It’s time again! We want to share an exclusive sneak peek inside our October Sew Sampler box with you. Beware of spoilers, but this Sew Sampler box is coming up roses!
Don’t miss out on this box! If you aren’t yet subscribed and want to join, do so very SOON as our membership is close to being at capacity.

Any guesses what fabric you’ll find in this box of blooms?
Be sure to follow us for more box reveals and future sneak peeks on all social media outlets by using #SewSampler and tagging @SewSamplerBox!
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Country Rose!!
I’m sew excited! Country Rose is pretty!
Lella Boutique Country Rose
Country Rose!
Lela Boutique Country Rose fabric line. Beautiful!
I also think it us Country Rose. I’ve been eyeing this fabric for a while. I think it’s very pretty. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Me, too! I am so glad I didn’t buy it yet! I can hardly wait to see what we can make! First time with this box!
Country Rose…How Wonderful is This!!! Beautiful!!
YES! Country Rose, I want a sampling of it all. So pretty.
Country Rose….oohh can not wait to see the pattern they came up with!!
With dots in the roses, I think it’s Bloomington by Lella Boutique
Looking so forward to the 2022 September Sew Sampler Box!! Woohoo! Woohoo 🙌 Country Roses definitely!! Love this choice!!
Fingers crossed that it’s Country Rose. Excited and can’t wait for the SSB to arrive. 🌹🌹🌹
We already received the September 2022 box. This one will be the October box.
They don’t repeat the same designer within the same year. I believe it is Cinnamon & Cream by Fig Tree Quilts. It’s due to release in Oct 2022 so this make guess.
Thank you – I was surprised we would get Country Rose so soon after Flower Pot in June. Hopefully the graphic is simply a pattern reference.
The colors & plaid look like Country Rose – I would be thrilled to get it!
But remember the Sew Sampler Box year calendar starts in April. 🙂
OMG, is its Cinnamon and Cream I’ll be just as thrilled. Never thought about that collection. Thanks for mentioning it.
It really looks like “Beautiful Day” by Corey Yoder. And she also has this grey and white check….
I think Country Rose too and that is absolutely beautiful
That is Lela Boutique’s signature flower.
Please, please, please be Cottage Rose!!
Guessing Country Rose Fabric
I have to agree with others here I’m pretty sure this is going to be country Rose and I’m sure happy to get some more Lela boutiques beautiful fabric in my stash.
Joining the choir here—I think it’s Country Rose! I’m so excited!
Pretty sure it’s Country Rose by Lella Boutique.
Country Rose by Lella Boutique. It’s so beautiful. Can’t wait!
In stead of sneak peeks, why can’t you just mail the boxes out; we aren’t that great with waiting.
I love getting the sneak peak because it is the first step in the process of getting the box!
It looks like a Fig Tree Quilt fabric. like Cinnamon and Cream
I love it! Lella Boutique, Fig Tree! Oh my gosh! Doesn’t even matter it’s guaranteed Awesomeness! 😁
Love what I see so far. Well hopefully it won’t be coming at the end of the month this time. Septembers box was sooo late in shipping.
Mine wasn’t shipped late. They said they ship around the 20th, and mine arrived a few days after that.
Maybe you should contact FQS…it ships on the 20th every mont and I received my September one on the 24th, and I’m nowhere near Texas.
Between the Lella Boutique signature rose and the gray plaid background—definitely Country Rose Collection. Looking forward to it!
If the contents are anything like the pretty floral then I’ll be a very happy gal.
Beautiful Day by Corey Yoder! Love these Sampler Boxes – they’re great!
I hope it’s Country Rose. I love that collection but, what other items are in there????I can’t wait to see.
If it looks anything like the sneak peek picture, whatever fabric line it is, I will love it!
I really hope it s Country Rose but if it is something else I will still love it. When my sampler box arrives in the mail it is like Christmas. I m so excited to open my box to see what goodies are in it. I love Sew Sampler boxes
I think Beautiful Day which would be a great fabric! Love my SSB.
Love all my boxes! Hoping it’s Country Rose🤞Keep the florals coming, they’re beautiful!
I would be more happy if it was Ally’s Garden by Dani Mogstad or Flower Power by Maureen McCormick. But whatever it is I’ll find a place for it.
Those in the know are rarely wrong! I hope we get a piece of each of the fabric line! So very cute even if another small floral! Two charm packets would be perfect!!
I am a new sew sampler subscriber and I am so excited to see and receive whatever surprises are in it! I LOVE everything floral so I can’t wait to see. Sorry, no guesses here.
That would be wonderful! I love that collection!
Country Rose
If Country Rose is the featured fabric, I can add it to the Flower Pot selection from a past Sew Sampler and the extra fabrics I have from the Rose in Bloom BOM. I won’t be disappointed but depending on the other items in the box, I am 75% sure I will be cancelling my subscription as I haven’t been able to use much of the fabric and other goodies.
As someone who has been a member from the very beginning (yes, that is 78 blue boxes), I can say that we have gotten Jolly Bars in the past, and there have been projects that are not quilts, and that we got Kimberly’s new favorite Little House pins in a very early box before she was even using them. (I am a convert, too. Joanna from Fig Tree has been singing their praises for years.) The vast majority of the fabric has had flowers of some kind. I also fill the survey out every single month. If you subscribe for a while and find this is not for you, it is easy to unsubscribe. I joined Stitch Quarterly when it started, too. After the first 6 quarters, I decided the patterns were not my style and that my money would be better spent on charts and floss of my own choosing. I went to my account and clicked the “cancel” button. That’s all it took. I love the person who described this as the “peanut butter box,” and now I will have that in my head every time my shipment comes. And if you don’t know what that means, you should Google “Chewy” and “Peanut Butter Box” and have yourself a little smile at a very cute TV commercial.
I agree. It’s very easy to cancel. There’s no need for anyone to complain about how tired they are of getting the same types of fabric/notions, just cancel and move on. I was subscribed at the beginning, then finances had me quit for a while. Then I signed up again when I was able. Now I’ve canceled again, not for financial reasons but I feel I’ve just out grown it. I’m moving on to cross stitch but will still get the seasonal boxes (Spooky box, Jolly box, etc) here and there when the mood strikes.
Nancy, I like your comment. This will be my first month; therefore I thank you for your positive input. And 78 Boxes, Wow!
I am glad so many of you are excited but for me I’m kind of tired of the florals and I would think that it would’ve been nice to have gotten some seasonal ones three or four months prior to the season. Like fall colors or Christmas prints, Halloween prints. Kind of feels like the same old thing. I know the boxes are easy to sell so I may skip this one or just get it and sell it. I just think this one should’ve been sent like in March or April.
I love getting that blue box every month. My ray of sunshine in an often stressful day. I don’t care what fabric or notions are in the box. Whatever they are, they will encourage me to try something new. And this was my reason for joining. Not to get a specific fabric or designer and not to get a specific type of notion. And no idea what the clue suggests but I will love it.
Really don’t understand why people complain about what comes in a “sampler” box. You know the price of the box when you sign up. You know you’re getting fabric and notions. The only thing is you don’t know what fabric and notions you’re getting until you actually open the box. These boxes are curated months in advance by Kimberly and her team and it’s based on what Kimberly likes or what she thinks everyone else will like. Given how low the price of this box is there’s not really much they can put in it to make it cost effective for them. So when I see people complaining about “how many scissors/pins/seam rippers do we need” I just chalk it up to those complainers not understanding how business/profits work. I’m actually surprised they haven’t raised the price of the box yet considering how the price of everything has gone up everywhere else.
I hope it’s Fable by Jill Finley, but I’ll be super happy with whatever we get.
Fable would be fantastic. I love all the little gizmos. What I don’t want or need, I give to my quilting friend. The fabric I don’t use goes to Northside Mission Quilters to make “Elijah’s Quilts” to donate to funeral homes to wrap babies in that don’t make it into this world. There’s always something that can be done with the stuff you don’t want. And its so much fun to open the box!!!!
🙏🏼 Yes please! ❤️ Either way, it’s like Christmas for me, every month! LOL!
I love these little surprise boxes. My nearest great fabric shop is 160 miles round trip, so it is fun to see new things and getting a new toy to use. I only started in June, and had no idea the little seam rippers would light up…that is my most essential tool! My red protector came off in a day; I emailed, and the staff member must have ran to the local post office-the replacement was in my hands in just a few days. It is Jolly good to see what is out there and not just on a web page!
I received my box today and I am sorry to say that I am very disappointed. I am an original subscriber since the beginning and I have appreciated 99% of the boxes I have received. I just think it may be my time to move on. I think after awhile there are only so many notions you can get that you may never use. It has gotten to that point for me. I have truly enjoyed getting my surprise each month and I know the time and effort that has been put into this endeavor for all of us to enjoy. I am a very thankful,
and grateful person most of the time so I want to quit before I lose my joy with this. I will probably finish out this year and then bow out. I willstill look forward to the “special” boxes that come a few times a year like the Spooky box, Jolly box, etc. Thanks Fat Quarter Shop for all that you do and for all of the effort you put into your great customer service!
Well I was one of the original box peeps also I am finding as the prices of notions keep goi g up I think this one will be my last since I have about 6 Jack the rippers I used to receive nicer and more notions plus I do love the material that I received but paying in US dollars it’s not worth 67.00 to me I will find a Canadian one. Thank you so much FQS I may return in a year or two.