Not Quite June Cleaver Interview - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Not Quite June Cleaver Interview

Susan Dahlem, author of Not Quite June Cleaver, asked to interview little ol’ me on her blog. It’s kind of strange and nice to be on the other side of the table! Go visit her blog, if not to actually read about me, to leave some comment love for Susan. Plus, a comment on the interview gets you entered to win this neat little prize pack of patterns, honoring Susan’s favorite vice (aprons!), and who knows, we might even have a coupon posted there as well…hmmm!

The prize pack has some Bari J in there, some ModKid Boutique, some Bunnyhill, Heather Bailey… good, good stuff!

Have a great weekend, and see you back on Monday when we conclude our Schnibbles giveaway! (So yes, you do have time to finish your quilt tops and take pictures!)

Good luck!


  1. Thank you again KIM! And the entries are adding up. Everyone is say the sweetest things about you! And love your shop! As do I!

  2. So nice to "see" you….love the store and how you have your website organized…Love the photos…makes it easy to shop online!

  3. That was a fun interview, Kim. It's always interesting to learn more about someone who is touching so many other lives. And a very generous giveaway, too!
    Leslie S. in MN

  4. I loved the interview! And you really kept your promis, why you wanted to start a webshop!
    I also liked the part where you say that one of your favorite things is also the TV. Not many people admit that, I think, at least not in the Netherlands.
    I finished my Schnibbles top today so will blog about it tonight. Once again a great pattern to make!!!

  5. Loved the interview, and getting to 'see' you. I've always dreamed about actually going to the Fat Quarter Shop to see all the fabrics. Alas, I guess I didn't realize that your store was online only. I visit your shop every day, and love your choices. Thank you! You're the best!
    Carol in Idaho.

  6. Oh Kimberely that was a great interview! It was so nice to get to know you a little! I too did not realize your shop was online only or that you had such little little ones! I don't know how you do it! Thanks so much for you and your shop (and kuddos to your staff too!) I look forward to meeting you IRL one day!

  7. Here from V and Co., but I have been a fan of yours for a while! I love your site! Everything I order is perfect! Thanks!!!

  8. Hi! Visiting via V and Co. :o) Enjoying your blog today. :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia
    Ps. Drop by my blog anytime.

  9. Love your blog and shop! I could literally spend hours (and I do) looking at all the stuff in your shop! LOVE IT!!1

  10. I love your shop and the Jolly Jabber!!! Thanks so much for always having the Fabrics that I love.. Thanks V&Co for the giveaway

  11. Just saw your giveaway on V & Co. I love, love, love your shop! I especially love the vintage reproduction fabrics. The Aunt Grace and Everything but the kitchen sink collections are awesome! I am collecting fabric for a vintage quilt for daughter, I will definitely be putting in an order with you!

  12. I'm sad that I've not known about your blog longer! I love the Fat Quarter Shop and just haven't seen that you have a blog. Thanks to V & Co. for sending me over this way, I'm a new follower!

  13. Vanessa sent me over to say hi! I am a faithful follower of your bloggity, fb, tweets, and I think you are purty darn awesome!

  14. I'm a regular reader of your blog (love both it and your shop) but just leaving another comment per Vanessa's request. 🙂

  15. Love, love your shop…as you can tell by my many purchases! Here from V & Co. and the giveaway….super sweet!

  16. I was sent by V and Co. to say "hi". I regularly read your blog and love your shop. Great products and fantastic service!!

  17. V and Co sent me here! Even though I visit the FatQuarterShop every week, I didn't realize there was a blog! I'll be back

  18. I'm visiting from V & Co's blog but I love seeing what you have new no matter what! I'm eagerly awaiting the order I placed just a few days ago. 🙂

  19. I came over from v&co and I'm so excited I found your blog. I love seeing all the new stuff that comes out and such cute patterns!

  20. Just came back from reading your interview, Kim! Loved reading more about you and the beginnings of the Fat Quarter Shop! Thanks for running your business so well and making it hard for everyone to resist ordering!

  21. V & Co sent me over to say "hi!" – I have to say, I've never seen your shop until today! It's delightful! 🙂

  22. love your shop, its on my favorites and my blog link! Didn't know you had a blog until I read it at V & Co.

    Made my first order not too long ago and got my first fat quarter delivery today, so excited to get sewing, waiting for my toddler to take a nap!!

  23. I found your shop through V&C. So exciting to find a store with so many cute things! I'll definitely be perusing the items in your store now.

  24. I never got my ducks in a row for schnibblees! augh! oh wel…p.s. V&co wanted to make sure I said hi!!

  25. I'm a frequent customer, but never knew you had a blog! V&Co sent me over and glad I checked it out.

  26. Found your blog via V and Co. Love it. I've loved your shop for awhile but didn't know about the blog until today. Adorable.

  27. I just found you through V&Co. and stopped by to say hello. I can't wait to see more of your blog and check oout the shop:>) Thanks for sponsoring a great give-away!

  28. I do love visiting your site; plus your facebook page is fun too. I've been looking several times today, but now it's V and Co that has me here! Thank you!!! 🙂

  29. I hope this is the right place to leave a comment. I just came from V&Co's blog and saw your giveaway. Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!

  30. What an awesome give away, and great interview to read.
    I just spent some time at V. and Co's site … awesome give away!!

  31. Love the quilt giveaway you are doing! What an awesome gift to give to someone. My grandmother would love this if I win!

  32. I was sent over by V and Co. I am already a follower of your blog and I really enjoy it. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  33. Wow, I hadn't even seen this post and I came back from V and Co. sending me. So now I have a chance to win some amazing apron patterns to. Here is hoping! Thanks for your amazing shop and blog!

  34. I was sent over via V and Co..but I'm here all the time anyhow so it was no great hardship 😉

    Love the Interview with Carrie..and can't wait to get my hands on some of her fabric when it comes out!

  35. I was invited to take a look at your blog by V & Co. I'm so glad I did! I can't wait to go and see what kinds of fun apron ideas are in store for Not Quite June Cleaver readers! I really like your site, and I'm so pleased to have been directed here. I look forward to more reading.

  36. Hey Kimberly, Vanessa at V and Co sent me over to have a look at your blog. Actually, I was just here but since she encouraged me, I am back again! Lovin' what you are doing at FQS and the Jabber.

  37. Within Nature, Chickens, Horses, Gardens and Quilting says

    Fist time doing this at Fat Quarter. I recieved my Butterfly garden Layer Cake I ordered and signed up for email and then on to blog. Wow! I can't stop reading all this neat stuff. So happy i found you!
