Read, Set, Go Winner + Voting! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Read, Set, Go Winner + Voting!

Today I get to announce the winner of Ann Kelle’s Ready, Set, Go! fat quarter set from my post last week, Ready, Set, Go AND let us Giveaway! I know everyone one is pumped up for this one! Well let us get to it, give me a drum roll please….

…..and the winner is….

“wow these are so so cute. I liked Ann Kelle and Fat Quarter Shop on facebook!”

Congratulation Laura! E-mail stephanie[at]fatquartershop[dot]com with your full shipping address to claim your prize!  
Also, don’t forget to go vote in the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards for your favorite shop, designer, product and more on SewCalGal’s blog! (And yes, she has a giveaway involved too.)


  1. Congratulations to Laura. Beautiful fabrics will surely make a beautiful quilt.

    And thank you to Fat Quarter Shop for the shout out about voting for your favorite nominee in the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards. I do hope everyone will pop on over to vote, thereby recognizing your favorites who have made our world of quilting so wonderful.
