Welcome to the Fat Quarter Shop 2019 charity quilt along, the Threadology Quilt Along! We are so excited to present the first block in this year’s quilt along, the Ohio Star Block (free pattern and video tutorial)! We are sold out of the Threadology Quilt Kit and […]
Quilt Along Tutorials & Quilt Along for Beginners
You can find quilt along details and schedules on the Fat Quarter Shop blog to join other quilters sewing along with on the same project. The quilting community will inspire you to achieve your block goals weekly until your quilt is finished. Visit the sew alongs page at Fat Quarter Shop to gather your supplies and get started!
Clementine Quilt Along: Save the Dates!
We are in the heart of December, which means holiday shopping, eating, and of course, lots of quilting! December also means that our annual charity quilt along is right around the corner! This year, our charity quilt along is the Clementine Quilt Along benefiting St. […]
Announcing the Clementine Quilt Along!
Hey everyone! We are just past the halfway point with our Patchwork Quilt Along, but 2018 will be here in the blink of an eye, and we will be ready to start our next quilt along! We have it all ready to show you, and […]
Weekend Quilting Book Showcase by Jemima Flendt
Happy Monday! Today we are thrilled to be a part of Jemima Flendt’s showcase of her very first book, Weekend Quilting! This is the book you need to entice your non-quilting buddies to the dark side, er, to start sewing. Jemima of Tied with a […]
Bella Skill Builder Month 2
Welcome back to the Bella Skill Builder! This month’s blocks are so much fun, and we’re so excited to get started! Did you miss the first block? Don’t worry! We have all of the details about this quilt along in one convenient place! We are extra […]
2017 Patchwork Quilt Along: Block 2
The 15th of each month might be our new favorite! Today, we have the second block in the Patchwork Quilt Along! If you missed the first month, you can find it here! We have also put together a page to answer all of your yardage […]
Bella Skill Builder
We have such a fun quilt along for you! Starting TODAY through November 2017, we will be giving you a new block each month, complete with a finishing guide at the end of the Bella Skillbuilder series! What is the Bella Skillbuilder? It’s a ten-month […]
Shortcut Quilt: Layer Cake Pop
It’s time for another Shortcut Quilt! Today we have a fun quilt along featuring a new, free pattern – Layer Cake Pop! This quilt pattern is a delight to make and we just love those cheery pops of color throughout! This beautiful quilt kit features […]
Sweetie Pie Sew Along with Lori Holt
First, Lori Holt of Bee In My Bonnet stole our hearts with the Sew Cherry collection! Now, we’re lusting over the Sew Cherry 2 fabrics! We just can’t get enough of those stunning hues and darling prints! Since we love all-things Sew Cherry, we decided […]
Introducing our 2017 Quilt Along to Benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation: Patchwork!
Here at Fat Quarter Shop we love using our “quilty powers” for good, which is why we organize Charity Quilt Alongs like Crossroads and Snapshots. We’ll be sharing the last of our Crossroads patterns later this month on the 15th, and are SUPER EXCITED to […]
Little Ruby Quilt Along – Part 3: Quilt Assembly
Welcome to Part Three of our Little Ruby Quilt Along! This gorgeous Little Ruby quilt, designed by Camille Roskelley of Thimble Blossoms, features the Little Ruby fabric collection by Bonnie & Camille. Last week we shared a video on how to make the Star Blocks, and this […]
Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage Anniversary: Celebrate with A Free Block & Check Out a New Pattern!!
The Farm Girl Vintage book and (beautiful sampler quilt) by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet has reached its one year anniversary and we’re celebrating! We’re giving you cutting requirements for the FREE Farm Girl Layer Cake Block, designed […]
Crossroads Quilt Along: Intersection Block
Welcome back to the Crossroads Quilt Along benefiting March of Dimes! We’ve raised $9105 so far, and would love to meet and exceed our goal this month! Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of children and their families! […]
Pretty Playtime Quilt Along: Week 5 – Star Block!
Welcome to Week 5 of our Pretty Playtime Quilt Along, featuring the Pretty Playtime Quilts book! We’re taking you through the construction of this gorgeous sampler quilt block by block. This week’s block is the Star Block, found in the upper right corner of the […]