Sewcialites 2 Block 18 - Spellbound Block by Robin Pickens - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Sewcialites 2 Block 18 – Spellbound Block by Robin Pickens

We’re celebrating our quilting community with a free block of the week quilt along called the Sewcialites 2 Quilt Along. We’ve joined forces with 24 talented designers to bring you all-new, unique sampler blocks! If you’re just joining us, you can find all of the details on the Sewcialites 2 Supplies Page. This week we’re excited to share Block #18, designed by Robin Pickens!


This week’s designer is Robin Pickens (@robinpickens) and she made two Spellbound blocks, a 3″ in Wild Blossoms and a 6″ in Thatched Basics from Moda Fabrics. The Spellbound block is a fun patchwork design with potential for different looks like Robin’s blocks above.

Here’s what she had to share about her design, “I love doing little patchwork squares, but have to admit that sometimes sewing those little squares is a challenge. It makes me a little crazy to match corners of little patchwork and keep those squares a consistent size. What do I do about it? Well, the smaller the little squares, the more I turn to starching my fabric before cutting. That helps keep the small blocks in shape and manageable. The other thing I do is examine if I can do strip piecing for efficiency and I press to the side and not open, so I’m not opening the ends of seams. Whew! Love the look, but little patchwork squares do make me a little crazy!”

We’ve sewn the Spellbound block with different collections in all three size options. The 3″ block is sewn with Nutmeg by BasicGrey for Moda Fabrics, the 6″ block in Dwell by Camille Roskelley for Moda Fabrics, and the 9″ block using Cinnamon & Cream by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda Fabrics.

You can join Kimberly for a prerecorded sewing tutorial of the Spellbound block on Fat Quarter Shop’s YouTube Channel and below.

For reference, here are the sizes that she is sewing.

Blocks 1-89″
Blocks 9-166″
Blocks 17-243″

To learn more about the Sewcialites Quilt Along and how it works, visit the Sewcialites 2 Landing Page.

Ready to chat? Meet us in the Sewcialites Lounge

Meet your fellow Sewcialites by joining the Sewcialites Lounge on Facebook (where we will also be posting weekly updates and where you can ask questions).

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, and share your progress with the #Sewcialites2 hashtag so we can see and share your work! We’ll see you back here on the blog on Friday, March 10, for the next block release of our Sewcialites 2 Quilt Along!

Happy Quilting!

Stay connected to Fat Quarter Shop!


    1. I’m sewing the 3” blocks. My sister is also sewing the 3” blocks. It is our first time making such tiny blocks. We are learning a lot and enjoying this sewalong. Our mom is sewing sling making the 9” blocks and another sewing buddy is making the 6” blocks. I’m thinking of making the 6” blocks for another quilt that would match my dining room. Thank you for such a great program, I love watching your tutorials each week, So many helpful tips.

  1. I would like to make a 9inch block to show off the beautiful designs in Robin Pickens fabric . I so enjoyed your tutorial on block #18 this morning.
    Thank You,
    Rebecca Aguilar

  2. I just found this on you tube today. Totally love your Block 18 today so I just downloaded all the patterns tonight. Won’t be able to start on them yet as I have 4 other projects to finish up on first. Thanks for making this available!