Top 10 Fat Quarter Quilt Patterns

Top 10 Fat Quarter Quilt Patterns

We’re back with another Top 10 precut quilt pattern round up! This time, we’re diving into the versatile and beloved fat quarters. These 18″ x 22″ fabric pieces are perfect for quilters who love variety and flexibility in their projects. Whatever your quilting level, these patterns will inspire you to create something beautiful. Let’s get started!

1. Spangled Quilt Pattern

The Spangled Quilt by Kim Diehl almost sparkles and gleams with color. This rich quilt design works wonderfully with an assortment of contrasting light and dark prints for a star-studded affair, finishing at 60.5″ x 60.5″.

2. Hullabaloo Quilt Pattern

No ruckus or fuss here! The Hullabaloo Quilt Pattern by It’s Sew Emma is easy peasy and fat quarter-friendly. You’ll quickly stitch up this colorful quilt without any commotion, perfect for a baby quilt measuring 31.5″ x 38″.

3. Sun Shower Quilt Pattern

Sun Shower Quilt Pattern is a precut-friendly design with blocks of sunny flowers and cute pinwheels. Grab your favorite fat quarters or fat eighths for this cheerful quilt, finishing at a charming 66.5″ x 66.5″.

4. Wholehearted Quilt Pattern

Wholehearted Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern features bold and beautiful heart blocks. Stitch up this fat quarter-friendly project to create a heartfelt addition to your home decor. Available in multiple sizes, from a crib size to a queen size.

5. Poppyseed Quilt Pattern

Poppyseed Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern is a geometric joy with bursting stars interspersed throughout. With such a cheerful design, you’re sure to feel your inspiration flowing with every stitch. The finished quilt measures 69″ x 83″.

6. Terrace Quilt Pattern

Terrace Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern creates an interlocking geometric design. Stitch together your favorite fat quarters for a striking project you won’t want to look away from. Available sizes range from crib to king.

7. Seasonal Stitchy Stars Tablerunner Pattern

Inspired by the Stitchy Stars Cross Stitch Pattern by Lori Holt, you will love the Seasonal Stitchy Stars Tablerunner Pattern. Star blocks shine bright in four seasonal colorways bound to make any table sparkle no matter the season. This tablerunner measures 16.5″ x 79.5″.

Read more about it in our All About Seasonal Stitchy Stars blog.

8. Swift Quilt Pattern

Your quilt will soar to new heights with Swift! This design puts a new spin on the classic pinwheel block. Freewheel it your way, with classic or modern fabrics and bright or primitive colors, in three size options, from a cozy crib size to a grand queen size.

9. Star Pop Quilt Pattern

Star Pop Quilt Pattern is bursting with personality. This brilliant stash-friendly project features modern sawtooth stars in seven optional sizes to fit any room, so pick out your favorite precuts and get stitching. Options range from a baby quilt to a king-sized quilt.

10. Flower Girl Quilt Pattern

Flower Girl Quilt Pattern will fill your home with friendly flowers, each pieced together with lovely fat quarter-friendly blocks. Pick your favorite colorways for this charming project and get ready to stitch your heart away. This quilt finishes at 78″ x 96″.

Top 10 Fat Quarter Quilts Video

Don’t forget to check out our Top 10 Fat Quarter Quilts video for more inspiration and tips on working with fat quarters.

Fat Quarter Giveaway!

Are you ready for a giveaway? Here’s your chance to win a Jelly & Jam Petite Fat Quarter Bundle! To enter, leave a comment below telling us what your favorite fat quarter-friendly project is (it can be from above or another one entirely)!

  • Leave a comment on THIS post to enter
  • The giveaway ends on June 4, 2024, at 11:59 CST
  • One winner will be chosen at random on June 5, 2024
  • Open to all – both US and international
  • We will notify the winner by email and update this post

UPDATE 6/5: Thank you everyone for visiting our blog and leaving a comment! Chosen at random, Cecilia is our winner! I’ve emailed her to notify her.

Share with Us!

We are sew excited to see your fat quarter-friendly quilt projects! Share your creations with us on Facebook and Instagram, and tag @fatquartershop so we can see and share your work.

Happy Quilting!


        1. I find fat quarters are so versatile that I am never stuck for an idea for a new quilt. They just seem to work well with most patterns.

        2. Love seeing quilt patterns that I could actually actually make. Fat quarters are so easily available. Love this post.

        3. I’m a bit old fashion, Iike working with the nine patch pattern. The fat quarters give me enough variety for my major blocks. I don’t have a lot of waste. I’ve made several baby quilts and have several tops made waiting to be quilted.

    1. Flower girl is my favorite. So many flowers in bloom this spring and lots of flower fabric.

    1. Love fat quarters. Thanks for these patterns
      Always looking for new ideas. Thanks for doing this giveaway

  1. Flower girl quilt is wonderful and it is on my to do next list.
    Thanks for the giveaway I love all you do.

  2. There are so many good ones, but I really enjoyed making the Persephone quilt by Alderwoods Designs with my Pixel fat quarter bundle.

  3. I love the Poppyseed quilt pattern…I’m a sucker for block patterns like this one…definitely my favorite style!

  4. Love the taupes, reds and greens … such beautiful colors. Love the Sun Shower and Flower Girl patterns. Always look forward to FQS blogs … so many ideas but SO little time to make them all! LOL

  5. I’ve used Star Pop II, and it’s one of my favorites. I’ll be making the original Star Pop as well. Another fat quarter friendly favorite is “Hello Fall” by Chelsi Stratton. It’s adorable!

  6. My favorite fat quarter pattern is Yellow Brick Road. It only takes 6 fat quarters to make a small lap size quilt. The pattern comes with several different sizes. It is a no fail pattern.

  7. Star pop is my favorite with flower girl second. Thanks for all your informative blog posts ❤️

  8. My favorite is the Flower Girl pattern! Love the color combination used here! I’m definitely putting this one on my projects list!

  9. Sun Shower and Spangled Quilt are my two favorites. I think those are on my next project after I finish the two I have on my plate right now.

  10. I have made the Flower Girl pattern and it was super cute, but I’m anxious to give Sun Shower a try!

  11. My favorite FQ pattern is Swoon, in all sizes! Of the top 20 you’ve listed Spsngled is my favorite. Have the pattern but struggling to decide which bundle to use for it.

  12. I love anything Kim Diehl so Spangled is my favorite. I have the pattern and it is on my list to make

  13. I love both Star Pop and Terrace for their versitility. So many options and each would be different.

  14. Fat Quarter bundles are my favorite for variety. Thanks so much for highlighting patterns for these bundles.

  15. I sew charity quilts for foster children who have graduated from high school. Several of these patterns would work really well.

  16. The Seasonal Tablerunner has been on my agenda for some time. Love that pattern! It deserves to to be in the top ten!

  17. When I need a quilt in a hurry my go to pattern is Turning Twenty. Can get it pieced in one day.

  18. All the quilts are beautiful, but the Terrace Quilt and the Flower Girls Quilt really stand out for me! Gorgeous!!

  19. Fat quarter bundles are, in my opinion, the very best way to experience a new collection of fabric and you can make so many beautiful projects. I love any star pattern. Thank you.

  20. Fat quarter bundles are, in my opinion, the very best way to experience a new collection of fabric and you can make so many beautiful projects. I love any and all star patterns. Thank you.

  21. The star pop quilt is so fun. Thank you for sharing great ideas. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  22. Seasonal Stitchy Stars Table Runner is my fav. I love the pastel colors and a quick project!

  23. There are so many great fat quarter quilt patterns! I really like the Spangled and Terrace quilt patterns. I can see them each done using a variety of colorways.

  24. My most recent fat quarter friendly quilt pattern was Pressed Flowers! It’s one of those patterns that will shine in almost any fat quarter bundle.

  25. Flower Power is by far my favorite. I can’t get enough of Camille Roskelly’s fabrics. They soothe my soul.

  26. I’ve been looking at the Star Pop pattern for several weeks and thinking about it a lot! Wholehearted also looks like a good opportunity to practice different blocks. I also really enjoyed making the Celtic Crossing 2.0 quilt by Lo and Behold Stitchery, I keep thinking about making another one.

  27. I love the Star Pop quilt which I have made once already. Flower Girl looks very tempting.

  28. Spangled is my favorite! I bought the fabrics Kim Diehl used, Scraps of Kindness, and making my own Spangled!! Although I also like Kimberly’s version with Lori Holt fat quarters… 😊

  29. I make tons of bags, on addition to quilting. Fat quarters offer the perfect size for so many bags, including lining. I love using them because there is so little waste after cutting out whatever pattern I am working on.

  30. One of my favourite scrappy quilts is a pattern called Sticks and Stones by Black Cat Creations. It might be the only pattern I’ve made more than once!

  31. I’m currently piecing the Spangled pattern by Kim Diehl and love the scrappy effect of each block!

  32. I really think the flower girl pattern would look beautiful in the fig tree fabric. One of my favorite similar patterns is called Primrose in the fat Quarter style book by it so Emma.

  33. While I like all the patterns, my favorite is the “Seasonal Stitchy Stars” design. Thanks for the opportunity to win the fat quarter bundle!

  34. Goodness, gracious! They’re all beautiful! If I have to pick a favorite, I think it would be Terrace. Already thinking about what FQ I will use! Thank you so much for sharing!

  35. I love the Flower girl quilt and may need to get that pattern. Of course my favorite way to use my fat quarters is up on my shelf looking pretty:-). SOooo hard to break them open.

  36. That Star Pop is a fun pattern! I love it. I think I have a couple fat quart bundles that would work well with that pattern.

  37. Wow! I have several favorites but I’ve made several Unruly by My Quilt Infatuation, Bars & Stripes by Everyday Stitches, Koby by GE Designs, and The Ella Quilt by Kitchen Table Quilting. Good old favorites that I fall back into are Yellow Brick Road by Atkinson Designs and Turning Twenty… Again by Tricia Cribbs. Id like to make Hullabalu and Terrace quilts. I’m currently working on a Steamy Windows Supersized by GE Designs. Last week I made your quick Slice & Dice for a charity quilt. Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration!

  38. There are so many favorites fat quarter patterns it is hard to choose just one, however, I just finished Lori Holt “Prairie” quilt and ready to start her “Chicken Salad” quilt next.

  39. Has to be the Spangled pattern by Kim Diehl. I am following Kimberley’s tutorial on YouTube using Lori Holt’s fat quarters. Awesome!

  40. I love FlowerGirl and Star Pop! This line of fabric in the fat quarter bundle is just gorgeous! Hugs,

  41. Fat quarters were the first precut I started to collect. I love sampler quilts and I’m starting the Piece and Quilt Sampler.

  42. I love all the quilts but my very favorite is Flower Girl.Right now I am working on quilts from your Simply Jelly Rolls Book. It’s fantastic!

  43. great patterns!! I have some fat quarter bundles that would work great in several of these designs.

  44. Flower Girl…,what a lovey design. It would be beautiful in many fabric collections, flowers come in all colors!!!

  45. Flower Girl Quilt Pattern is just so very beautiful!There has to be so many possibilities of endless designs that you can create. I could only imagine how beautiful a quilt in Jelly and Jam would be in this pattern 🙂

  46. I love your fat quarter top 10! I have one of your sew along patterns at the quilter now. I think Flower girl or Whole Hearted might be calling to me

  47. My favorite fat quarter friendly pattern is the sun shower pattern. It has lots of white background, which makes the quilt very bright.

  48. Love the Flower Girl pattern…not sure if it’s mainly because of the big, bold flowers or because of the amazing blues in the accompanying photo!! 💙

  49. I love the Turning Twenty pattern to showcase my favorite Fat Quarters but I am itching to make the Star Pop pattern with my Starry fabrics by Ruby Star. I love your posts because they are always just so colorful and fun. Thank you.

  50. I love the Star Pop quilt because I’ve made it already; from the rest, it’s a tough decision and I can’t decide between Sun Shower or Terrace!

  51. I really like the Swift pattern. Picking a favorite is difficult. My favorite changes constantly.

  52. I am having a hard time picking one that I like best. Two are Sun Shower and the heart quilt. I am intrigued with the star quilt as it would be a fun baby quilt. Thank you for so many great ideas!

  53. Thank you for sharing these patterns – they are new to me and I am anxious to make some of them!

  54. That’s a tough one! Sooo many great fat quarter quilts. I’m going to say the Star Pop Quilt. I love anything with stars.

  55. I have a Jan Patek one that I like so well I haven’t wanted to cut it up. I guess I need to find the right pattern.

  56. I love using fat quarters for quilts! But I have to say my favorite project for using fat quarters is tote bags 💕

    So many fun tote bags!

  57. Right now I’m really into the Busy Bee pattern by Villa Rosa. I’ve finished one top and 4 have more in the works. They are all charity quilts for The Linus Connection here in Central Texas.

  58. I have made the Flower Girl pattern. The pattern is well written and easy and fun to sew. I’ll be making it again for sure.

  59. It is tough to choose, but I have to go with the Swift quilt. I just love the colors in this quilt but the Flower Girl is a close 2nd. Thanks for sharing these.

  60. I looked at all the beautiful quilts and the Wholehearted quilt pattern is the one that caught my eye. I love how the middle of the hearts have a different quilt blocks within it. This is such a beautiful, creative idea. Quilt blocks are beautiful and this is the way to highlight each one.

  61. My favorite fat quarter pattern is Fourteen on Point though Yellow Brick Road is a staple of mine for baby quilts.

  62. I love the Spangled Quilt by Kim Diehl pattern, especially in the Lori Holt fabric that Kim Jolly did hers in. Would love to see a picture of the full quilt together, only got to see her blocks when making them.

  63. My favorite is “Marketplace” by Coriander Quilts. I absolutely love ANYTHING by Corey Yoder!

  64. so many beautiful patterns! sew little time, but it’s getting better and I get excited seeing the patterns, especially the stars

  65. I really like all the patterns, but I think my favorite is the Star Pop pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  66. When I don’t have a specific quilt pattern in mind, buying fat quarters of fabric I love is the way I go. These patterns give me some great options for my favorite precuts. Thank you FQS!

  67. I used a Christmas fat quarter bundle to make friendship star blocks 12×12 blocks, 3 x 4 blocks. I love it on my couch for the holiday season!

  68. Fat Quarter Flowers (not listed) is so fun and versatile, it’s wonderful to show off many fabrics in a collection.

  69. Love the flower girl pattern. It would look amazing with the Jelly and Jam fabric bundle! Love how FQS is so generous with free quilt patterns!

  70. Hard to choose, but I’d go with the terrace quilt. Flower girl comes in a close second.

  71. This post was perfect, I was looking for a quilt which uses fat quarters. Love so many of them, not sure which one I will choose.

  72. Apple Dandy Quilt made with Midnight in the Garden by Sweetfire Road. Love, love how this one came together.

  73. All of the quilts are wonderful. it’s a toss up, though, between Spangled and Flower Girl as to which one is my favorite.

  74. It was a hard decision, but I think my favorite is Wholehearted. It could be made for a new baby or a dear friend who is going through a rough patch!

  75. Thanks for the fat quarter inspiration! I’m currently making a star pop quilt. I could see choosing another of these great suggestions next.

  76. I love the Poppyseed quilt, but I have made a lot of Disappearing Nine Patch to use up fat quarters.

  77. I simply Love the Flower girl pattern. They are all lovely and I have done the Star Pop already!!

  78. I just ordered Sun Shower and Flower Girl, so I guess they are my favorites of above. I also am enjoying the FQ books from Sew Emma.

  79. My favorite is Spangled by Kim Diehl. I would like to try it in patriotic colors and I love log cabin quilts.

  80. My favorite fat quarter quilt is an old one called boxed blessing! It’s terrific in all colorways!

  81. I love the spangled quilt pattern and got that one to go with the Lori Holt fat quarter bundles as Kimberley suggested. I am excited to get going once the club starts getting the fabric in again.

  82. There are so many FQ patterns I love so I’ll limit myself to the above list for today. Flower Girl! I think this fabric bundle would look especially pretty in this pattern also. Best of luck to the lucky winner (praying it’s me). And thanks for the generous give-away.

  83. You are the most giving shop I have ever had the pleasure of purchasing from. I would love to win a fat quarter bundle.

  84. I really like the Wholehearted quilt. The quilting pattern you have on it is spot on. It would be lovely for a young girl. But I think my favorite is the Flower Girl quilt. It would show off some wonderful big print floral fabric nicely. It would also look great made from the Jelly & Jam line, should I be lucky enough to winn!

  85. I like the Sun Shower Fat Quarter Quilt Pattern. It would “pop” with feed sack 1930’s style fabric. I’d like to try it plus several other of your presented quilt patterns. So-o-o much sewing to do and so little time! Love them all.

  86. I have so many beautiful stacks of fat quarter bundles! I like a few of these patterns to start using up my stacks.

  87. My favorite fat quarter pattern is the seasonal table runner. There’s something about that dashed border that makes it SO cute!

  88. I love the Terrace quilt pattern. What an opportunity to showcase some of your favorite fat quarters!

  89. Kim Diel’s Spangled quilt pattern is awesome. The fat quarter giveaway is pretty amazing also!

  90. Surprisingly, I have not made any of these, but Star Pop and/or Spangled may be added to my list!

  91. I like the Start Pop quilt pattern by Quilty Love. I recently purchased this pattern and it would look great with the Jelly & Jam fabric collection.

  92. Star Pop and Flower Girl both caught my eye!
    Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful fabric bundle!

  93. Interested in doing the Stitchy Stars Table runner!!! Thank you for doing a give away-love the Jelly&Jam collection.

  94. My favorite is The Spangled, I’m a sucker for most anything made by Kim Diehl. All the quilts are beautiful, a difficult choice to make.

  95. When I need a fast fat quarter quilt, my go to is Yellow Brick Road by Atkinson Design

  96. The Star Pop Quilt Pattern is my favourite. I have the pattern and ready to start it. I think it will be one that I make many times.

  97. All of the above quilts are great, my favorites would be Spangled and Terrace. I love to have fat quarter bundles on hand for sampler quilts such as Moda Blockheads; you have a large palette to work with and plenty of fabric.

  98. It’s a toss-up for me Wholehearted or Sun Shower! Both SO beautiful. I love FQs, such a brilliant cut of fabric and SO very versatile.

  99. Thank you for the inspiration. I like the Terrace Quilt pattern. I enjoy using Fat Quarters and charm packs for my quilts.

  100. I love the Flower Girl Quilt Pattern!!! I believe it shows the fabrics in a fat quarter off very nicely.

  101. My favorite is Spangled Stars. I have the pattern and fat quarters from the Lori Holt Fat Quarter club for this pattern. Can’t wait to start after I finish the designer mystery.

  102. I’ve always shied away from fat quarters because I didn’t know what to do with them!! But boy do I know now!!

  103. I love Yellow Brick Road by Atkinson
    Design. It goes together so quickly. I have probably made it a dozen times. The pattern has all sizes on it.

  104. Definitely Wholehearted is my favorite, and perfect to tell a little girl how much she is loved!

  105. Ooh it’s so hard to cut into FQ bundles! They’re so pretty! My favorite FQ pattern right now is Edelweiss by Camille and using her Shoreline fabrics. The blocks go together so quickly!

  106. I love fat quarter bundles! The Wholehearted pattern is my favorite and will be next on my project list!

  107. I think the Terrace pattern looks cool but somewhat intimidating…. I love Fat Quarter bundles and would love to try a new pattern 😉

  108. Flower girl quilt is my favorite! Would make a perfect gift for an upcoming baby shower.

  109. My favorite Fat quarter pattern in Yellow Brick Road. Also another oldly is M’iss Rae Rowley’s Fat Quarter Book.

  110. Seasonal stitch stars is a lovely table runner. I’m relatively new to quilting and wonder how much material I would have left in my FQ bundle after making this and if I could stretch the pattern out to make a lap quilt (maybe using a second FQ bundle as well). The fabric you are giving away is so light and lovely, would make anyone feel happy.

  111. My pick would be Flower Girl pattern and second one woul be Sun Shower pattern. I would love to do all the patterns.

  112. love the Poppy seed pattern. I am always looking for patterns that could be for both boy or girl.

  113. I have got to make that “Sun Shower” quilt pattern by Lella Boutique. It is gorgeous and I’m imagining it in so many fabric bundles.

  114. I’m a fan of FQS and thankful for all the videos you do on YouTube. They have helped me grow so much with quilting, sewing tips, and I learned how to cross stitch from watching the Academy videos too! I’ve grown to love cross stitching and using it as decor in my craft room!

  115. Definitely, Flower Girl Quilt pattern! I love not only the pattern, but the fabric shown to make it!

  116. I love the Spangled quilt by Kim Diehl. and i love the wholehearted quilt. Both will be on my to do list this year!

  117. I love all the patterns shown, but my favorite fat quarter friendly pattern is called 5 & Dime by All Washed Up. I’ve made it many times using all kinds of fabrics and it always turns out great! Makes a wonderful gift or a quick charity quilt.

  118. Inspiration that’s what you’ve given me!! I’m all in for knocking out some of these quilts. Thank you I for sharing!!

  119. I adore Fat Eighth Flapjacks. Using fat quarters, I get TWO beautiful quilt tops! FQS is the greatest!

  120. Turning 20 is a favorite of mine because it looks different using different fabrics from cotton to flannel to cuddle. Awesome pattern.
    Love FQS

  121. I adore the color s in Jelly and jam! I am definitely getting the Hullabaloo pattern to add to my quilt pattern collection….I think for a Christmas project🎄

  122. Flower Girl gets my vote. I made it in the original Marmalade fabric and still love using this pretty quilt. Would love to make it again in a different fabric line.

  123. I am new to quilt making and am finally ready to dive in and make a quilt top. I just ordered On The Bright Side Layer Cake and some yardage this afternoon but I LOVE the Jelly And Jam fabric collection. I think it would look nice work well in the Terrace quilt pattern, perfect for a newbie like myself. Thank you for all your inspiration.

  124. Both The Sun Shower Quilt and the Wholehearted Quilt are GORGEOUS! But I’d say my absolute favorite is the Sun Shower Quilt!

  125. My is Rapid fire hunter star by Deb Tucker. It makes the most gorgeous quilt. I used blues and creams. Loved it. I used fat quarters.

  126. Fat Quarter Style is my favorite book for making Fat Quarter quilts. I have used it many times and I’m close to making them all!

  127. The fat quarter quilts in the Fat Quarter Style book by It’s Sew Emma are my ‘go to’ quilts for most occasions. But I do like the Terrace pattern.

  128. The Star Pop is my favorite pattern. I’ve made two quilts so far from this pattern. It’s very well written with helpful illustrations and the finished quilt is stunning.

  129. my favorite is spangled and of course Lori

    I love the Spangled quilt and Lori Holt’s table runner plan on making all four.

  130. I am a sucker for star and heart blocks and you showcased several beauties. My wish to make list is long indeed

  131. I have been quilting for 1 year. My first fat quarter bundle when I found Kimberly was Forget Me Not collection so Terrace is sentimentally my favorite. Thank you FQS.

  132. I love the Flower Girl pattern made with Nantucket Summer. I also love the Slice & Dice pattern that Kimberly recently showed on Youtube.

  133. My favorite here is star pop. Almost any FQ bundle would work with a single accent color. It looks like simple construction, too-bonus!

  134. All the patterns are great but my favorite would be Flower Girl, also up there would be Heartfelt.

  135. My birthday is May 31. I love quilting and seeing. I am still in the beginning stages of sewing and have tackled some pretty big jobs with quilting. One my quilts was recently picked for Show and Tell on Missouri Star Quilt website, social media, and newsletter. It’s a great birthday gift. I love the Star Pop Pattern and The Flower Girl Pattern. Hope I win.

  136. I saw the Poppyseed quilt and knew immediately it was one of Corey Yoder’s designs. I like it because it could be taught to a beginner and they would have a sense of accomplishment.

  137. Lovely patterns!!! I love the wholehearted quilt. I would love to make one for my daughter who moved to Uní. Thanks.

  138. Oh my goodness, I want to make all of them! I can’t decide between flower girl and sun shower as my favorite so I have decided to make both!

  139. I like the flower girl and terrace patterns and probably will be doing them this summer sometime.

  140. I have always loved the Terrace pattern from Cluck Cluck Sew. It is so scrappy and happy!

  141. I’ve never met a fat quarter bundle or fat quarter quilt pattern I didn’t like. It would be so much fun to win.

  142. As I love all things Kim Diehl, I will have to choose the Spangled Quilt Pattern!! My most favourite quilt made from fat quarters was a quilt for my 2 year old granddaughter using Lynette Anderson fabric and the Quilters Patch pattern by Laundry Basket Quilts.

  143. So hard to choose a favorite, but Spangled by Kim Diehl really speaks to me. The prize fat quarters woud look really good made up with Flower Girl.

  144. Love all the quilts can I make the all? Would make Star Pop first.
    Thanks for the chance to win a Fat Quarter Bundle.

  145. I like Flower Girl. I made this one years ago. It shows off the fabrics very well. I think I’d like to try Star pop with Christmas fabrics!

    1. Hi Irene, Of all the quilts 2 of the 10 speak to me. The Spangled quilt and the Poppyseed quilt. Overall my top one would be the Poppyseed quilt.
      I love the prize package! Many patterns call for 24-27 FQ. That is expensive. This prize package is perfect for me.

  146. I love scrappy quilts…so all patterns are fat quarter friendly for me. Fat quarters give me a variety of prints to work with as I look for color/value first. I always buy fat quarters.

  147. Gotta love Kim Diehl’s “Spangled” quilt (that’s my #1), but the “Swift” quilt is terrific as well. Thanks for compiling this Top 10.

  148. I really like the flower girl pattern as well as the seasonal stitchy stars. I really like to have a runner to change out for different seasons and holidays!

  149. My favorite fat quarter pattern is swoon by Camille Roskelly with Magnolia by Chelsea Stratton a close second! Thanks for the awesome content!

  150. I love the Kim Diehl pattern, but I think the Flower Girl would be very pretty made up in the Jelly and Jam bundle. Thanks for the patterns and give a way.

  151. My favorite of those listed is Flower Girl!And…seeing this post , I remember that I actually have this pattern and never used it yet! I think it’s time!!

  152. Stitchy stars is my favorite. I am making it with fabric and as a cross stitch, also.

  153. Turning Twenty is one of my favorite patterns. It is one of my “fall back” patterns when I get frustrated with piecing not being perfect.

  154. My all time favorite fat quarter pattern is Yellow Brick Road. I especially like to use it when I have fabric that I want to showcase in larger pieces.

  155. My favourite fat quarter quilt to make is Yellow Brick Road. I have made the Terrace Quilt and it was lovely.

  156. Thank you for the lovely quilt ideas, may have to add one or two of these to the to-do dream book.

  157. This morning my favorite is Flower Girl. Tomorrow it could be any of the others. They’re all wonderful.

  158. I made the Star Pop pattern and it’s one of my favorites. I’d love to remake it with different fabrics.

    1. I am new to quilting, and so far have only made a hexagon quilt!

      I am a fan of hexagons in general but I really like the Terrace patter by cluck cluck sew listed above! I think I may make that for my next project!

  159. I loved the terrace quilt. I am a beginner quilter and I think I could make this one. ❤️

  160. love stars in my quilts so most of those qualify. My other favorite is Cat’s Cradle patterns by Deb Heatherly. Thanks for being so sharing.

  161. Wholehearted is my favorite! I have always loved anything with hearts. This pattern looks really fun!

  162. My favorite pattern is Flower Girl. It would look very pretty using Jelly and Jam fabrics.

  163. I love the Seasonal Stitchy Stars Tablerunner Pattern!And I like the colors and fabrics used.

  164. I absolutely love the Stitchy Stars table runner pattern. I think this would be so beautiful as a king sized quilt.
    The Sun Flower pattern was a very close 2nd.
    Every one of these patterns are stunning and it was very hard to chose only one. Thank you for showing so many beautiful patterns and how versatile the fat quarter truly is.

  165. The majority of my fabric stash is fat quarter bundles. I also have a very tall family so I tend to make full or queen size quilts. I appreciate quite a few of the quilt patterns featured have multiple size options. My favourites are from It’s Sew Emma and Cluck Cluck Sew for this reason but I will use other designers if it is fairly easy to make it larger. Thank you for the post and video!

  166. Love to collect fat quarter bundles. Hard to break into them and use them though. So cool just to look at.

  167. I really like Poppyseed and Terrace and Hullabaloo quilt patterns, all the patterns are really cute!

  168. I’m New to sewing and I just picked up some fat quarters and I would love to make quilts and some boho type curtains so an helpful ideas with colors would be great

  169. Star Pop and Stitchy Stars have both caught my eye… I’ve long wanted to start quilting but I’m so worried it’ll be all wonky that I have yet to actually sew anything. I’m going to reach for the stars with one of these two! Maybe both!

  170. Fairly new quilter here. I love ragged quilts and use some Fat Quarters if the fabric catches my eye. I’d love to try the Sun Shower quilt when I build up some confidence!

  171. Fat quarters are very versatile but in our house I dedicate most of them to making skirts, small and not so small!

  172. What a great selection of patterns! Star Pop would be perfect for any one of my grandchildren, and I know my mother would love Spangled. THhanks for compiling this very quilt-able list!

  173. It’s hard to choose.. I really like the Spangled and the Sun Shower quilt patterns. I have a girls week coming up.. may try a table runner out of one of these patterns.

  174. I’ve loved the “Spangled” quilt pattern since you showed your block on your live. I’ll just so different. And the Seasonal Stitchy Stars Table Runner is also great, especially for a smaller project.

  175. My favorite pattern is the flower girl pattern. Just because it would be easier to handle I would make it a 3 X 4 set up. All of them are beautiful.

  176. Wow! I love the Spangled quilt pattern! What an impact! Going to put it in my cart right now.

  177. I appreciate this list! I’ve liked ‘Flower Girl’ by Camille Roskelley for awhile now, but the blocks are larger than I thought.
    ‘Fat Quarter Four Patch’ by FQS is a nice pattern especially in the colorway Kimberly used.

  178. I like the Swoon or Swoon 16 quilt patterns. I’ve seen them in a lot of different colors and I feel like they always look good.

  179. I love anything that Camille Roskelley does. Both fabric collections and patterns. But the one that caught my eye is Swift. I would love to make a crib size quilt using this pattern. Thanks for bringing these to my attention.

  180. It’s hard to pick one, but I do like the Flower Girl pattern in Shoreline – it’s so summery looking!

  181. Flower Girl is my favorite quilt pattern. I can see this pattern in Lori Holt calico fabric, modern fabric and the Jelly and Jam fabric would definitely be the boom.

    1. I can’t decide which pattern to start first Spangled, Poppyseed, Terrace, or Star Pop. I love working with fat quarters.

  182. These are such beautiful quilts and there are several that I would enjoy sewing. That’s the fun of these fat quarter quilts! I never tire looking at this site as the colors and patterns really get me in the mood to sew!

  183. The Terrace quilt is my favorite from these patterns. I love all of your content, your tutorials and pattern instructions are so easy to follow and I just love the way everything is so orderly. Thank you for all the time you give to each of us. Your amazing!!

  184. I love the Flower Girl Pattern. Just finished Pressed Flower from the Sew Sampler box- and have enjoyed the flower blocks. Flower Girl is next in my list.

  185. I love Sun Shower Quilt! It’s so lovely! Fat quarters are so great for a getting that scrappy look!

  186. I have loved making Miss Americana using fat quarters!
    Sun Shower is adorable. I love the scrappiness of fat quarters.

  187. I’ve never seen Poppyseed before! I have added it to my list to make! It’ll look great in some girly fabrics with pops of bright colors!

  188. Thanks so much for these patterns. I have so many Fat Quarters. This will help me get started on some projects.

  189. Spangled is gorgeous! I also like and have Flower girl. As always, thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  190. One of my favorite fat quarter-friendly pattern is WholeHearted. I like the blocks within the hearts.It makes a quilt visually interesting, while the heart block keeps it sweet>

  191. One of my favourite fat quarter friendly projects to make are microwave cozies. They are easy to make, require 2 fat quarters, microwave safe batting. Then… a hop, a skip, and a jump and voilà… a beautiful cozy. 😍 Most people don’t know about them but end up loving them and wanting more.

  192. Very difficult to chose one pattern, I like the Terrace Quilt, I love the Stars Table runner, and the Stars Pop quilt pattern. I will definitely be making all three of these patters starting with the Terrace Quilt. Thank You, Patty

  193. I enjoy making table runners and mug rugs. I put a small sleeve on the back and can also hang them under the wall tv to cover the cords. Fat quarters give me enough to coordinate the room.

  194. I LOVE the Wholehearted Quilt pattern. It is stunning. It is so relaxing and calming to look at and I can just imagine making this quilt and.curling up with a good book.

  195. I love Star Pop! I have the pattern and am dying to make it in the Starry fabric ✨✨✨

  196. My favorite fat quarter quilt is the Seasonal Stitchy Stars table runner! What a great idea using seasonal fabric in order to change the runner look!

  197. Star Pop is a favorite of mine for charity quilts. It works equally well for both boy and girl quilts as well as patriotic themed.

  198. Love the table runner and the star pop, bet you could invert the colours so the stars are colourful and then the background is with a monotone. Thanks for sharing these pattern ideas and the lovely fabrics.

  199. This is why I ALWAYS TRY and keep a stash of fat quarter bundles handy – you never when you need a cute quilt! And of course, I love them all.

    1. I’m a new quilter and have never used fat quarters. They are all beautiful! Terrace would be my favorite to start, then Swift or Stitchy Stars.

  200. I like the seasonal table runners. I would use this and give this as gifts. I look forward to working in this in the future.

  201. I love the flower girl pattern. Thank you Kimberly for years of inspiration. I never miss your Friday live tutorials!

  202. I have many fat quarter collections, and these are great solutions to using some of them! Love all your informative videos and 😊

  203. Thank you. I have been looking for patterns for fat quarters and this gave me lots of ideas. Now to decide which one.

  204. Thank you – love all the options. I have subscribed to one of the FQ Club’s to help me build my stash! Now, to decide which one to get?

  205. One of my favorite FQB patterns is a free one that FQS released a few years back: the Fat Quarter Cobblestone Shortcut Quilt Pattern. I think it works great for Tula Pink Fabric.

  206. I live fat quartets. They are do versatile. Love the Terrace and the Sun Shower quilts.

  207. I really like the Poppyseed pattern. I think the random star makes it a little more unique than most quilts.

  208. I love the Flower Girl quilt! I’ve made Seasonal Stiches three times so I obviously love that one too! Thanks for the inspiring post.

  209. I really like Carrie Nelson’s patterns (like Tag Sale) and also patterns by Madison Cottage.

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