Dear Sew Sampler Box members,
Due to shipping delays from one of our vendors, some of the November boxes will be delayed. Boxes are going out in two batches, approximately 2 weeks apart. Members will be billed at the same time, and we are working to ship the boxes out as soon as possible.
We ask you to please be considerate and refrain from posting spoilers in our Facebook group so as not to ruin the surprise to some. Members will have received an email with additional information. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience!
“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder” by E.B. White is a beautiful quote found on the selvage of the fabric we featured in your November Sew Sampler box this month. This quote rings true for us each and every month when we try to find unique and useful gadgets for your subscription. I realize this is a tricky clue for you but we’d love for you to think outside the box and let us know what fabric collection we’re including! Let us know in the comments below. Good luck!
If you are not yet subscribed, and want to join, currently our membership is at capacity but we have started a waitlist for Sew Sampler Box. Sign up to be notified if space in this club becomes available.
I am guessing Folklore by Lella Boutique!
It definitely has that Lella Boutique vibe and colors.
Folklore is very pretty. I’d be happy with that.
I’m guessing Wonder by Kate and Birdie for Moda Fabrics.
I’m thinking the same if the clue is in the quote. Wonder byModa. We’ll see eh?
I’ve been looking forward to my lil blue box for as long as I’ve been subscribing. I have never been unhappy, or not enjoyed everything in each and every box! My little box of pure delight! I imagine it as my kids going into a toystore with a big pocket of birthday money to buy anything they want! I don’t know who does the purchasing for these boxes but they are perfection to a crafter, seamstress, sewer. Whatever is in the box sounds fabulous.
Folktale? But the pine needles are throwing me off…
Holiday Flourish is beautiful and has lots of pine needles. But they like to throw you off so I’m thinking it’s a winter holiday theme.
Maybe some Wonderfil thread?
I agree. It feels more Christmas related. But Folktale would be fantastic!
Christopher Robin & Winnie the Pooh? I can’t even guess but as always I’ll be happy & grateful! Y’all always make me smile 😃
I think it is Folktale
It is Folklore by Lella Boutique!
oh yes Leila Boutique provides such soft wondrous colors !!! my vote is Folktale !!!
Lella Boutique – Folktale!
Yep. Folktale. Awesome!
Folktale! Can’t wait to see what else!!
E.B. White was the author for Charlotte Web
I hope its folktale…
I believe it is Lella Boutique by Folktale Fabric! Can’t wait to get it.
Please be Folktale… just love the fabric collection! 🙂
But, if it isn’t I am sure the fabric will be wonderful!
Definitely Folktale by Leila Boutique! I’m so excited! I also most cancelled my subscription last month. So glad that I didn’t!
I just got an email saying it’s on the way? Much earlier, woohoo!
Lella Boutique uses lovely quotes on her selvages.
I got an email saying mine shipped too! Way early, maybe because of Thanksgiving?
I’m so excited my box has shipped early!
Clover wonder pins, Oh!! I hope for pinning quilts
Didn’t we already get Leila Boutique this year?
Just googled fabric with the saying, and lo and behold folktale came up. Yeah!
Whatever is in the box, you’ll will be drooling..everything is always top of the line
Maybe Winter Berries by Kathy Hall
I’m new to this group but I looked at FQS’s fabrics and wonder if Angles Snow Day might not be a treat, It looks really tempting!😉
Definitely Folktale — yeah! It’s lovely! https://lellaboutique.blogspot.com/2020/05/folktale-new-fabric-collection.html
I’m excited to be subscribed again!!! I subscribed to make my husbands deployment go by faster! Something to look forward to every month.
Boxes have not shipped…there was another email saying it was a mistake…won’t be Christmas as that is what the Jolly Box is for. Other that this, I haven’t a clue!
It looks like I’m one fo the few with no clue. Okay, I will guess something holiday-ish (the “wonder”). I can’t wait to see what’s in there regardless!
Love Folktale – Can’t wait for this box. I’ve been impatiently waiting for Folktale! Yaayyy!
Folktale by Lella Boutique
Definitely Folktale
Yes!!!!! Folklore!!!!! Woohoo!!! I am so excited!!!!!
Whoohoo! Hopi g it is Folktale by Lella Boutique!!!!😍😍😍😍😍
I would love some vintage fabrics. They are impossible to find near me and I love them!
Perhaps something related to nature.
Folktale by Lella Boutique
How about Wonder layer cake by Kate Birdie. (The Trumpet and the swan?)
I’m hoping it’s not Folktale because I’m already on the hook for reserved fat quarters. It’s not in the shop yet, either. Hope it’s the kate and birdie collection…
“Folktale” by Lella Boutique – such a lovely, soft palette.
OMG … I would luv to get Folktale fabrics. Any thing Lella Boutique, please!
Oh I hope you are right with Folktale. That line is beautiful ❤️
I think is Shine On Cannot wait to see what is the block Always a treat to behold. I am teaching my daughter how to quilt and enjoy sharing my goodies with her Good wishes at the dance competition.
I’m a new subscriber – and extremely excited to receive my first Sew Sampler! E.B. White is my favorite children’s book author…so I thought of farms, and the “wonder” of nature. So maybe Folktale? Whatever it is I’m sure I’ll love it!
E.B. White is truly wonderful himself. So whatever fabric has this quote on it must be wonderful as well! I’m going with Folktale as well.💙
My guess is Folktale ☺
I’m guessing Quotation by Zen Chic. They have a white neon sign on their landing page that says “you make me wonder”.
I will be excited about any of the fabric collections, but Folktale by Lella Boutique is beautiful, and certainly full of beautiful “wonder”. Hope it is, but(Hope it is!)
I’m excited about this one and positive I’m right…Folktale by Lella Boutique. Can’t wait!
“Little Tree” by Lella Boutique You can see it here:
So excited!
I’m thinking Folktale too❣️❣️
I would like to have “Quotation” by Zen fabric. The fabric will arrive in November, so perhaps we are the first having it.
Could it be Evergreen Farm. It says it is the most wonderful time of the year.
Folktale? But Folktale doesn’t have any pine needles 🧐
It’s Folktale by Lella Boutique. I saw the fabric on IG and a pic showed the quote.
I still haven’t received my October box. Called the first time and was given a tracking number. Went to USPS site to track, and found that number was someone in Dayton, Ohio. That definately was not me. Contacted local post office, they got the same result. Called Fat Quarter Shop back and was given the correct tracking number. Did a track on that and it definately came to my town but was delivered to the wrong address. Post Office contacted the address it was delivered to, and of course the people who occupy that address denied ever receiving any package from FQS. Called FQS back and was told “Well hope you can find it cause we don’t replace” Am really frustrated with The Sew Sampler from FQS, and the lack of assistance with this problem.
Wow…very surprised that they were unable to replace. Are they out of all the boxes? Can they refund?
You should put in a claim, the post office is at fault so they should be refunding you the money. I would think these boxes are insured, if not still fight for your money with USPS. Wish you luck
That disappoints me with FQS. 😠
I would put in a claim with the post office to be reimbursed. If you address was correct and they delivered to the wrong address, it should be on them.
Well… I think I’ve found it. It’s folktale by Lella Boutique. :|| This quote is on one of her fabric’s selvedges. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/106327241190751978/
I suspect the fabric is Folktale by Lella Boutique. See https://lellaboutique.blogspot.com/2020/05/a-fresh-batch-folktale-quilts.html and https://modafabrics.com/shop/search.do?keyword=Folktale&emailAddress=&searchType=keyword.
Well I was going to guess, but I happened on a comment where someone googled it and found that it will folktale, so much for guessing. Can’t wait to open my box and see all of the goodies in person. Such a treat each month. Thanks for your hard work in choosing wonderful surprises.
Leila Boutique – Folktale (googled it, and the result came up with picture of a quote on fabric border). Color palette is new and fresh so will be exciting to see what the project is. Love how these boxes provide a mix of my favorite designers and broaden my quilting project milieu. Love all the notions too – most are ones I’ve wanted but may otherwise not have splurged on.
I wish for Evergreen Farm or Quotation. We seem to get florals every month, I would love to get something different!
It’s Folktale, I love everything that comes in these boxes. Was going to cancel but decided against it.
Seems like it could be Folktale. I’m excited to see!
FOLKTALE hands down!
FOLKTALE for sure!
I would love it to be Folktale! Love that fabric line.
I think it is Folktale – at least that is what I am hoping for – love that collection!
To the person who’s box was lost, I agree that is on the post office not FQS. When the boxes are shipped out, a tracking number is provided in the email saying your box has shipped. You can use that to track your box with the USPS. I also believe that there is a limited supply of boxes, thus the wait list. So that may be why it cannot be replaced.
I believe it to be folktale as well,as I also googled it. I can’t wait too see what the notions are going to be, some thread would be nice. 😉