Thanks for joining us on our Twitter adventure! I think you guys will love being able to stay on top of everything new and fresh at Fat Quarter Shop in such an easy way!
And if you want to communicate with us via Twitter, it’s simple — in your “What are you doing?” box, type in “@FatQuarterShop” and then your message or question…try it out. We’ll try to respond as soon as we can. And no worries, we’re still learning too…
But you came here to see who the winner of the Spring Magic Fat Quarter Bundle is…
Congratulations to debbieoz!
E-mail your name and shipping info to Mindy and we’ll get your lovely Fat Quarter Bundle right out to you.
Thanks for playing, and keep checking back because we’ve got some more exciting things to share with you!
Thanks for a great contest! What a nice way to introduce someone to some new fabric 🙂
Congrats to DebbieOz! That’s a great bundle! I’m still figuring out the Twitter thing. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Wait, don’t answer that! LOL
Congratulations to the winners. I love that fabric line!
Thanks for teaching us how to leave messages on twitter. There’s so much to learn!
I couldn’t and still can’t figure out that twitter. Hope you have contests for us over here too. 😀