Emma Takes Over - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Emma Takes Over

Fat Quarter Shop is an exciting place to be right now. Kimberly is only 2 weeks away from the Big Day! So while Mommy is busy working and napping and packing, soon-to-be-Big-Sis Emma decided to step in for her at the Jolly Jabber and update us on her whirlwind life today 🙂 The itty bitty girl sure is growing up and has plenty to say!

I haven’t blogged in awhile because I have been very busy! Let’s see…where do I start? Well, you can see that I have grown quite a bit! Jocelyn was at my house the other day, and she took this picture of me in my front yard. I was wearing this dress Debbie’s girlfriend Mette made for me. I think I’m pretty stylin’ in it!

I turned two this Spring and had my birthday party at the Dell Children’s Museum downtown! I love that place! I can count to twenty in English and ten in Spanish (gracias, Dora!), and I know my alphabet! I also love going to Goin’ Bananas, an indoor play gym. It’s about the only place to play that’s cool right now. And every time I go, I make new friends. My cousins from Dallas visited a couple weeks ago, and we got to eat pizza, ride a train and play “kitchen”! It’s one of my favorite things to do. I’ve also been playing soccer on Saturday mornings, and Daddy goes with me!

There’s also been this other activity going on, called “potty training”, which Mommy and Daddy tell me is going great! They say three in diapers is NOT going to happen, so I get to be the “one less”.

Which reminds me… I have a feeling that things are about to get interesting here at my house. Mommy has been staying home lately, doing all her work here, which I don’t mind! She uses a laptop which used to sit on her lap, but not any more. It’s a knee-top now because that’s where she balances it. Her tummy sure got big!

They tell me that there are two babies in her tummy; I’m not too sure what that means, but I think I’m about to find out! And…these two babies are boys! So I am going to be a big sister and have two little brothers…can any of you help me out here and let me know what that means??

Mommy and Daddy have painted the room next to mine blue, and it has two cribs and lots of little blue clothes hanging in the closet. I saw Mommy packing a suitcase the other day. I wonder where she is going. I bet it has something to do with these two brother boy babies!

Well, I have to go now! When my new brothers get here, I will send more pictures! Bye!

Love, Emma


  1. You are too precious for words, Miss Emma! What an adorable child you are! We're all helping you count down the days until your little brothers arrive! You're going to be an awesome big sister! Give Mommy a hug for me, will you? xox

  2. Oh my, how cute is she? My guy just turned two too so if you ever need someone to hang out at Goin Bananas with, let me know! — Kim at True Up

  3. You are beautiful Emma in your new dress, I can se you are a busy little lady.
    God luck to your mom.


  4. Miss Emma, you are too cute!!!!
    Oh how busy you are going to be, supervising and caring for two baby brothers. You will be the best big sis.

  5. Thanks for the update Emma. You sure are pretty in your new dress. I bet you will like being a big sister! You'll be able to teach your brothers all kinds of new things.

  6. What a beautiful little red head Emma is in her pretty dress. Being a grandmother of five I know how sweet she is. Congratulations to Mom and Dad on the expected twin boys. What a lovely family you will have. All the best.
    Rilla – Kemptville, Canada

  7. Great article!!! Love the last picture, I think there is a hint of a little stubborness in that "smile"…hmmm, wonder where that comes from, lol. I am so excited for you!!! Less than 2 weeks now!