Fat Quarter Shop's Easiest Giveaway - the WINNER! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Fat Quarter Shop’s Easiest Giveaway — the WINNER!

Hello all–WOW, what an overwhelming response! First, we want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who responded to the questions in our previous post.

We love that our customers have such diverse opinions, and we are taking them all into consideration as we look for new collections and projects for Fat Quarter Shop. We can’t say too much about what exactly we’re planning because that would just spoil the surprise, and who doesn’t love a good surprise?

What I can say is that we are planning to soup up the website to make it even more user-friendly. You may have noticed a new pattern menu bar on our Quilt Patterns page that divides the patterns up by special cuts and project ideas, making them easier to find. It’s this thing right here:

For instance, say you wanted to see only patterns for Layer Cakes. Simply click on the Layer Cake category on the Pattern Menu bar, and voila! Instant Layer Cake pattern gratification!

We’ve got more little modifications on the way to make it easier for you to shop with us 🙂

One comment that we noticed a lot is that you love the new Charming Jelly Cakes! Rest assured, we’re on the lookout for new Charming Jelly Cake projects. And…well…I can’t say too much more!

And now for our winner…

Carlie Morgan

Who said, “A life of Assorted Nuts said…
I love the gypsy rose bundle in the coming soon section.
I love the Cotton Blossoms series,
and I wish you’d have more retro type fabrics.”

Carlie, please e-mail jocelyn @ fatquartershop to claim your prize!

Thanks for playing, thanks for the feedback, and we will be back soon with a lot more contests & prizes!