Designer Tidbits: Rebekah Merkle - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Designer Tidbits: Rebekah Merkle

The Fat Quarter Shop is excited to welcome Rebekah Merkle to the Jolly Jabber. Rebekah Merkle’s latest fabric collection is England Swings from Timeless Treasures. Her booth at market was so adorable! She even created a song that fit beautifully with the fabric (see more on that below). Well, let’s get to it, welcome Rebekah Merkle!

Q: What was the first seed that grew into the England Swings collection?

A: The inspiration for this line really came from the years we lived in Oxford, England. I absolutely loved the classic, traditional styles mixed with vibrant, super-saturated colors and fresh, fun-loving designs. It was always surprising to see a centuries old stone house with oversized polka dot curtains . . . but it’s a terrific combination! It’s lovely to see very serious things that don’t take themselves too seriously.

The name of the collection comes from an old Roger Miller song that I was especially fond of . . . and I asked a fabulous jazz artist, Michalangela, to re-record it for me to use with this collection. (Her version is available on iTunes – give it a listen! You’ll see why I love it so much!)

Q: What are 3 Pictures you would choose to describe this collection?


Q: What single print/SKU in the collection is your favorite (can only pick one!)?

A. RM-C8086, Celadon

Q: What is your dream project using this collection?

A: My three daughters share a bedroom, and I would absolutely ADORE to re-do the whole thing with this fabric. Call me weird, but I would totally do upholstered headboards and footboards in the laminates. Seriously now. How handy would it be to be able to wipe them down?! And then of course I’d do curtains and pillows and quilts and generally make it a room that they would never want to leave!

Rebekah Merkle’s Silly Secrets

1. What is your guilty pleasure food?
Crème Brulée

2. Do you have any pets and what are their name(s)?
Our last foray into the world of pets was when our five year old son received a fish for his birthday. He named him “Art” – short for . . . you’ll never guess this one so I’ll just have to tell you . . . R2D2. Art didn’t live too long I’m afraid.

3. Your biggest pet peeve? 
Hands down, my biggest pet peeve is the boys in my family letting their socks droop off the ends of their toes. Drives me berserk, and of course they’ve figured this out.

4. What is the most important part of a sandwich?
Boursin cheese!

5. What is your favorite fabric print ever (excluding your own)?
As dreadfully cliche as it is, I’d have to say basically anything at all by William Morris. I mean really. Look at this. The man was incredible.


  1. ok…you got me at England Swings. BUT where do we get those patterns ( the children's AND that delicious scalloped skirt). HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

  2. Holy Cow, that video was amazing! The song is awesome and the fabrics are fabulous!! Are those your girls, Rebekah?? They look just like you, so I'm guessing yes. 🙂 Soooo beautiful.

  3. Snazzy fabric, a happy, lazy Sunday tune, and my favorite color, red. I'll need to start planning a new quilt.

  4. Love the fabric and the video! I think it is my favorite song now too. 🙂 Is there a pattern for the dress with the ruffled neck?

  5. LOVE the interview, but especially the video! I can't wait to get some of your fabric. My favorite is the same as yours! Unfortunately I have no daughters to sew for, but I can make something for me. My very favorite thing is the England Swings Union Jack at the end of the video. Fabulous!