Winner: Me and My Sister's Designer Select - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Winner: Me and My Sister’s Designer Select

Last week we left you with a little game for a chance to win one of Me and My Sister’s Designer Select Fat Quarter Bundles. Are you ready to find out if you are the winner? Let’s get to it!

We were left with Me and My Sister’s two truths and a lie.
1. Some of the Ticklish prints are available in flannel.
2. There are 40 prints in this collection.
—-> LIE 3. Mary hates the color pink!

And our lucky winner is…..
B Greene said…
#3 is false. Mary must love the color pink!

Thank you for playing! B Greene, please send your full shipping address to chelsey[at]fatquartershop[dot]com to claim your prize! We hope you enjoy the bundle! Everyone else, pick up a Me and My Sister’s Designer Select Fat Quarter Bundle right here!