Today is dedicated to your beloved sewing machine or machines that have been there throughout all of your quilting and sewing adventures! Let us know what’s your favorite machine is and why you love them!
I absolutely love my old Pfaff machine. It has been a fantastic machine to learn to quilt on and I love it.
I learned to sew on my Mom's old singer (still working today), used an old Kenmore when in 4-H (still working), have had a few Brothers (not with us any more), now a new Juki (love), but my favorite – my old gal workhorse New Home. I pet and thank her every day.
My favorite sewing machine right now is my Necchi BU from the very early 1950's that I treadle to make quilts. While I also use it for alterations, patchwork, and piecework, my favorite use for it is to machine quilt.
Two Bernina machines are available for me to sew projects–my 25 year old Model 1020 and an 8 yr old Artista 640. Together, we have been creative sewers of clothing and quilts (and lots of mending).
I love my many-years-old Janome 9000 that was a hand-me-down from my MIL. It is dependable and does all I need and more. Best hand-me-down ever!
My pfaff,she gets me through All kinds of projects! The last one being the weekender bag by amy butler. Having the I DT system is great!
After trying several and having owned a Singer and a Brother, I love Janome , I got a new Janome and I will not go back to anything else..
I learned to sew on a 50's Singer, my first purchase was a Singer, and now I take a Centennial Singer Featherweight to workshops. But at home I sew on a Janome!
My Bernina 830. I've had her for 38 years. She's the best!
I used to sew on a Brother Innovis, but recently upgraded to a Babylock Symphony. I love her to death!! She's so awesome!! Yay for National Sewing day!
My favorite sewing machine…even though I've never sewn on it…is the vintage White treadle that was my paternal Grandma's. My Grandpa had put a motor on it and one day when I was visiting him after Grandma died, he asked if there was something special of hers I would like. I told him it was her sewing machine…and I'd take the motor off to have it as a treadle. Grandpa was still using that machine to repair his clothes, and I kinda forgot about it. After grandpa died & I was helping to clean out his house, my Dad came over to me & told me that Grandpa left a not on the sewing machine that it was to be mine! And the best part is…sometime before he died, he took the motor off, so I have that machine in all her glory and in her original state. She's now my bedside table & I think of Grandma & Grandpa every time I see it…which is often.
My favorite sewing machine is the one I have now, a Janome 3160. I used another Janome for 20 years, which I use now to teach neighborhood children to sew. I grew up sewing on my Mother's Kenmore, which was in a pretty little cabinet. I wish I knew where that machine was retired to, but I haven't seen it in many years. I spent many, many creative hours on that sewing machine.
I sewed on nothing but a Kenmore most of my sewing life, but now I have fabulous Janome and Brother machines that I love, love, love!
The Singer 1956 99K that has been my only machine most of my adult life. She is very reliable, always there when I need her in the 8 states I've lived and the more than 50 years I have had her. For me there is nothing like a stalwart old Singer. Also love my two "new" Singers a 1924 handcrank and a 1899 treadle that I'm looking forward to quilting on. Happy Sewing Machine Day to all!!
I still sew on the first machine I ever owned, a Kenmore. I have a Singer that I won in a giveaway, but the Kenmore is my favorite.
Love my Janome 6600. With the Accufeed feet I can do beautiful straight quilting and with some nifty little darning feet I am having a great time practicing, practicing, and more practicing my FMQ and I do get better everytime! I used a Janome 3150 for a few years and still take it to classes, but I prefer to quilt on the 6600.
I love my Pfaff 2056!!!!! I have put it through so many projects and it has never disappointed or left me stranded. I love the IDT System and my Aunt Billie who gifted it to me. Aunt Billie is gone now and it make my Pfaff even more special.
The first machine I bought when I started working was a Kenmore. A few years ago when I decided to upgrade, a Kenmore seem reasonable since the first one lasted over 40 years and was still working great. I wouldn't mind trying out one of the more expensive machines but… why mess with success?
I still love my Singer that is 38 years old. My mom and dad bought it for me when I was pregnant with my first child. I have a Viking Designer II and every time the light bulb goes out, I have to take it to the repair shop and have it replaced. The repairman has to totally take the housing apart to get to the light bulb. That's makes a very expensive light bulb change. And I have not used it that much and the back stitch button doesn't work most of the time. I'm ready to go back to my old Singer.
I have a Janome Horizon-newer model, that is wonderful. I also have a Singer featherweight that is so darn cute.
I love my Huqsvarna Viking H Class 100Q. It is the ideal size to push back and forth across my narrow work table/cutting table/sewing table (yes – it really does have to do all those things and it is only 20" deep!). It is also perfect for making mug rugs – which I'm totally addicted to.
My first machine, about 50 years ago, was a White, which my daughter has and uses on occasion. The next was a Bernina, about 40 years ago, which I use on occasion, but my favorite is my Janome 9000, purchased new and use for all my quilting and sewing. Having 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, it has gotten a tremendous workout, but, like the Energizer Bunny, takes a lickin and keeps on tickin!
Jane is my Janome 4000 that has helped me make so many quilts and doll clothes. I have had her since 1995 and she has never failed me. But I have moved up and my new guy is Makim ,a 2010Q Juki. This machine seems to be a giant and I think will help me even more as I continue my quilting journey. Maggey
I went from a Viking freesia to the Janome 6600 that my husband got me for my birthday a year ago — what a difference! I love my machine and feel like I went from kind of hating to sew to wanting to sew all the time.
I have always had a Bernina. My first sewing machine 48 years ago was aBernina 830 and it is still going strong totay. I did buy newer Bernina about 2 years ago, but I still have the old one.
I had an Elna Electronic ZZ from the 70's that I bought used. It sewed 100's of quilts without hesitation but finally died as replacement parts are no longer available. Sigh! So sad. I purchased a used Bernina about 15 years ago and am very pleased with it. I love my Mom's treadle Singer – not because I ever sew on it, but because it reminds me of her!
My parents got me a New Home Memory Craft 6000 when I was a design student in 1989. I still sew on it and love it dearly. Today New Home has become Janome and the Memory Craft is still the same in many ways to my old machine.
I love my Bernina 630!
I have a Janome 7700 QCP that I bought 2 years ago and I adore her. She is an absolute dream to sew on … But in spite of all of her great features and smooth, quiet stitching, I still have to say my faithful Singer will always be my favorite. Now almost 50 years old, purchased for $40, as a refurbished machine turned in by one of the school districts when they upgraded their Home Economics machines. All cleaning and service directions and tools, came with the Singer and in all the years I've owned it, it has never had to been to a shop for service or repairs. What a trooper!!!
I own 2 Babylocks and my favorite is my Babylock Crescendo. It has fabulous lighting and huge throat space. It features more stitches than I would ever use, is reliable and quiet.
I have a bernina 750 on order can't wait for it to come hoping next week. In the meantime my bernina activa 130 is my machine
I bought myself a retirement present of a Janome and I love it! I also have a vintage brother and love it, too.
I've always loved my New Home, then Janome- and I still have 2 of them. Also love my Featherweight that was GIVEN to me (for retreats). And NOW I'm really smitten with my new Brother Quattro (even tho I know it'll be "obsolete" pretty soon!)
I have two Singers and one Brother and I love them all. Sewing is so much fun.
Baby Lock is my favorite, I'm going to upgrade soon to a Quest Plus, but my Pro Line is still going strong 🙂
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I learned to sew on my Mama's Pfaff treadle that she brought to the USA in 1956. Over the years, I have owned a Singer Stylist, a Brother and in the past three years, I have purchased a Pfaff Expression 4.0, a Bernina 710 and a Juki. The Pfaff is my winner for sewing and piecing quilts, the Bernina for FMQ, and the Juki for sashiko stitching (cause the other two just don't do that stitch as well as the Juki). Now that I have collected all my toys, I can sew and play to my hearts content. I am a happy seamstress!
I love Big Brother, my Brother PQ-1500Q, for quilting tops. His straight stitch us incredible and never changes no matter what the design I'm quilting. For piecing, applique and embroidery, my Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 can't be beat.
I learned to sew on my mom's old Singer. She is 87 years old and still uses it, it has never left her house. My first machine was a Singer, bought in 1974. I still have it, although, I now use a Baby Lock that has an embroidery unit.LOVE it!
My favorite is my Bernina 440. It is a great machine and my husband bought it for me for our 20th anniversary.
I worked hard to put my husband through college without any student loans, yea! In return, with his first paycheck he bought my Bernina 1230 that I am still using and love love love! Both of them, 20 years later!
I am surprised at the number of folks who use older machines. I bought a Singer 327 second-hand when my girls were small and I still love it. It's turquoise (so on-trend right now … LOL!), built in 1967 in Great Britain. It is a wonderfully heavy workhorse and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
My favorite is my Pfaff Tiptronic 6230…I have had her for about 15 years or so…she has a great stitch and lots of power.
Absolutely love my Pfaff 2020; it's a workhorse. Also, have a Pfaff performance 2058 that does more than I need, but also a great machine. On a side note, I just purchased a 1951 Singer Featherweight mfg. in Scotland. It's a gorgeous machine that sews extremely well and is very quiet.
I absolutely love my old Pfaff machine. It has been a fantastic machine to learn to quilt on and I love it.
I learned to sew on my Mom's old singer (still working today), used an old Kenmore when in 4-H (still working), have had a few Brothers (not with us any more), now a new Juki (love), but my favorite – my old gal workhorse New Home. I pet and thank her every day.
My favorite sewing machine right now is my Necchi BU from the very early 1950's that I treadle to make quilts. While I also use it for alterations, patchwork, and piecework, my favorite use for it is to machine quilt.
Two Bernina machines are available for me to sew projects–my 25 year old Model 1020 and an 8 yr old Artista 640. Together, we have been creative sewers of clothing and quilts (and lots of mending).
I love my many-years-old Janome 9000 that was a hand-me-down from my MIL. It is dependable and does all I need and more. Best hand-me-down ever!
My pfaff,she gets me through All kinds of projects! The last one being the weekender bag by amy butler. Having the I DT system is great!
After trying several and having owned a Singer and a Brother, I love Janome , I got a new Janome and I will not go back to anything else..
I learned to sew on a 50's Singer, my first purchase was a Singer, and now I take a Centennial Singer Featherweight to workshops. But at home I sew on a Janome!
My Bernina 830. I've had her for 38 years. She's the best!
I used to sew on a Brother Innovis, but recently upgraded to a Babylock Symphony. I love her to death!! She's so awesome!! Yay for National Sewing day!
My favorite sewing machine…even though I've never sewn on it…is the vintage White treadle that was my paternal Grandma's. My Grandpa had put a motor on it and one day when I was visiting him after Grandma died, he asked if there was something special of hers I would like. I told him it was her sewing machine…and I'd take the motor off to have it as a treadle. Grandpa was still using that machine to repair his clothes, and I kinda forgot about it. After grandpa died & I was helping to clean out his house, my Dad came over to me & told me that Grandpa left a not on the sewing machine that it was to be mine! And the best part is…sometime before he died, he took the motor off, so I have that machine in all her glory and in her original state. She's now my bedside table & I think of Grandma & Grandpa every time I see it…which is often.
My favorite sewing machine is the one I have now, a Janome 3160. I used another Janome for 20 years, which I use now to teach neighborhood children to sew. I grew up sewing on my Mother's Kenmore, which was in a pretty little cabinet. I wish I knew where that machine was retired to, but I haven't seen it in many years. I spent many, many creative hours on that sewing machine.
I sewed on nothing but a Kenmore most of my sewing life, but now I have fabulous Janome and Brother machines that I love, love, love!
The Singer 1956 99K that has been my only machine most of my adult life. She is very reliable, always there when I need her in the 8 states I've lived and the more than 50 years I have had her. For me there is nothing like a stalwart old Singer. Also love my two "new" Singers a 1924 handcrank and a 1899 treadle that I'm looking forward to quilting on.
Happy Sewing Machine Day to all!!
I still sew on the first machine I ever owned, a Kenmore. I have a Singer that I won in a giveaway, but the Kenmore is my favorite.
Love my Janome 6600. With the Accufeed feet I can do beautiful straight quilting and with some nifty little darning feet I am having a great time practicing, practicing, and more practicing my FMQ and I do get better everytime! I used a Janome 3150 for a few years and still take it to classes, but I prefer to quilt on the 6600.
I love my Pfaff 2056!!!!! I have put it through so many projects and it has never disappointed or left me stranded. I love the IDT System and my Aunt Billie who gifted it to me. Aunt Billie is gone now and it make my Pfaff even more special.
The first machine I bought when I started working was a Kenmore. A few years ago when I decided to upgrade, a Kenmore seem reasonable since the first one lasted over 40 years and was still working great. I wouldn't mind trying out one of the more expensive machines but… why mess with success?
I still love my Singer that is 38 years old. My mom and dad bought it for me when I was pregnant with my first child. I have a Viking Designer II and every time the light bulb goes out, I have to take it to the repair shop and have it replaced. The repairman has to totally take the housing apart to get to the light bulb. That's makes a very expensive light bulb change. And I have not used it that much and the back stitch button doesn't work most of the time. I'm ready to go back to my old Singer.
I have a Janome Horizon-newer model, that is wonderful. I also have a Singer featherweight that is so darn cute.
I love my Huqsvarna Viking H Class 100Q. It is the ideal size to push back and forth across my narrow work table/cutting table/sewing table (yes – it really does have to do all those things and it is only 20" deep!). It is also perfect for making mug rugs – which I'm totally addicted to.
My first machine, about 50 years ago, was a White, which my daughter has and uses on occasion. The next was a Bernina, about 40 years ago, which I use on occasion, but my favorite is my Janome 9000, purchased new and use for all my quilting and sewing. Having 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, it has gotten a tremendous workout, but, like the Energizer Bunny, takes a lickin and keeps on tickin!
Jane is my Janome 4000 that has helped me make so many quilts and doll clothes. I have had her since 1995 and she has never failed me. But I have moved up and my new guy is Makim ,a 2010Q Juki. This machine seems to be a giant and I think will help me even more as I continue my quilting journey.
I went from a Viking freesia to the Janome 6600 that my husband got me for my birthday a year ago — what a difference! I love my machine and feel like I went from kind of hating to sew to wanting to sew all the time.
I have always had a Bernina. My first sewing machine 48 years ago was aBernina 830 and it is still going strong totay. I did buy newer Bernina about 2 years ago, but I still have the old one.
I had an Elna Electronic ZZ from the 70's that I bought used. It sewed 100's of quilts without hesitation but finally died as replacement parts are no longer available. Sigh! So sad. I purchased a used Bernina about 15 years ago and am very pleased with it. I love my Mom's treadle Singer – not because I ever sew on it, but because it reminds me of her!
My parents got me a New Home Memory Craft 6000 when I was a design student in 1989. I still sew on it and love it dearly. Today New Home has become Janome and the Memory Craft is still the same in many ways to my old machine.
I love my Bernina 630!
I have a Janome 7700 QCP that I bought 2 years ago and I adore her. She is an absolute dream to sew on … But in spite of all of her great features and smooth, quiet stitching, I still have to say my faithful Singer will always be my favorite. Now almost 50 years old, purchased for $40, as a refurbished machine turned in by one of the school districts when they upgraded their Home Economics machines. All cleaning and service directions and tools, came with the Singer and in all the years I've owned it, it has never had to been to a shop for service or repairs. What a trooper!!!
I own 2 Babylocks and my favorite is my Babylock Crescendo. It has fabulous lighting and huge throat space. It features more stitches than I would ever use, is reliable and quiet.
I have a bernina 750 on order can't wait for it to come hoping next week. In the meantime my bernina activa 130 is my machine
I bought myself a retirement present of a Janome and I love it! I also have a vintage brother and love it, too.
I've always loved my New Home, then Janome- and I still have 2 of them. Also love my Featherweight that was GIVEN to me (for retreats). And NOW I'm really smitten with my new Brother Quattro (even tho I know it'll be "obsolete" pretty soon!)
I have two Singers and one Brother and I love them all. Sewing is so much fun.
Baby Lock is my favorite, I'm going to upgrade soon to a Quest Plus, but my Pro Line is still going strong 🙂
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I learned to sew on my Mama's Pfaff treadle that she brought to the USA in 1956. Over the years, I have owned a Singer Stylist, a Brother and in the past three years, I have purchased a Pfaff Expression 4.0, a Bernina 710 and a Juki. The Pfaff is my winner for sewing and piecing quilts, the Bernina for FMQ, and the Juki for sashiko stitching (cause the other two just don't do that stitch as well as the Juki). Now that I have collected all my toys, I can sew and play to my hearts content. I am a happy seamstress!
I love Big Brother, my Brother PQ-1500Q, for quilting tops. His straight stitch us incredible and never changes no matter what the design I'm quilting. For piecing, applique and embroidery, my Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 can't be beat.
I learned to sew on my mom's old Singer. She is 87 years old and still uses it, it has never left her house. My first machine was a Singer, bought in 1974. I still have it, although, I now use a Baby Lock that has an embroidery unit.LOVE it!
My favorite is my Bernina 440. It is a great machine and my husband bought it for me for our 20th anniversary.
I worked hard to put my husband through college without any student loans, yea! In return, with his first paycheck he bought my Bernina 1230 that I am still using and love love love! Both of them, 20 years later!
I am surprised at the number of folks who use older machines. I bought a Singer 327 second-hand when my girls were small and I still love it. It's turquoise (so on-trend right now … LOL!), built in 1967 in Great Britain. It is a wonderfully heavy workhorse and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
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Bernina!! Totally dependable!!
My favorite is my Pfaff Tiptronic 6230…I have had her for about 15 years or so…she has a great stitch and lots of power.
Absolutely love my Pfaff 2020; it's a workhorse. Also, have a Pfaff performance 2058 that does more than I need, but also a great machine. On a side note, I just purchased a 1951 Singer Featherweight mfg. in Scotland. It's a gorgeous machine that sews extremely well and is very quiet.