Designer Tidbits: Nancy Mink - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Designer Tidbits: Nancy Mink

This lovely winter themed collection is making me long for December and cooler temperatures. Down in Texas, just a glimpse of this sweet, Christmastime collection and I am ready for the long, hot summer to end.  Nancy Mink has me dreaming of cobblestone streets, soft snow and small town shops.  Her collection All Around the Town for Wilmington Prints has just the right amount of small town charm and is packed full with Christmas cheer.

Q: To what or whom would you dedicate the All Around the Town collection? Do you have an inspiration board?
A:I would dedicate it to Hometown, America, particularly the small towns across our country where the corner drugstore still serves ice cream sodas and the church has a steeple. My hometown here in rural Oregon is exactly that. It feels like you stepped into a painting at Christmastime with all of the quaint decor on the old buildings.

Q: What is your favorite project using this collection?
A:The autographs quilt (upper right). When signed by friends or family, it would be a nice remembrance of a special holiday get-together or function.

 Q: If time travel became possible, what year would you want to be in?
A:1955. Much of America was progressive and prospering, yet life was more peaceful without so many time-stealing electronic gizmos. Tweeds, hats and gloves, Elvis, Doris Day, Dior, Chanel and Fire-King dishes; it was a fun and somewhat classy year!

Q:If you had to change your first name what would you change it to?

Q:What was your favorite childhood TV show?
A:Wonderful World of Disney hour each Sunday evening.

Q:Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
A:Julia Child.

Q:What is your favorite App to play on your phone?
A:I only have a cell phone for emergency purposes, and 90% of the time it is turned off. I suppose the most I use my cell phone for is taking pictures.

Q:If you could marry a technology, what would it be?
A:My illustration software with my computer tablet. I guess that would be a threesome, but the two go so well together that I just can’t split them up.


  1. I like your attitude Nancy! I sure agree with your opinions on phone apps Too. I saw more of your All Around the Town on your website & I think it's the best yet! Love hose quilts!