Along and Stitch Along is our 4th annual Halloween Quilt Along and Stitch Along with weekly free pattern releases and video tutorials for the quilt. Join Kimberly Jolly for this cute Halloween Mystery Quilt Along, as she shows you how to sew a new block each week. Peeking would spoil this sweet treat, so we won’t reveal the full quilt until the very last week!

Starting in June, we will release weekly quilt block video tutorials on our YouTube channel along with FREE quilt block and cross stitch patterns on the Spooky & Sweet Sew Along Supply Page.

Now that you’ve peeked at the quilt the rest is a mystery, but we can tell you a few things. The Spooky & Sweet Quilt is the perfect tablerunner or wall hanging since it comes in two finishing sizes 30.5″ x 34.5″ and 17.5″ x 65.5″. We are sewing ours in Bella Solids from Moda Fabrics.

If you’re eager to weave some Halloween magic just like ours, nab your Spooky & Sweet Quilt Kit now, it includes fabric for the top, binding, and backing for either finishing size! We expect them to be ready in late May, in plenty of time for the quilt along. Reserve your kits now to receive them right away when the fabrics arrive!

The Spooky & Sweet Cross Stitch measures 98w x 98h, finishing as a 7” square when stitched on 14 count Aida! If you’re working with a different cloth, you can use our free Cross Stitch Calculator to find your desired size.

The floss and cloth you choose are up to you, but we stitched ours with the Spooky & Sweet Thread Pack on Charcoal Dyed Effect 14 Count Aida by Fabric Flair. Some other seasonal spooky supplies we’d recommend include the Pumpkin Floss Drops, Spooky & Sweet Enamel Needle Minder, and the Pumpkin Mad for Plaid Project bag.

Join Spooky & Sweet!

Right-click the image to download this image and share it along with your Spooky & Sweet project progress!

As this mystery Quilt and Stitch Along creeps closer… we will keep you updated through social media and here on the blog! EVERYONE can sew and stitch along! To join in, all you have to do is gather your supplies and visit the Spooky & Sweet Supplies page each Tuesday in June to download the free mystery patterns.

Keep up with us by following the hashtags #SpookyAndSweetQAL and #SpookyAndSweetSAL on Instagram to see and share work from your fellow quilters and stitchers.

If you made Boo Crew or Haunted Halloween with us, you know how fun these Halloween mysteries are! Look for the first patterns to release on Tuesday, June 4! We hope you’ll join us, and leave a comment below if you’ve joined in one of our past Halloween mysteries.

Stay connected to Fat Quarter Shop!


  1. I made the Haunted Halloween cross stitch and I love it. I will be making the new one for sure. Can’t wait for it to be available. Thanks for the free pattern.

  2. if i’m understanding correctly, the first of the 4 spooky and sweet cross stitch mystery SAL will not be released until June? and then july, aug, sept the final?

    1. Hi Sharlene! For the Mystery Quilt and Stitch alongs patterns are released weekly not monthly. I hope this clears up some confusion!

      This Mystery Quilt and Stitch along works just like our previous one’s if you’d like to take a look at them for reference. I’ll link them below, but the Stitch Along and Quilt Along patterns will be released the same days. We will have a kick off closer to our start that will include a full schedule and even more details.

      Past Halloween Mystery Quilt & Stitch Alongs:
      Boo Crew – https://blog.fatquartershop.com/wrap-up-boo-crew-halloween-quilt-stitch-along/
      Haunted Halloween – https://blog.fatquartershop.com/category/halloween/haunted-halloween/

  3. It looks super cute, but I am doing the Quilted Scarecrow stitch along!

  4. Boo Crew was my first SAL and I really loved it! I’ll be back again for Spooky and Sweet!

  5. Excited to start the Spooky and Sweet SAL.
    This is my first Halloween SAL.

  6. I can’t find the supply list for the sew along. I see the list for the stitch along.

  7. I loved the Haunted Halloween so much I made it twice, different fabrics! I’m looking forward to Spooky and Sweet QAL.

  8. I will be doing Spooky and Sweet with some floss changes. I will also be using 14ct Mirage fabric to match one of the previous Halloween stitch along projects.

    1. Hi Mary!

      You should be able to see your shipping information and track thing in your Fat Quarter Shop account! If you’re having issues with it please reach out to out customer service.

      Customer Service:
      Email Us: service@fatquartershop.com
      Toll Free*: 1.866.826.2069