Lori Holt Week Day 2 at Fat Quarter Shop - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Lori Holt Week Day 2 at Fat Quarter Shop

Hi everyone! It’s day 2 of our Lori Holt Week celebration where we are bringing you something sweet everyday!
We have a double the fun today with our Two for Tuesday deals! Our first deal is 30% OFF Lori Holt Shirts. This deal ends at 10 PM CST but we will have a new deal starting 10:01 PM CST until 10 am CST. Want a little hint of our next deal? It’s a necessity in our sewing room like food is a necessity in our lives, and it’s so yummy and sweet that it rhymes with “bread”. 


  1. Modern minis does not rhyme with bread. Will you have another Lori deal today since it is Tuesday?