Designer Tidbits: Laurie Wisbrun - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Designer Tidbits: Laurie Wisbrun

Feeling crabby? I bet a trip down to the water will cheer you right up! Laurie Wisbrun’s Don’t Be Crabby for Robert Kaufman Fabrics is the perfect medicine to combat gloomy winter days. There may be lots of crabs, but you will be far from crabby!

Q: What inspired Don’t Be Crabby?
A:My dad lives in Florida very near the beach. Last year I was fortunate to spend some time there with him, which led me to develop a nautical themed collection. Each of the motifs in the collection came from that trip.

Q: What is your favorite project using this collection?
A:I’m pretty fond of my Crabby Pants boxer PJs.

Q: What would be your collection’s theme song?
A:Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding

Q:If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?
A:The Princess Bride

Q:What do you get nostalgic over?
A:Music has a way of bringing up great memories for me.

Q:What is your favorite TV show of all time?
A:I have a not-so-secret love of sci-fi, so it would have to be tied between The X-Files and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Watch out, my sci-fi nerd just came out to play.

Q:If you could be a modern day fictional character, who would you be?
A:I’d want to be part Sydney Bristow from Alias, part Lyra Silvertongue from Phil Pullman’s novels and part Merida from Brave.

Q:Tell us a funny story about yourself.
A:The funniest piece of junk mail I ever got was addressed to Lorraine Wisebone.

Thanks, Laurie! Or should we say Lorraine? Doesn’t this collection have you lusting after a seaside vacation?  Where would you go?


  1. This collection is really fun…the colors so vibrant! Where would I go? The sandy beaches of Lake Michigan! They don't call them the Inland Seas fer nuthin!

  2. I just love Laurie's collections. So fun! And from Austin, to boot! And yes, seaside in Port A is sounding pretty good right now.