Emma Goes to Kindergarten! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Emma Goes to Kindergarten!

We interrupt your normal Jolly Jabber programming to share these precious photos with you.

Today our Sweet Pea Emma went to Kindergarten. It is such a bittersweet and proud moment for us. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.


  1. Oh, my, how does time fly so fast?

    I hope you take pictures every day. After three or four weeks of school kindergarteners are usually different people. Such a bittersweet thought!

  2. What a cutie! I never felt teary with my other kids, but when my baby went to kinder I cried as I drove away from the driveway of the school…they grow up too fast!

  3. A beginning of a whole new era for Emma and you. It is lovely to see them happy at all stages of their lives. I still have a little one in Year 1 and he is growing up so fast.

  4. So sweet. And hooray for you for taking pictures of Emma with her parents. Those will be treasures for her someday–you know she'll look at them and say, "Oh, they look so young!"