The School Spirit Quilt - Free Quilt Pattern by Fat Quarter Shop

School Spirit – A Free Quilt Pattern

Congrats to new graduates and continuing students! In honor of the Class of 2019, we’re rolling out our FREE School Spirit Quilt Pattern! It’s the right size to adorn a dorm room for college-bound students, and it can be customized with your school colors to show your team pride on game day!

About the Pattern

If you can sew a quarter inch seam, this quilt will be a cinch. It’s a beginner-friendly design with simple blocks using straight seams. The 66.5″ x 90.5″ quilt top can be customized to look fabulous in any school color palette!

Choose Your Colors

You can use this free downloadable school color guide to customize your own quilt. Below are just a few of the many color combinations you can use.

Michigan, maize and blue

USC, cardinal and gold

Texas Tech, red and black

You can make the School Spirit Quilt in colors to match your alma mater using this free color guide. Pick the colors that match your school.


Click to download free quilt pattern.

The School Spirit Quilt makes a nice gift for a grad or a gift for dad (Father’s Day is June 16). Download the free pattern.

Get inspiration and share your School Spirit Quilts with us using the hashtag #schoolspiritquilt.

In the comments below, tell us, do you have school spirit? What are your school colors?


  1. Purdue University – Old Gold and Black
    Mississippi State University – Maroon and White
    North Carolina State University – Red and White
    University of Florida – Orange and Blue
    University of Georgia – Bulldog Red and Arch Black

    That covers my whole family.

    Add in the previous generation and there is also:
    Cornell University – Carnelian Red and White
    Ball State University – Cardinal Red and White

  2. Washington State- Crimson and Gray
    Love that the orange quilt uses some prints and not just solids
    great idea!

  3. University of Wisconsin; cardinal and white
    Son 1 graduated from NC State: red and white
    Son 2 UNC-Charlotte white and green.

    I love this easy fun quilt.

    1. You can try these colors for Texas A&M

      9900-284 OR 8654-122

  4. Would love to know fabrics close to Carolina Blue—UNC-Chapel Hill. I and both my sons are alums.

  5. Yeah, so why no Texas A&M colors??? LOL I see you’ve got UT (listed first, no doubt) on the color guide…and I did take note of Kate Shaw’s recommendations above (thank you, Kate), but the total omission does NOT go unnoticed. Gig ’em!

    Thanks y’all,
    Sandy Whoop!

  6. I love that fabric. What is the name of it and do you still have it in stock?