Stitch Quarterly March 2023 Sneak Peek - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Stitch Quarterly March 2023 Sneak Peek

Spring into warmer weather with March Stitch Quarterly! We thought it would be fun to let you take a peek inside this delightful bag. This month’s theme is ‘Blooming Beautiful’ and we are sharing a sneak peek of this fun notion!

We are giddy with excitement to see what you think of this spoiler. Leave a comment on this blog if you can guess the notion!

If you are not yet subscribed to this exclusive quarterly cross stitch club, what are you waiting for? Sign up today so you don’t miss out!
Be sure to follow us for more reveals and future sneak peeks on all social media outlets by using #StitchQuarterly

Stay connected to Fat Quarter Shop!


  1. Not sure if the “correct” title, but a thread catcher/holder? It’s pretty whatever it may be!

  2. I don’t have the faintest idea of what it could be but I’m excited for the SQB to arrive. Come on March.

  3. mmm….it looks like ‘soft material’ so I’m with the majority that it is an adorable needle book for holding needles. Loving the Stitch Quarterly even though I am way behind HA!

  4. I have no idea what it is but it’s super cute! Can’t wait to get my first Stitch Quarterly box!

  5. I tried to send this when I first saw the sneak peek. For some reason it didn’t send. Looks like a project luggage type tag with a picture of part of the chart.

  6. I’m going with a needle book. That’s what first came to my mind, and by the looks of other commenters, it might be right! I just told my husband that I needed another needle book. I hope my guess is correct!

  7. ohhh!!! got March 2023 over the weekend!! Very unique!! and no! I’m NOT spilling the beans… HA