Hello! I’m Melissa from Sew Bitter Sweet Designs. I’m here to show you how to use HST (Half Square Triangle) Papers. I love this method! I made 20 HSTs in 20 minutes – and I didn’t have to draw a SINGLE LINE!
These are one of my favorite new quilting tools – they make sewing HSTs quick, easy and painless!
You will need the HST size paper of your choice – I am using the 3″ finished HST papers here. Select two different fabrics and cut your fabrics slightly wider than your HST paper.
I wanted to make 20 HSTs, so I cut 5 squares long by 2 wide on the paper roll. With your fabric right sides together (RST), pin the paper on top.
Follow the arrows and sew along the dashed lines.
Use your rotary cutter and a ruler – cut along the solid lines.
Tear off the paper, press your seams open, and remove the dog ears.
There is virtually NO waste using this method – I made 20 HSTs and the vast majority of the waste was the dog ears.
I arranged by HSTs to make this beautiful 12″ square – use a 1/4″ seam when sewing this block.
Do you like my fabric? It is Ruby by Bonnie & Camille.
Giveaway coming to my blog soon for Triangle paper – stay tuned!
Sew BitterSweet Designs
Thank you for having me here today! It was so much fun writing this tutorial and playing with the Triangle paper – I may never go back to drawing lines for HSTs again!
This is great. I'd seen this paper before but hadn't seen any tutorials about using it. It looks wonderful.
Thanks Melissa
Wow Melissa, great tutorial on an awesome notion. Thanks for sharing a quick tool that minimizes waste and maximizes fabric use. I love it!
I want some of this paper right now!! What an awesome notion… thanks for sharing how to use it with us!8
Wow,a cool notion that I never even knew that I needed! Thanks for the tutorial Melissa 🙂
Your fabric is very pretty.
Thank you Melissa. I got to give that a try…it looks like it will be fun and easy!
have seen the triangle paper, but never paid attention to it, not knowing how to use them, and never taking the time to read the blubs. thanx to your great tut i can give them a try now!
cool! I've never seen that before!!!
That was a great tutorial and how awesome not to draw lines anymore. Thanks Melissa!
Well, look at you Melissa! You did a great job! And how pleasant it was to find you here. 🙂
Hola soy Begoña desde españa ,y me ha encantado ese tutorial te facilita mucho el trabajo y se hace rapido y limpio ¿donde puedo encontrar ese papel aqui? saludos Begoña