Fat Quarter Baby Blog Tour Day 4! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Fat Quarter Baby Blog Tour Day 4!

Welcome back to the Jolly Jabber! it’s the last day of the Fat Quarter Baby Blog Tour and we cannot wait to show you the last five baby quilts from our Fat Quarter Baby book. 

Without further ado, let’s begin with the Matthew quilt. Block by block, this quilt is simple to make!

Hop, skip and jump with the Paul quilt.

Hugs and kisses from our soft and serene Peyton quilt. 

Our Ryan quilt will bring smiles to any nursery plus, it comes with a BONUS runner pattern as well!
When we’re all done with fun and games, let’s give the William quilt a big bear hug before naptime. 

Hop on over to some of our favorite blogs to see their Fat Quarter Baby creations. We guarantee some extreme cuteness happening on these blogs!  

November 16, 2015
Anne –  Caroline of Sew Can She
Claire – Melissa of Oh How Sweet
Elizabeth – Pam of Pam Kitty Morning
Laura  – Greg of Grey Dogwood Studios

November 17, 2015
Andrew – Anne of Bunny Hill Designs
Christopher – Christina of Emily Ann’s Kloset
Hunter – Nadra of Ellis & Higgs
James  – Corey of Coriander Quilts
Kevin  – Lucy of Charm About You

November 18, 2015
Katharine – Natalia of Piece N Quilt
Kimberly  – Lori of Bee in my Bonnet
Kristen  – Erin of Why Not Sew
Sarah – Angie of Gnome Angel
Emma – Melissa of Happy Quilting

November 19. 2015
Matthew – Jane of Quilt Jane
Paul  – Pat Sloan
Peyton – Megan and Heather of Quilt Story
Ryan  – Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane
William – Lisa of Vintage Modern Quilts
Gerri Robinson of Planted Seed Designs

SURPRISE! We are giving away five Fat Quarter Baby books to five lucky FQS fans! To enter this fun giveaway, all you need to do is let us know which of our twenty baby quilts is your favorite in the comments section of the blog. We will pick the winners on Monday, November 23, 2015. Good luck everyone and happy quilting. 


  1. I love all of the quilts, but the Claire is my favorite! So sweet for a new baby.

  2. My favorite it Christopher, the one with the ducks! My nephew & his wife are expecting a baby in April and I look forward to making this quilt.

  3. Absolutely love the Matthew block baby quilt – followed closely by all the other quilts in this book – can see me making so many of them for future grandchildren..hint, hint!

  4. My favorite was "Elizabeth"–the one PamKittyMorning made. It's flowers, it's hearts, there's a little bit of appliqué and just the right sized border! I think you could use a fabric with primary colors and toys or trucks for boys even for this quilt–babies love flowers whether they're boys of girls, right?

    LOVED this blog hop–thanks so much!!

    Rabid Quilter
    aka Diane Steele

  5. All the quilts are spectacular! Claire, Andrew, Kevin and Matthew are calling my name! My God Daughter is expecting a little one early next year and these are perfect! Thank you for the chance to win!

  6. I think Ryan is my favorite. I originally thought I didn't need another baby quilt book but after the first day of the blog hop I knew I "needed" this one. Thanks for letting us see them all. Each one is wonderful!

  7. Hands down in my opinion is the Kristen quilt. It can morph from a baby quilt to a teen quilt to a quilt on my king bed. Even my husband liked the block! As always, job very well done on another book.

  8. I would love to make the Kevin quilt for my young son! He loves quitars and
    This would look great on his wall. Oh, he's 35 but still my baby!

  9. I love ALL the quilts in this beautiful book…but if I must choose just the one, it is "Claire" with the baby rattles. I love the way the rattles are off set…closely followed by Kimberly, then William….I could go on and on!

  10. What a hard choice to make they are all so lovely. thinking about the quilt I would make first made me decide my favourite.
    So my favourite and first choice is definitely the patched Teddy quilt. I so want to give this a go for a grandchild.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
    Judith Andreassend
    New Zealand.

  11. I really love the Matthew quilt and not just because my sons name is Matt. I love the blocks!! All the patterns are really great and I could use a free book!!!!!!

  12. There are so many great quilts to choose from. My husband loves teddy bears, so I would have to say that William would be one of the first quilts I would make.

  13. I love them all but since I have to choose, I pick William. I love the sweet bear. Great job on these quilts!

  14. Every one of them would be lovely for the charity baby quilts our church ministry is making, but I am especially taken with "Hannah". Sweet, sweet sweet!

  15. SARAH!! What's really interesting is that my sister-in-law just had a baby (they didn't find out the baby's gender until he was born), and I've been waiting to find the perfect pattern for him, and lo-and-behold I find that the pattern that I'd LOVED and wanted to use for baby Jax from the front of the book just so happens to be called "Sarah" which is my sister-in-law's name! I love it when things like that happen, don't you?? (I apologize for the loooooong run-on sentence!)

    Congratulations on the absolutely beautiful book, guys!!

  16. I am so happy you found Red Brolly–I've been following her for years and her quilts just are so happy and fun to make! You are going to have a group of wonderful baby quilts…but I vote for the RB's Mermaid. I have a daughter and a grand-daughter who love mermaids!

  17. Honestly, it's hard to pick, but I think my favorite is Sarah — it's geometric but not figurative, and could easily be for a boy or girl depending on fabric choice.

  18. These are so creative …and loving! My favorite is the William quilt and I love the one in Christmas colors – William – Lisa of Vintage Modern Quilts. I guess, because I'm thinking about Christmas these days, but it is super adorable.

  19. I absolutely love the elephants, the ducks, and the planes. But, I have a grandson named Matthew, so I love that one. BUT…. my Matthew LOVES airplanes, so I'm thinking of somehow trying to combine those two together. What a great job with all of these, I have added several to my list of quilts to make.

  20. I like a lot of them but if I had to pick one it would be the bow tie, then the ducks, rattles, elephants… I love them all!

  21. So hard to choose just one – but my vote is for William. Lovely for boy or girl with changes in fabric and just as lovely in a neutral color scheme.

  22. I love them all, but my favorite is Matthew's block quilt. It could easily be a Sarah's block by block
    quilt or made neutral for the " baby to be" with just a change of fabric colors and patterns. Thanks for sharing. ????

  23. The Paul quilt is my favorite. When I make quilts, my husband, Paul, can rarely figure out what they represent! I think he could get the "Paul" quilt though!!

  24. Paul – I love that block. Rolling stone, I've made two quilts with that block and plan to make more. So traditional…… Love this book also, a couple other blocks that I plan for my to-do list

  25. Oh, this was a hard one ~ I loved them all but Kristen and Kevin are the ones I like best.
    Kristen because I love the shape of the block and Kevin because it's guitars!

  26. Andrew would be my favorite. I love the colors she used. Would love to have a copy of the book.

  27. This is one of the few books where I want to make multiple quilts out of it. I instantly fell in love with the pattern Kevin because my son plays guitar and I have been looking for a pattern for him. I think this will be perfect. Great job on this book, it is filled with beautiful patterns and I really appreciate that they are not to baby like. Great for babies all the way up to adults.

  28. Of all the cute quilts, I think Kevin is my favorite. It will grow with the baby–in fact, I know a few grown up "kids" who would love a Kevin quilt of their very own. 🙂

  29. My granddaughter's name is Claire so it's a no brainier for mr, I like the Claire quilt and the William quilt! Ok I can't resist a cute bear! Ok I love them all!

  30. I love two of them, Andrew with his awesome whales and Laura's loving hearts. I would love to make Laura into a mini block quilt and embroider my family's names on it, then hang the mini up in my craft room, that way when I have a bad day I can look up and see that my heart is full of beautiful people who love me back.

  31. All of the quilts are adorable, but I like either the Kristen or the Hannah. Hard to choose just one. Looks like a super great book to add to the library. Thank you for a great giveaway. vkh6210 at gmail dot com

  32. This book has some of the most adorable baby quilts that I have seen in a long time!! I think William may be my favorite, but it is a tough choice 😉

  33. Love all of them! lol BUT the "Paul" quilt is my very Favorite! Want to make one first! 🙂 Thanks for chance to win this Amazing book! 🙂

  34. I love the William quilt! My toddler is really into bears, so I definitely need to make her one as soon as I get the book! 🙂