Hey y’all! We interrupt our Dear Santa series to bring you this very important blog message from a lady we’ve been “clubbing” with for several years now! We love Darlene Zimmerman’s Clothesline Club because each month members receive a completely cute, doable project, with a color-illustrated pattern and a newsletter & recipe from Darlene.
Each project is kitted with her adorable ’30s repro prints (2010 will start with her The Three Bears line for Robert Kaufman Fabrics — see some of the projects for the coming months below). Now she needs your help! Give your feedback about her future projects, and one comment will win a Three Bears Fat Quarter Bundle & Charm Pack, generously donated by Robert Kaufman!
Greetings Clothesline Club fans!
I’m writing to you today from my very messy studio. Fabrics are stacked everywhere and my head is spinning! I would like your help in planning projects and topics for the newsletters for the upcoming two years (yep–I’m working on fabrics and projects for 2011).
How can you help? Please share with me what have been your favorite projects from Clothesline Club in the past and which new projects you’d like to see. Also, have you enjoyed the newsletters? I’d love to hear your suggestions for new topics for future newsletters. Have you tried any of the recipes? Would you like more recipes in the future?
Most of the time, when I’m not out teaching and lecturing somewhere, I’m at home working in my studio (sweatshop). I often feel very isolated from you, my friends, so please share your ideas for new projects and topics! I look forward to hearing from you.
I just love Darlene's projects and delightful fabrics.
All of Darlene's work is just so neat-keep up the good work!
Love, Linda
i honestly have not seen your stuff, but i am going to look into it. the pictures are cute, and your fabric looks darling also. i love recipe's and bake quite often. thank you and have a merry christmas
I like to have quick easy projects for the busy months, like December and harder projects for months like January when I have more time.
I love all the great prints in the 30's lines~ and love making things for all over the house, not just the bedrooms & kitchen. And quick, easy but yummy recipes are always a plus. 😉
very cute 3 bears stuff!
Darlenes projects are great but how about some decorative kitchen towels, some hand towels for the restroom and maybe some nostalic wall hangings for the laundry room.
Id love to see more projects with larger spaces showcasing all these terrific 30s fabric!
I have little girls, so magic, princesses, and kisses are rampant in our house. I need quick projects for things that are more than just doll blankets, like "magic carpets" and "secret keepers" (I imagine that as a doll, pillow, or blanket you could whisper secrets and wishes into or under for safe keeping) Also things you can cuddle under and read a book with, either by yourself or with your best friend/sister!!
I have enjoyed being a part of this club for two years. These are my favorite fabrics. I especially enjoy the newsletters and look forward to them every month. I'd enjoy seeing more projects for the kitchen such as more teapot cozies or pot holders,etc. The little apron hand towel was the cutest! One day I want to make a queen size quilt from your patterns and fabrics.
I like the table items but my favorite are the baby quilts. I usually make very brightly colored quilts and it's hard for me to plan a softer colored baby quilt but now I don't have to because I get them in the mail! These projects are "finishable".
I love the 1930's history, music and fabric! These projects are absolutely delightful!The newletter is well done and easy to read. I wouldn't change a thing, just please keep them coming!
I have not participated in this club but I have seen the projects. They are delightful. I enjoy the smaller projects like pincushions, potholders and placemats. Especially items I can give away as gifts.
I love that quilt pictured on the little girls bed. That is something I'd love to do. Something else I noticed with this line is that I really like the greens. Often I don't like the greens in reproduction fabrics because they're either washed out or electric. These look very nice.
Loved your club projects. Smaller items were my favorite and kitchen things.
I think more pillow projects would be great in the next two years. Pillows are such a nice size project, can be used in multiple rooms and are great for gifts too!
The 3 Bears fabric is new to me, but i like it and think I'd love working with the fabrics. I always like the recipes and think it's a plus. Thanks for the chance to win 3 Bears.
Darlene's fabrics are just adorable. '30's repro's are my favorite of all fabrics and Darlene's are the best of all the lines out there. I especially adore the variation of her childlike themes with animals and toys. I definetely enjoy reading the historical aspects. I would like to know where you get your inspiration and ideas for your fabric lines. Do you have favorite websites or people that you interview? What is your next line of fabric? and when will it be out? Can't wait to see the next line!!
Darlene's fabric line is beautiful. I recently started quilting again so I am not familiar with the club projects. I love to make wallhangings or small quilts and accessories for the home.
I am new to your fabrics, but they are adorable and most definitely ones I would use in my ornament and pillow making. Since you have the Three Bears fabric coming out, maybe you could stay with other fables and nursery rhymes for other fabric ideas?
I love 30's prints and especially Darlene's. I have two little granddaughters, and this fabric makes the cutest projects — keep them coming!
I loved this club, I love the projects,and I cannot wait till I can join again…sad to miss out on the three bears, those were some of the projects I was looking forward to!
I love your kits…They are fun to make and quick…I always have a kit going while I am making a large timely quilt..I like the kitchen aprons, tablecovers, placemats…Love your Christmas quilt…I could make more pillows…Keep them coming…
I have not been part of this club but I love the fabrics. I like how the patterns change from quick to a bit more time consuming each month. Place-mats and coasters are always fun.
I have not been a member of the club, but I am in love with the new line! I love small projects that I can make for my kids, and these fabrics are so charming! I can imagine lots of little retro doll clothes, or soft baby toys. I hope you include projects for kids in your club… These fabrics seem perfect for that!
My favorite is 30's fabric. I would love to win Darlene's fat quarter pack! I would probably make something with stars.
Honestly…don't really know much about the clothesline club but can say I've made a few of her small patterns using 30's prints in the past.
It seems each designer has their own niche of what they would like to share and it seems to be getting harder and harder to "reel" us in because so much is offered FREE now on the web and through blogs. It really needs to be GOOD to catch our eye and naturally with recession a fair price to pay.
To find topics and filler is a challenge for sure. Recipes are just filler/space killer…unless it is something relatively easy so we can spend more time quilting. Hee! Then you've always got the tips & tricks filler that we find in just about every magazine these days. I would suggest a minature mystery quilt, possibly some stitchery with quilting…quick and easy projects are ALWAYS a plus especially with so many quilt guilds looking for boutique items and then quilter's wanting teacher, neighbor and whoever else qifts. This year we've been put through the rick rack thing…I don't think that has died down just yet so incorporating some other embellishment ideas? Besides using the fabric just for quilting, why not show some other fun uses such as deco boxes, home decor items? How about a mini challenge using the new lines of fabric? Something fresh and exciting is a must.
I too like smaller projects so how about stuffed toys…a cow..or long horn steer…,Teddy bears of course..all sizes..from pincushion to pajama bag pillow;
and dinos…Maybe yellow and turquoise?
as far as cooking..slow cooker or serves just two..hubby and me :>)
thanks for such fun fabrics!!
I love all the quilt kits she puts together. The baby quilts are so cute with her adorable fabrics. Smaller projects would be nice too. Maybe set of something that would go together with previous month's project, for example, a baby doll and a doll quilt/pillow set. That would be super cute!
I really love Darlene's fabrics because they remind me of the early sixties and spending the night with my grandma. I feel as though just by looking at those wonderful designs that I can actually smell my grandma's old quilts that had hung outside on the cothes line. Thanks you for bringing those precious memories back!
I am in the process of "learning" about all that is involved in fabrics. What a beautiful medium.
I am not familiar with Darlene and her work but find these pictures attratctive. I think tutorials would be good to have and smaller projects would be nice. I look forward to following Darlene's works and hopefully trying and completing a new project. Merry Christmas to all.
Thank you for this opportunity,
It is always good to have new ideas for gift giving – placemats, pin cushions – But also love a good 30's quilt. Love the idea of a 30's mystery project, one that would work from a table topper size to queen size. Thank you for the opportunity Darlene – and I must say, you are one of the best teachers we have had at our quild in Mankato.
I love all the projects that I have received in the club, especially the baby quilts. I give baby quilts as shower gifts. I also like anything from table runners to bed size quilts
I really like smaller projects that are completed faster – so the reversible placemats sound great to me. Tried to find a completed projects page, but was not successful. Maybe you have (or want to create?) a Flickr or other group that shows them? It always is inspiring to see other quilt enthusiasts' finished projects, maybe even in different fabric lines than originally distributed. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Wow how did I miss that club?? I LOVE 30's repros and am in a BOM at a LQS using all 30's repros. I can't comment on the projects, because I obviously haven't made any, but I love the last quilt pictured here. Would love to know the pattern name!~
Sandy A in St. Louis
I love Darlene's fabrics. What I make the most are baby quilts. I love to do the trip around the world pattern.
Love all your 30's fabrics- in fact I am making a quilt with lots of them in it.
I love all the 30's prints. They make great baby and kid quilts and they also work wonderfully as placemats and tablerunners. They also work great with white borders or sashing. Please continue this beautiful line.
I love the Clothesline club I have been in it for 2 years I beleive!! I have to say I love the baby quilts, and aprons. The young mom's today seem to really enjoy the 30's baby quilts at least the ones I given to. I know that all the aprons are loved and wanted here in CA. I would love to see more of them both. I love the newsletter, I would love to see more tips from you! You seem to have some short cuts and I love those. I hope I posted to the right place! Thank you so much for having the clothesline club. I would always love more of your fabric line!!!! Merry Christmas.Sheri W