Indulge yourself in the sights and sounds of Paris in the Springtime, all packed inside your March Sew Sampler box. The latest fabrics and notions couldn’t be more charming! Grab a baguette and a glass of wine and let’s reveal the contents of this sophisticated subscription box!
Chantilly Jolly Bar by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda Fabrics
Chantilly by Fig Tree Quilts has put the Spring back in our step! Tiny tendrils and blooming buds are blossoming in light tones of butter, peach, pink, cloud blue, taupe and mint green. You can find other signs of life amongst the strawberries and garden snails! This Jolly Bar is as refreshing as a warm Spring breeze.
Check out the full collection here.
Sew Hot Iron Rest by It’s Sew Emma
Rest your iron in between shots of steam and ardent pressing! This silicone iron rest in a minty fresh hue allows you to place your hot iron plate directly on the surface so you can ‘press on’ without it tipping over.
The molded pattern and inspirational message will look sew cute in your sewing room!
Tim Holtz 7″ Titanium Snips by Tonic Studios
With a non-stick coating to minimize adhesive build up, a micro-serrated cutting edge and Kushgrip handles for comfort, the Tim Holtz scissors are the perfect crafter’s companion.
A plastic cap is included for safe storage, which also helps to ensure the quality and sharpness of the scissors.
Peels Spool Hugger 12 Count Assortment by The Gypsy Quilter
Have you ever taken out your favorite spool of thread and found that it has become an unraveled mess?
Time to prevent this from happening by using these simple and stylish Peels Spool Huggers. They are made of an adjustable rubber that will fit almost any spool diameter. Includes a variety of blue, green, orange and pink peels.
Sprouts Quilt Pattern by Sew Sampler
Sew Sampler Box Exclusive
The Sprouts quilt is a little patch of happiness! This 48 1/2″ square project is a delightful design for Jolly Bars, such as the Chantilly Jolly Bar, and lets you work with a range of low volume and saturated prints. Alternating star blocks create exciting visual movement, and this pattern will be a perennial favorite to play with!
Sprouts Finishing Kit
While supplies last
Do you want to make a quilt just like ours? If so, we have made it super EASY for you by offering you a custom ‘Finishing Kit’ which includes background and binding (over 2 yards) needed to finish the 48.5″ square quilt.
Finishing Kit includes:
- 2.25 yards background – 12119-53
- 0.625 yard binding – 9900-34
Order 3.25 yards separately for backing.
Barn Block Recipe #12+ Barn Block Finishing by Sew Sampler
Join us as we travel the countryside and make twelve unique and inspiring Barn Blocks! If you are sewing along with us, be sure to share your quilt with us on social media using the following hashtag: #BARNBLOCKQUILT

Looks awesome…hopefully my box will come next week! I have been wanting the spool huggers! Was also hoping for the jolly bar rather than a charm pack.
Can’t wait to open my box and get started!
love the box! thank you
Soo happy with my box Thanks,feels like spring!
Contents of the March box are excellent!
I practically squealed with delight! Bar none, my most favorite box to date. Thank you!
I love the contents of my March box! First of all it was heavy when I picked i up and couldn’t guess what was in it. I LOVE the iron mat. I looked for one at the quilt show, but didn’t see any! THANK GOODNESS! Keep up the good workE
The March box contents are excellent, I really really like the iron rest!!
I just opened it this morning and love everything! I think it’s one of my favorite boxes…thanks so much.!
I love the March box. Everything is so cute. I have to say though, that it doesn’t scream Paris to me. I thought the clue was misleading.
I agree. The theme didn’t fit the contents to me. Nonetheless, the contents are great, as always!!
I just loved this months box so much. I so enjoy receiving this each month. I’m rather new and have only 4 months in and I was wondering how do I obtain the other recipe cards?
Just loved this month so much. I’m rather new with only membership for 4 months. Can you tell me how I can receive the other recipe cards?
Very happy with the box! Glad none of the guesses were right.
They’re for sale on the FQS website. Just search for Barn Blocks. 🙂
Loved the March box, thanks again for 2 sizes for the spouts pattern. Not much into the grey though for the background. I’m going to do mine in apricot. The iron pad will come in very handy at retreats where I forget I don’t have my Aliso that I have at home.
It was a great box. I loved everything and can use it all .
Thank you !
I liked the March box, too!
I loved this box so much. Great things I can use often. The fabric was so nice. I look forward to this box every month and this month I was not disappointed!
Great box! Those scissors are amazing (I think my actual thoughts ran along the lines of “these scissors are bad-a$$!! LOL)!! Love the iron rest. The fabric is beautiful. The thread huggers are something I really needed.
FQS, thank you, great job on this box! Although the fabric was not French General as many of us guessed, I am very HAPPY with Fig Tree Quilts Jolly Bar!!! Loved the notions, nice selection!
Ditto Shelley Jo! Thank you FQS!
This box is one of the best! I will use all the items plus I love that you included pattern for a larger quilt if we want to make it bigger…do that every time😘
It is a great box and enjoying everything! Keep up the good work.
Love the March box! One of my favorites. I didn’t get every box over the last year, but did get most of them. I won’t be using my barn block patterns and would love to share them with someone who wants them.
I only have 10, 11 and 12. Would like to have all…
Great box! Glad I got back in before the waitlist was started!
This was my least favorite box. Honestly, I can’t say I like anything in it. There was nothing new for me and I am not a fan of Fig Tree fabric. Anyone want my box, lol?
I wish I had one, the waiting list is dragggggingggg! (or I’m just really impatient, LOL) You guys who got a box are lucky!!
LOVED this box!!!
A homerun with the bases loaded!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Omg, this month’s box was fantastic!!!!!! I love every single thing. You guys are rockin it!!!
I thought about discontinuing awhile ago but have totally changed my mind!
They are getting better and better. Thanks so much!
So far so great! I love the last three months especially. Some of 2018 not so much. I really hope since there is a waiting list now, the FQS will continue all of the greatness in the boxes for us and not skimp on items since we are stuck, if we want to keep getting the boxes. I believe they will since there is so much wonderful fabrics and notions for the quilters now. Thank you FQS!!
I loved this box but I like all of them! Just an FYI. You can also use the spool Peels to put around cords. I put one on my phone cord it I have to take it with me. Thank you FQS!
IF I have to take it with me. Sorry for the typo
Great idea, I was hoping to hear more uses for that notion!
I look forward each month to getting my Sew SamplerBox!!!I love this Months box especially the iron rest!!! Thank You So Much!!!
Love, love, love the box this month! I can’t even pick my favorite thing, everything in there is great. The value is exceptional.
Thank you FQS.
I didn’t get an invoice this month 🙁
Isn’t there a way to set up an automatic payment? Not happy!
Laura, I’m so sorry about that! People can set up automatic payment with credit card and avoid all the PayPal hassles. Please email us or call us for assistance 1.866.826.2069
Absolutely love what I got this month!
Especially the scissors!
I love the March box. This is one of many boxes that are my favorites. Thank you.
Ive only been doing this for a few months and I look forward to it every month. This one is awesome. Thanks bunches! I love it
Love the March Box! Especially the scissors! Thank you FQS!
My favorite box so far! Great choices. I especially like the iron rest.
I have been a subscriber since the beginning, and this box was one of the best ever. I love the iron rest and the scissors, and I don’t mind duplicate notions when there’s actually a need for them (like the peels, which you can use an almost infinite amount, of and unlike seam rippers and rotary cutters of the same size–how many do you really need?).
One piece of advice: Don’t get overly invested in the clue or get your heart set on something because of what you think the clue is about. It seems to me from reading the comments every month that sometimes people are so convinced that they know what it’s going to be that they are then disappointed when it’s not what they thought. Instead, just be surprised and enjoy!
Love this box! The scissors are spectacular! Thanks for another wonderful array of items 💕
Loved the box! Rivaled last month’s box as my favorite. I will use everything! I especially liked the scissors. Looking forward to next month!
I love, love, love, my box! I love Paris. Thanks so much for the smiles I am enjoying this month.
I loved my March Box! It was all so great and the iron rest is my granddaughter’s favorite color. I have to admit thought that I have been using it as my foot pedal rest and it has been working great! It hasn’t moved once across the tile floor when I go to my sit and sews and retreats. Each month is like Christmas to me and I thank you all for my little “gifts”.
I love the March box! The iron rest is in my favorite color. Color me happy!!
Loved this box! Everything in it I have already put to good use! I especially like the extra pattern I got with the jolly bar. Gives me a hard decision on which pattern to use! By far my favorite box!
I lOVED this box and everything in it! I’m working on the quilt, I especially enjoyed the scissors and put them right to work. Well I can’t say I especially loved anything because I especially loved everything. I needed the thread holders and was about to buy them when they showed up in the box. Exciting, Loved the iron holder. Everything was perfect. Thanks so much!
Glad to hear it!
Yippee…got my box today! I love it all.
Great value and I get new stuff. The fabric is so pretty. I don’t usually pick that palette, but will make something pretty!
I love the surprise of these boxes and the creative new ideas and notions! Soooo much fun!
Love the March-box! Everything was super!
Different folks, different strokes. This was my least favorite of the five boxes I’ve received. I’m all about the fabrics and patterns, and I don’t LOVE the fabric. Nonetheless, I’ll make the project (ordered the finishing kit and some Chantilly backing fabric) and may end up loving it when it’s all said and done. That’s what I love about Sew Sampler boxes: They prompt me to invest time in projects I otherwise would blow right by. Most of the time, I’m glad I did. Oh, and March’s notions were terrific. As always, thanks, FQS!
I have enjoyed every box so far especially the March box. I have only received three boxes since I am new to the club and so glad I joined. Can’t wait to see what is coming next. Great job!!!
Wow the March box did not disappoint ! I love the scissors, the silicone iron mat, Chantilly fabric, and the thread spool covers along with the patterns. I am beyond pleased with everything that I have gotten so far! Thanks you for making every month seem like Christmas!