Today was Schoolhouse! For anyone who hasn’t attended Quilt Market before, Schoolhouse is a day packed full of lectures, classes, and demonstrations presented by designers, fabric companies, authors and anyone who has something new to show. Each session ranges from 10 minutes to an hour or more, and it is a constant go-go-go as you rush from class to class (just like real school, except you don’t feel like playing hooky). It’s a great time to connect with industry figures and catch a glimpse of the Market to come.
Feeling the love at Moda Schoolhouse |
Alex Veronelli of Aurifil with Carolyn Friedlander, Robert Kaufman designer. |
The ladies of Cotton + Steel |
Spring debut of Cotton + Steel |
All the great designers of Art Gallery Fabrics |
Tula Pink and her Moonshine collection |
Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts and Kimberly showing off her new mini quilts. |
Celebrate with Gina and Cindy of Riley Blake Designs |
Quilt Dad John Adams showing off a quilt from his new book Beyond Neutrals |
Kimberly and Gerri Robinson of Planted Seeds Designs |
Holly Holderman of LakeHouse and Penny Haren at the Checker Schoolhouse showing off the new LakeHouse pattern, Gypsy Strips duvet cover |
Heather Jones gushing about the new American Made Brand solids |
Violet Craft’s AMAZING quilt, Forest Abstractions from Brambleberries collection |
Kim Christopherson with her new fabric line Merry & Bright for Maywood Fabrics |
Just when you think you’ve had enough rushing around, then it’s time for Sample Spree. |
Try your best to get what you want and don’t get trampled! This is the scene from Moda Fabric’s POV |
This was our time to pick up some brand new bundles, many of which will become YOUR loot for our contests this weekend. Starting with one RIGHT NOW!
We are giving away a Fancy Fat Quarter Bundle by Lily Ashbury and a Rue Indienne Bundle by French General. Two lucky winners will win these Moda bundles!
For this year’s giveaway we are having a “Caption This!” contest. We will give you a photo, and you have to come up with a creative caption that goes along with the picture! Here is our first picture, with help from John Adams, the Quilt Dad:
To enter, all you need to do is to follow the instructions on Rafflecopter below! This contest will close on Friday, May 16th at 11:59 pm CST and the winners will be announced on Tuesday May 20th.
Now it’s time to rest up and get ready for Market tomorrow! Remember to check the Jolly Jabber tomorrow for market updates, giveaways, and more!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You know you want it!
My keys are in here somewhere!
Fat Quarter Shop has Quilt Market "in the bag"!
Got Fabric?
I came to quilt market and all I got was this bag!
The Aurifi. Goes here 🙂
Hey girl; I bought more fabric from that collection you're hoarding so you don't need to cut into it.
riddleandwhimsy [at] yahoo [dot] com
Psst! Don't tell Bonnie Sullivan, but I've got Bertie in here!
"I went to sample spree, and all I wanted was this FQS bag".
My wife went to quilt market and.. Oooh look! This one's got chocolate!
I got it, yeah! It's right in this bag!
Note to myself: Don't tell the other guys I really LOVE going to the quilt market.
HeyGirl, Alex snuck some Aurifil in here for you 😉
Honest in all fits in this one bag!
I got the last one – score!
I would love to go to the 'school', but the rush for fabric is a little scarey.
I don't always cart my own quilt swag, but when I do, I always use the escalator. Stay quilty my friends!
-Sincerely, The Most Interesting Man in the Quilting World
"Look! All the best stuff is from the Fat Quarter Shop! It's here in the bag."
Girls….Who put makeup in my stash bag!?
When the escalator broke down, I just waited patiently and checked out my awesome stash!
It's time to shop… At the Fat Quarter Shop!
"What happens in Pittsburg, stays in Pittsburg" or "What happens in Quilt Market, stays in Quilt Market"
So many bags with so little room! But THIS bag is where the good stuff is!
Hey, there's still a little space in my bag … I think I should get some more stuff!
Ths is the best bag of the lot!
What do you mean 'Your reel of thread is at the bottom of that bag'? Is that all you got me? And who's the rest of this stuff for?
You are having a great time and meeting all those bloggers in person is amazing
Heaven in a Fat Quarter Bag!
What you lookin' at…fool! (Mr. T flashback) LOL Thanks for all the QM photos too!!
Look what All I got at Quilt Market!
Fancy that!! Quilt Market has fancy fabric! Now that would make one fancy quilt!
Simply wonderful 🙂
It's in the bag!
Bag check?
Stairway to Heaven?! I'm already there!!!
Ha, I scored the best deal!
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Do you think we can fit all this stuff in HERE?
Who wouldn't leave their luggage to have these????
I bagged a bundle at Market!
JUST IN!! Quilt Father Hits Mother Lode at Sammple Spee Spring Quilt Market!
Shopped out, but this is the best!
"I got on….but how do I get off?"
Quilt Dad went to Market and all I got was this bag!
So much fabric….so little time.
"Bag Man & his Goodies"
This isn't half of it! You should see what I already loaded in the car!
My treasure
(With a scottish accent and think of Austin Powers) Get in my bag!
This was the best give a way!
My wife sent me out for milk and eggs. Oops!
Awesomeness at Fat Quarter Shop!
Fancy Fat Quarter Eye Candy…No Calories Invovled!
The Bag Man! kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
And the best stuff is in the Fat Quarter Shop Bag!
"I scored a free fat quarter bundle!"
I've got the kitchen sink too
Quick, call my phone, I think I lost it!
You are NOT going to believe what's in this bag!
I came, I saw, I SCORED!!
And this is just the first day at Quilt Market – OH MY!
Fat Quarter Shop – now this is what I'm talkin' about!
I have one of everything!
This one, your sure it's in this bag?
Fabric for breakfast, lunch, & dinner!
Ii've only just begun to shop!
Yinz gahn flip when you see what's in this bag!
(Pittsburgh gal here, you need to read that with a Yinzer accent!)
It's mine,all mine
"My red hat is in here…to go with my red shirt and shoes. Tomorrow will be green day."
Auditioning fabrics for my new Elevator Quilt!
"Seriously FQS, you expect me to fit all of my bundles from Sample Spree in here?"
Behind every quilter is a huge pile of fabric and a man to carry it all.
She told me to put my fat quarter down here and wait for her!
Do you think I have an ESCALATING fabric hoarding problem? Fat (Quarter) chance!
Nailed it!
I'm not moving from this spot till you give me all your fabric loot!
Look Mom, I got the fabric I wanted at sample spree!!!
I still have room in this bag for more fabric!
You can help carry the rest, but I will carry this one!
Yeah, I got this!
Been shoppin!!!
FQS will save the day when this escalator starts moving!
Heck, yeah, I got that! Give me a minute, it's in here somewhere?!!
Look what I got. Hope these stairs are going up.
That's right! I got the last left handed, ergonomic, color coordinated, rotary cutter they had. Uh huh! Don't hate.
I came just for this, but couldn't resist getting all this!
I told my wife I was only going to "window shop" bwahahaha
If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy!
Pooped papa poses with phabulous plunder!
This is IT!!! The big Secret!!!
Honey, can you hold my bag????
How did my cell phone get in here?!
I got a ton of amazing stuff, but THIS takes the cake!
Would LOVE those Fat Quarters!
Catch me if you can!
You want to know how many fat quarters in my bag? Hmmmm let's see!!!!
Great photo..
I shopped till I dropped at the Fat Quarter Shop.
I have to take SOMETHING home for the kids. Do you think they'll like fabric?
This is my bag of tricks from FQS… What's in your bag?
Look what I got. I dare you
Aurifil Threads…check
Moda samples….check
New BOMs and patterns…check
But don't leave Pittsburgh without the stuff in THIS bag!
You got a photo shout out in a photo on Esther Aliu's blog!
I should have brought the SUV…
I'm saving this bag if the escalator starts moving!
For Father's Day????? Yeah RIGHT!
And I thought all my sample spree booty would fit in this bag….
Papa's got a brand new bag!!
Heaven in a Bag right here peeps!!
Typical! The ladies left me to hold their purses while they shop some more.
I went to quilt market, and honestly, all i bought was one tiny piece of fabric.
What you got in the bag, Dad?
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Ain't nobody got room for dat non-essential stuff–I got da good stuff from FQ shop.
I'm really down with this fabric!
My Fat Quarters are right here!
….and you thought women were shoppers!!!
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OH MY!!! This thing moves!! Me and my bag are not going anywhere!!!!
It's all right here in the bag!
satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net
My next big project starts right in this bag.
Come on girls. I am your Quilt Daddy, in this bag I have some French General goodis for you.
This Is MY Escalator and My Bag Of Fat Quarter Goodies. Get Your Own.
Budget? Who has a Budget?
"But the bag was free…"
It's in the bag!
Too heavy for the escalator???—-it's this fat quarter right here that did it!!!!
Don't you wish you'd come with me to the Fat Quarter Shop!!
to market to market thats where i went,
i am sick i said in an email i sent,
to work i cannot come,
i went to the dentist for a bad tooth,
but all the time i was at this booth,
fat quarter shop i love you so,
that is where i spent all my dough.
i know you just ask for a caption, but i could not help but write this little ditty.
What do you MEAN one bag per customer?!?
"if you spent $1000, you got this awesome bag free! what else could I do??"
Does this bag clash with my shoes?
One little two little three little bags,four little five little bags…………
Mwaaaahaaaahaaaa. I made it, I made it, mwaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaaa.
Don't believe I can fit it all in here? Challenge accepted!
Ladies, come get your bags. Escalator due to start up again in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! And thank you!
I got you something, too! Right here in this bag.
Ummmm, Sex, Beer, or, YES Fat QuarterShop!
Thanks for the giveaway, love this fabric!
Take care, have fun, Leslie
First day of Market is in the bag!!!
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Ummmm, Sex, Beer, or, YES Fat QuarterShop!
Thanks for the giveaway, love this fabric!
Take care, have fun, Leslie
there's ALWAYS room for fat quarters!
"So many quilty things – so little time"
dbelliott at outlook dot com
Shopping blisters!
I pick THIS one.
You too can fit all your bags from quilt market into the Magic Fat Quarter Shop bag! Just like the Mary Poppins bag, it's bottomless!
Dad's got it in the bag with FQS!
The girls went shopping and left me with their boody
All these posts about the Quilt Market make me want to quilt instead of work!
But honey, I did remember the milk….its in here….somewhere 🙂
Thanks much for the market updates, you are the best !!!
You will not believe what I found!!! FABRIC – you want to touch it?
"Hint: It's in the bag!"
Lucky me…..all these goodie bags from Quilt Market!
tamiquilts at att dot net
I can't believe I left room in this bag!
Pamela Miller said: "Quilt Dad has your prize in this bag!"
Hoarders: The Beginning
Melanie B
This! is Mine! FQS is the bomb!
So many bags, but the best is FQS!
Help! Porter???
In Jerry Seinfeld's high pitched yelling voice, "Yes, a purse. I carry a purse!"
Sew many fabrics! Sew many ideas! Sew little time!
Movin' on up!
I know, I think I put the kids in here!
I got this!
I knew Kimberly would pack some snacks!
Those women asked me to watch their bags while they shopped, so I'm picking through them for my shopping spree.
"He ain't no drag; Papa's got a brand new bag…" James Brown 🙂
So many bags; so few hands!
"Let's just say it's all in the bag. But the real story is the rest of it is being delivered to the house. Like I haven't heard that before!"
(I tried entering with the rafflecopter but it wouldn't let me leave a comment.)
Fat Quarter Shop – The best bag in town!
Love the Lily Ashbury fabric!
This bag is mine! I don't know where the rest of these came from!
She said she was just running to the ladies and I believed her???
Honey, this is for you from your favorite fabric store, the Fat Quarter Shop! BUT, you can't see it until your birthday. : )
Daddy's got it all! And the best is in the BAG!
STOP THE ESCALATOR! I need to show you what I scored at the Fat Quarter Shop booth – its amazeballs I tell ya
Seriously, I only have this one bag. I don't know where all the others came from….wink wink!
How did I get stuck with all the bags??
Quick! Hide in this bag and I will sneak you into Quilt Market.
You want to use the escalator, you have to pay…….in fabric!
My seam ripper is in here and you ain't getting it.
"Psssst. Want some of the best fabric? I got it right here in this bag."
I found it!
Escalated Happiness!
Look! I still have room for more!
Just this little bag left to fill and I'll be finished with my market shopping.
I still have room in here!
Bam! The Aurifil's in the bag.
With all my loot in my bags I've got to run. I'm just itchin to get to stitchin!
Found them! They were here the whole time.
I am so going to keep this Aurifil for myself. Kimberly will never know where it went.
But I still have room! I can't be done just yet! More FQs please!
This is not my bag I must have taken it by mistake.
How many carry-ons am I allowed? And please tell me I put the scissors in my checked luggage!
I think I can fit a few more fat quarter bundles in this bag.
As much as I love my other bags, this Fat Quarter Shop bag has the best stuff!!
Oh wow!! Look what I have!!
"that's right. I have no shame for elbowing all those ladies to get this fabric loot."
I can fit more in here,
I know that I will.
There's fabric and samples,
This bag I can fill.
I'm tired, so pooped,
My red sneakers drooped,
But there's fabric, a show!!
So c'mon, let's go!!!
Thanks for the chance to share in the loot. VermontPines at aol dot com.
"I was getting hungry so the nice ladies promised to get me a layer cake and jelly roll from the Moda Bake Shop if I sat here and watched their bags!!!"
I just love these sit down escalaters,they are great when you shop til you drop.
So many bags….so little time to save all these bags before these stairs start moving again!
WAIT!!!! You want me to take the stairs??!!!
Bet you can't guess what I've got in here.
I'm looking for chocolate … I know it's in here somewhere!
Fat Quarter Shop is 'top of the heap'!
Where are the FQS package porters?!?
What is worse than a kid in a candy store? A quilter at a quilt shop…
See, I got plenty of room in here for more fabrics!
My wife says she bought quilt tools today. Do you see any Tools in there?
My wife will be so jealous of my new bag.
It's in the bag!
When I told Kim I would hold her bag I had no idea what I was getting myself into!
I only went in for one thing, and I came out with this!
Yes indeed, I saved the best for last. My Fat Quarter Shop is filled with stuff to die for!
Oh you mean this one? This is YOUR bag?
Bags n bags of treasure
Just Do it with Jolly Jabber!
I have something in this bag you are going to love. I guarantee it!
But honey, I didn't forget you! I got you a fat quarter treat.
Mom, look what i got you. So many choices so little time.
Look honey, I knew you'd want to be the first to have all these new fabric lines!
"Dude…I've got a brand new bag!"
Thanks for the giveaway!
Whos your Daddy????
I'd call this " Spree 2014 – it's in the BAG!"
I don't think that I got enough.
My bank account may be dead but it died to make me happy.
Hey Babe, you want some of this? Sew me.
Shop the best, leave the rest!!
Why am I always left holding the bags? What's in it for me?
You won't believe this!
Mwahahaha, you thought I'd hold your bag! Perfect way to score some sample spree swag!
Nothing has changed – I shopped all day and the best things are always from the Fat Quarter Shop!
I still have room for some more!
Going down?
I have the loot, waiting for the getaway car!!
This is all mine ! All mine! And my favourite is in this bag. Don't touch .All mine,mine…
They asked me to watch their bags, but I'm taking this one for myself!
"Just hold this. I'll be right back", she said – 3 hours ago!
Show me the Quarters!
Keep Calm
It's in the bag!
Veni, vidi, vici. Whew!
Raylynn (at) homemail (dot) com
I was just panhandling for a jelly roll or honey bun, but these quilters are really generous!
Whoa who's camera camera tripod?
Honey, I swear your Jelly Roll is right in here-it did'nt roll out and jam the escalator.
Beyond Neutral is in there somewhere…
A man can never have enough… bags.
My keys are in here somewhere!!
You want on this escalator?
There's a fee – add to my stash!
wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com
The Fat Quarter Shop bag is the winner bag.
The best stuff is in THIS bag! You've got to go here!
Quilt Dad chooses Fat Quarter Shop – and Father Knows Best!
I am so sad to NOT be at Quilt Market. It would help my deep depression if I could win the bundle. Pick me!!!!!!!!!
So much fabric I can't make it off the escalator.
When I carry a bag, FQS is my choice!
How do I carry all of this stuff?
I went to school and forgot my lunch!
You will not believe everything I got in these bags! Serious Loot!
If I didn't know better, I'd say "Left holding the bag(s)," but
I have a feeling those were his bags full of goodies!
And I told the TSA agent I can sew fit all of this in one carry on bag!
You want this?! Too bad all mine! Na Na Na