Stop by and say hello to the shortest Santa to make an appearance on fabric. Monica Solorio-Snow from Lecien Fabrics and her adorable Gnoma Claus are here today to chat with us about winter time, holiday cheer and her highly anticipated Christmas collection, Winterkist.
Q: To what or whom would you dedicate this collection, or what inspired this collection?
A:Winterkist was inspired by my version of winter here on the NW Oregon coast. Living in Astoria, we see more rain than snow during the winter. I felt like celebrating rain to help soften the blow of never enough snow. I love snow and can’t get enough of it, so Winterkist represents snow and rain with rain bubbles and snowflakes. Winterkist was also a chance to bring back Gnoma Claus, my Santa gnome. Gnoma made an appearance in my Holiday Happy collection, but sadly his fate met the chopping block and only a red version of the panel made the cut. Now he’s back, bigger and more colorful than ever!
Q: What is your favorite project using this collection?
A:My favorite project so far is making my Peek-a-Boo Gnoma quilt. It’s a fairly easy quilt and my favorite part about it is putting all the different fabrics together and playing with them. But the best part by far is seeing what others will be making with Winterkist. You know how a salad always tastes better when someone else makes it? The same applies here.
Q: What would be your collection’s theme song?
A:My collection’s theme song, I would say anything by Randy Newman. Maybe his Short People song, just for Gnoma.
Q:If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?
A:There are so many movies and TV shows I’d like to live in! There’s a long list but here’s a few: anything Wes Anderson, Amalie, any Nanny McFhee, Miss Marple’s St. Mary Mead, and The Goonies (even though I live in Astoria!).
Q:What do you get nostalgic over?
A: I get nostalgic over food (taste and smell). Red cabbage reminds me of my mom, tapioca reminds me of my maternal grandmother, and homemade corn tortillas remind me of my paternal grandmother. Food is so social in my family, so food smells and tastes bring on so many happy memories and longing for home and family in California. I’m not fat – I’m just full of many happy memories!
Q:What is your favorite TV show of all time?
A: Right now my favorite TV show of all time is Parks and Recreation on NBC. While I’m in love with Downtown Abbey and all things the Dowager Countess, I am obsessed (um, just a *little*) with Nick Offerman’s “Ron Swanson” character on Parks & Rec.
Q:If you could be a modern day fictional character, who would you be?
Q:What’s the strangest compliment you’ve ever received?
A: I don’t know if this falls into the strange compliment category, but I’m often told I sound like Courtney Love. As in my voice, not my vocabulary.
Oh Monica!? I love her! She's great as her coloful rainy day Winterkist collection!
I love this fabric collection!!! It is so fun and cheerful. Hugs…
I love Monica and her fabrics!!
Just placed my order – thx so much for sharing your creativity! 🙂
The Winterkist collection is one of my favorite fabric lines of all time! It's a perfect way to brighten up the rainy Oregon coast winters. 🙂
Monica is my kind of woman, we would be good friends, I love snow also, and she is so sweet and family oriented. I've been waiting for this to appear, love the little Santas,, and also the quilt she made…
I feel like the wait has been so long for this gorgeous fabric, especially the delay from August to September! My order is in. I'm so glad Monica persisted with gnoma claus. Can't wait to play with this.
This is such a lovely range. My order is in and I have grand plans for this.
I love this collection and have lurked around Monica's blog for a long time. Love her designs!
Monica does it again! Another creative, beautiful collection!
Loved your comment, "I'm not fat – I'm just full of many happy memories!" Love that line – makes me think of possibilities for a new quilt. Thank you Monica!
Just brilliant! Love Monica's designs 🙂