Quilt Market Spring 2012: Goodbye Kansas City! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Quilt Market Spring 2012: Goodbye Kansas City!

We’re sad to say that Quilt Market Spring 2012 has officially come to an end for us. We hope you enjoyed experiencing it all right along with us; there were definitely tons of amazing things to see! (In case you missed it, we only have about a million and a half photos posted on Facebook and Flickr, not to mention all our tweets on Twitter…#quiltmarket)! 
And now, before we have to go, we’d love to show you just a little more of the amazingness! Oh, and the winner, we almost forgot! This year’s Booth Winner was…
1st Place Single Booth: Bari J.
1st Place Double Booth: Art Gallery Fabrics
1st Place Multiple Booth: Michael Miller Fabrics! 
They seriously deserved to win, too! Just look at these booths:
Bari J. for Art Gallery Fabrics
Art Gallery Fabrics
Michael Miller Fabrics
Everything at Market was amazing this year! We all had so much fun and loved seeing everything. Despite the wide variety of fabric and projects, though, we each had our own favorite…
Kim has fallen in love with Marmalade by Bonnie & Camille for Moda Fabrics.
Kevin cant wait for the Dr. Seuss Snuggles to come in! They are so soft and minky and should be here any day now!
Debbie has claimed that Pam Kitty Love just might be her favorite collection of all time!

Sarah took an instant liking to Out to Sea by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics.
Jocelyn loves the whimsy of Gypsy Girl by Lily Ashbury for Moda Fabrics.

Stephanie was a big fan of Amy Butler’s new collection, Cameo.
Jessica was immediately drawn to the vibrant colors and clean print in Simply Color by V & Co. for Moda Fabrics.
Aren’t those collections great?! Watch for them all on our Coming Soon page! It’s hard to believe we have to leave the beautiful world of Market and go back to Texas now…but don’t be too sad–we still have a few good tricks up our sleeve!
We are planning on announcing the 3 lucky winners of some fabulously great new Moda collections in tomorrow’s post! Seriously folks, don’t miss it! That lucky winner could be you!
And, we will also be recapping something we are very, very proud of…22 It’s Sew Emma projects all displayed throughout Market! Can you believe it?! We are so proud and thankful for all the positive reactions we have gotten to our quilts and patterns; we couldn’t have done it without all of you!

So, now that we’ve got you all pumped up and excited for our final Market blog post tomorrow, we must say goodbye! That’s right, we’ve got a plane to catch!


  1. I've really enjoyed everything you've shared from Market – thanks guys!
    Congrats on the success of your It's Sew Emma patterns – it must be thrilling to see so many project displayed at Market.
    Safe journey home!

  2. This was such fun market to see on the blogs, so many new and wonderful fabrics and patterns. I just love the elephants, so fun.


  3. Noooooo!!!! I dont want it to be over!!!! Thank you so much again for your amazing photos and blog posts and facebook updates about Quilt Market!!! I so look forward to you all keeping us poor souls that cant attend up to date. I have looked forward to getting up each morning (I am in Australia) and catching up on all your tweets. I have sat down and carefully studied the photos and made a list of fabrics and patterns I would like to maybe get. Thank you again Fat Quarter Shop. You are amazing!!!

  4. Safe travels back home for you all. Get lots of rest. I'm sure you're all ready for that. I can't wait to see more tomorrow so hopefully you aren't too wiped out to get up and show us more. lol

    Thank you for the great pics.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Vanessa's booth. She looks so calm sitting there too like she's a pro. LOVE her new fabrics and am very much hoping to buy a bunch of those for sure.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to post information and photos about the sights at Market. I know it took much time and effort. So, wanted you to know that it is much appreciated. Congratulations on a great reception at Market to your pattern line.

  6. Thanks tons for sharing all the great patterns, books, and delicious fabrics with us. There was something for each of our tastes! Thanks much!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing Market with us! It was wonderful, judging by your great photos and super giveaways! Thanks again…safe traveling!

  8. Thank you for sharing the market, I now have a looooong list of must have fabric here in Copenhagen 🙂

  9. Thanks for all of the gorgeous pix and news….it's been wonderful to "see" the market all the way from SC!! Hoping for safe and uneventful travels to your home!

  10. All I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow! You all did greaaaaaaaaaaaat! And Jessica I'm with you I LOVE Simply Color!!!
    Thanks for taking us all to Market!!

  11. No sore feet, no not knowing where to go next, no decisions on what I want – so many wonderful choices, so different yet wantable ro feel and touch. Thanks for all the insight.
    Look forward to tomorrow.