Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief - Healing Hearts - Fat Quarter Shop

Healing Hearts for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief – Ways to Help with FQS

We at Fat Quarter Shop strive to represent the best parts of quilting – the joy of creating and the close sense of kinship with other quilters.  Right now we are called to highlight a different virtue of quilting, the ability to comfort and heal.  The past few weeks have left us in shock.  We don’t have words to describe the devastation and sorrow that Hurricane Harvey has left behind.  It has destroyed homes, livelihoods, and taken far too many lives in Texas, Louisiana and especially Houston, TX.  Now it has been directly followed by Hurricane Irma, impacting Florida and the Carribeans, while still continuing its destruction.

It is hard to describe the personal direct impact on us and our staff.  We are located in Central Texas, and many of our friends and families have been affected, at the least being cut off from necessities, at the worst having lost everything.  If you are one of the affected, know you are in our minds and hearts.  Even if you do not personally know someone affected, chances are you know someone who knows someone.  We are all linked, and we are all in this together.  For the moment, the best we can do is help the relief effort.  We hope you will join us in doing what we can.  If nothing else, please share this post with your family and friends.

Fat Quarter Shop is raising donations for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief in several ways.  The proceeds will go to the JJ Watt Foundation Houston Flood Relief Fund and the Rebuild Texas Fund to provide supplies, assistance, and support.

Justin J. Watts FoundationRebuild Texas Fund logo

We have designed a special Fat Quarter-friendly quilt pattern specifically for this relief effort.  “Healing Hearts” features chains of hearts, a tribute to the sense of unity we need in the wake of these storms.  If you make this quilt, please share it with #healingheartsquilt.

The Healing Hearts quilt pattern is available from now until October 31, 2017, and FQS will donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this pattern to the JJ Watt Foundation.

Healing Hearts quilt pattern by Fat Quarter Shop

From today through Thursday, September 14, 2017, FQS is donating 100% of proceeds from the sale of ALL Charm Packs to the JJ Watt Foundation.Charm Packs for Flood Relief

We have made a heartwarming sample quilt of the “Healing Hearts” quilt for auction on eBay, and FQS will donate 100% of the proceeds to the Rebuild Texas Fund.  The auction will end on September 21, 2017.

Fat Quarter Shop lovingly pieced this Healing Hearts quilt with Bee Basics by Lori Holt.  It was professionally long arm-quilted by with a beautiful feather design.  Thanks to Codi, Diane and Mike for donating their work and time to piece and quilt this.

Healing Hearts quilt for Hurricane Harvey flood relief

Healing Hearts quilt for Hurricane Harvey flood relief

Healing Hearts quilt for Hurricane Harvey flood relief

Healing Hearts quilt for Hurricane Harvey flood relief

FQS is also doing an internal staff fundraiser for the American Red Cross fund with a company match.

There are many worthy organizations working to provide immediate disaster relief in Houston.  If you want to directly donate to the relief effort, here is a list of organizations you might also consider:

Houston Food Bank

Houston Food Bank

Feeding TexasFeeding Texas Montgomery County Food Bank

Montgomery County Food Bank

Texas Diaper BankTexas Diaper Bank Greater Houston Community FoundationGreater Houston Community Foundation  Americares


Please help FQS raise funds that these hurricane relief victims and evacuees need, and please share this post with your family and friends.  Wherever and however you choose to help, thank you so much.


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  1. Thank you all. I live just south of Houston where the rain totals were the highest (depending on source, they say 45-54″). It is heart-wrenching to see my friends and neighbors continue to find damage and tear apart their homes after losing some to all of their normal lives. We all suffered the anxiety at a minimum. The pattern is lovely and the donations much needed here.

  2. I was so touched by this FQS decision to support relief efforts in this way that I immediately went “shopping” and purchased more than a dozen charm packs. I always look for sales, but had no reservation paying full price to help FQS sell out their entire inventory of Charm Packs. Please, folks, let’s clean out their stock so they can make a significant donation from the quilting community at large. You are all in the thoughts and prayers of us all.

    1. And guess what arrived today? Yep, my order from FQS including all 16 Charm Packs (and of course a few more couldn’t-resist treat) I ordered just 2 days ago!! Bravo, again, FQS!

      Sending everyone all the best as recovery efforts continue to strech far and wide.