Kris' Tale of Good Cheer - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Kris’ Tale of Good Cheer

Kris wrote in to tell us about her mother, Mary, who is good will exemplified. Hearing about women (and men) like Mary is incredibly inspirational. Mary, if you are reading this, thank you for your legacy of humbleness and generosity! And HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!


My mom is the perfect example of someone with good will and good cheer. My mom, Mary Barr, has been a first grade teacher for 34 years. She loves all of her students and always goes above and beyond the call of duty of teacher, if needed. For example, if a student needed a backpack or a coat and my mom knew their family was in need, she’d provide one for that student. There have been countless years that she has played secret Santa to families of students in her room, that she knew otherwise would have no or very little presents. Likewise, she coordinates needy families from school with a ladies’ organization she belongs to and organizes present drives for the families.

Two weeks ago, the local Toys for Tots organization contacted her school about dropping off a drop-off box because they only had 4 toys so far in the entire county donated. I was personally with my mom as she went shopping, and her trunk had several large bags of toys to contribute. She always does acts of kindness like these, not to get any credit, but to enhance others’ welfare and well-being.

My mom also gives goodwill and service to her church. She provided 2 large dishes at Thanksgiving for families in need in our community that the church was hosting. She is often called up to provide food for fund raising dinners and funeral dinners. She always does it eagerly and with a smile. She is truly one of the happiest people I know, and I contribute that mostly to her duty and goodwill towards others.

This has been a very busy year for my mom. Not only is she still teaching and helping children everyday (including organizing and running an after-school tutoring program), but she sees to the daily needs of my grandmother who suffers from dementia, heart disease, and diabetes. She takes her to weekly doctor’s appointments, to get her hair done, as well as doing all of her laundry and meal preparations. She is so giving of herself, and I know she is very deserving of your good cheer giveaway, and that it would truly bless her.

Thank you,
Kris Paquette

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