Designer Tidbits: French General + Giveaway! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Designer Tidbits: French General + Giveaway!

The Fat Quarter Shop is excited to welcome Kaari Meng of French General to the Jolly Jabber. Kaari’s latest fabric collection is Panier de Fleurs by Moda Fabrics.

Q: What was the first seed that grew into the Panier de Fleurs collection?
A:My inspiration for Panier de Fleurs was the basket of fresh flowers I always see at the farmer’s markets in the South of France. Every summer we take a group of women to France to learn how to live like rural French women – and heading out to the farmer’s market’s is always one of the highlights of the week. The piles of fresh lavender, sunflowers and roses always inspires me and makes me think about new design ideas.

Q: If your collection had a soundtrack what would be on the list?
A:Panier de Fleurs soundtrack would have to be all about the accordion that is played in the little French cafés. The cafés fill up with farmers and merchants after the market – everyone sits around and has a café creme or a glass of cognac.
Here is what it sounds like

Q: What single print/SKU in the collection is your favorite (can only pick one!)?
A:As always, I love the red and grey prints the best. My favorite print from Panier de Fleurs is 13590 – inspired from an 19th century French textile. It’s a rural, elegant print that fits perfectly into my idea of a French country house.

Q:What is your favorite project you have made using this collection?
A:I have three favorite projects from Panier de Fleurs: a basket applique quilt designed by Penny Tucker – pattern available at;

a pair of patchwork pillows with a bit of embroidery;

and our prize ribbons which was featuring on my blog, September 29th, during Moda’s Country Fair Blog Hop.

Q:What is your favorite part of working in the fabric industry?
A:I have many favorites about the fabric industry – but I think my absolute favorite part are the people who work in this industry. I have really enjoyed getting to know so many inspiring designers and merchants – and everyone truly enjoys what they do. I think it is a real tribute to the quilting industry to have so many passionate people involved.

My second favorite part of the fabric industry is receiving my collection from Moda (early!) – when UPS pulls up and drops off a box of fabric – my stomach gets all nervous and my heart starts beating a bit faster. I can finally sit back and enjoy the whole collection.

Q:Can you give us a sneak-peek of your next fabric collection?
A:My next fabric collection is a return to the past! We are reprinting our very first collection, Rouenneries with some of the best prints – as well as a few new, fresh prints, to make up Rouenneries Deux. I am really excited about this collection coming out again – the juicy reds, pale reds, soft greys and faded hemp colors make this one of our best selling collections – and it fits into my house perfectly!

Q:What is your absolute favorite thing in your house?
A:My favorite item in my house would have to be my daughter – does that count? Sofia brightens my day and inspires me to continue creating something new everyday. My second favorite items would have to be paintings I found in New York City fifteen years ago. The landscape is painted by Joseph Fiore, a listed artist from Black Mountain College.

Q:Which project stands out in your memory as your all-time favorite?
A:One of my all time favorite projects has to be the scrap boards I make using all of the scraps I find on the floor – tiny little pieces that I just don’t have the heart to throw away – so I sew them onto a piece of burlap and save them to remind me of all of the little beauties that I have used in projects – or for inspiration while designing fabric.

Q:Where do you do your best thinking? Can we see a photo of your studio?
A:I have many different places I like to work – and each gives me different inspiration. French General is filled with all of the old beads, trims and paper that I use for creating kits. Our garage at home has been converted into a studio and sewing place for me – the shelves are stacked high with all of the antique fabric I use to design our collection for Moda. And finally, my desk in the house is always piled high with a new project or two. I suppose each space allows me to create in a different way – so I probably do my best thinking whenever I am in one of these creative spaces.

Q:What is your one guilty pleasure in life?
A:I am sure that I have more than one – but one guilty pleasure that I know I am guilty of is going to the shop and NOT working – just letting myself be in a creative space – hoping that I can soak in the energy and then maybe the creativity will flow! I also love a glass of Lillet any time of the day – and sometimes, that too, helps my creativity!

And now, Kaari has generously donated a Panier De Fleurs Jelly Roll to one lucky winner! 
Leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you love most about France or that is French for the chance to win.
You have one week to enter from the post date.  
Good luck!


  1. My mother was raised in France and one summer my brother and I went for a holiday to France with her. I was 10 years old and can clearly remember getting off the ferry at Callais to have my first 'baguette with pate' from a street vendor…mmmmmmmm delish!!

  2. Ooo la la. Things I love about France and french things. Love of nature and the outdoors. And butter and sauces. It took eating at a real french restaurant to understand why people put sauces on their food.

  3. Well, what I love about France is that old world charm, the outdoor markets, baskets of flowers by the doors and the colors!

    Also, French General is one of my all time favorite designers. They pick this the perfect colors.

  4. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on some Rouenneries Deux. It's lovely. One of my favorite things from France is the beautiful song "La Vie en Rose" – whenever I hear it, I think of a romantic Paris cafe with little tables along the sidewalk, a platter of great cheese and a baguette, and of course someone special to share it with.

  5. I've never been to France (well a few hours in Evian maybe) but I love hearing French spoken & wish I had at least studied it in school. I'd love to go to France someday.

  6. My favorite thing about France has to be the food. When my husband and I went to Paris many, many years ago we walked everywhere, and I was so glad. That way I could eat an enormous dinner/dessert and not feel guilty!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  7. What I love most about France is that someday I will get to go there. I hope it is as I dream it will be all romance and beauty. Ahhhhhhhhhh, dreaming and wishing.

  8. I've never been to France so I can't really comment about the country. It looks beautiful and maybe I'll get there someday. There are some French wines that I like a lot. On the other hand, French General fabric is one of the happiest things that happened to me in my quilting life. I have loved every line and drool everytime a new line comes out. Keep up the good work!

  9. I was in Paris for a few days many years ago – the Eiffel Tower on a summer night was so beautiful. Walking around the city and absorbing the atmosphere is one of my favorite memories.

  10. French fries….french toast….probably neither of which are actually French!! hehe But seriously, I pretty much only know of France what I know from my friend who visited there with her family last summer, and if there was one European country I would love to visit someday it would be France!!

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. I've never been there, however I picture it in my head as swirly and colorful and arcitecturally detailed. I'd really love to go, but I don't think it is in the picture. I'll just eat some french food.

  12. I've never been to France, but I love the sound of their language. I would also love to visit Normandy beach and see where the invasion occurred. To feel the history that is in the soil.
    Thanks for the chance to win some yummy fabric.

  13. I would have to say my favorite is the French language. I could be biased, since I study Ottoman-Franco relations in the 16th century, but I always get excited to find a diary written in French from that era! 🙂

  14. I agree with some others – not having been to France – but oh, the food – sauces are so mouth watering and flavorful – pastries that scream at you – YES have another!

  15. I was fortunate enough to travel to France on a short exchange as a high-schooler. I had a wonderful time and it was very eye-opening – but learning to like fresh tomatoes was probably the most day-to-day life-changing part of the trip 🙂 Silly, but true. And so – I think about that summer every time I eat a quality tomato.

  16. I have never been to France but what I love most about France is my friend and former colleague Lydie. She is petite, charming and stylish, she actually says: "ooh la la" from time to time but underneath her pretty exterior is a spine of stainless steel. Lydie is almost completely deaf and has learned to lip read in English almost as well as she does in French. She is a remarkable person and I feel privileged to know her.

  17. I've never been in France. But I read many books which I have described wonderful french food recipes. Hmmmm … they were very tasty .. Thanks for playing!

  18. The last time I took my girls to France we became addicted to the waffles they have. They are wonderful with little sugar crystals in them. YUM.

  19. I've never been to France, but I love the French language. I think it is so beautiful. I tried to learn when I was in the 8th grade, but it did not stick 😉 And I am SO excited to hear that Rounneries is making a come back. It is my very favorite French General line. I sure hope I can find some as I have a little stash waiting for the perfect pattern 🙂

  20. What do I love about France? – I've never been, but that doesn't stop me from loving the food! the accent! the art (Louvre anyone?)! the WINE!
    Thanks for the opportunity to bring a little "France" home. 🙂

  21. I've never been to France so it's hard for me to pin point a thing, but I guess what I love about France is the idea of romance~~ I just feel like it is such a romantic place,and that is one place I wanted to visit one day.

  22. How long have you got?? France is just beautiful, the people are lovely, the food is lovely and the best thing about France for me…. I LIVE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO Linda

  23. I love all things French. I was French Club president two years running in high school. I feel as if I'm campaigning for an office of some type. LOL! Thank for your work Kaari and the chance to win!

  24. my father, in 1917, sailed for france , down the west coast, through the new panama canal and over to leharve, to fight for french freedom. he would tell us stories about a french family he got to know and like, and of finding a violin, that he played for us and sang us, in french, several songs and ditties that he had learned there.
    i have a few pieces of french general that i really like; i'd like to win some new french general! thanx for the opportunity to do so.

  25. croissants would be a highlight but I would love to go to a patisserie shop……..
    I am so excited to hear you are bring back the favourites from the earlier range………..fabrics come and go just way to quick………PLEASE slow it down………

  26. I love the casual, easy chic-ness about France. The romance, the carefree je nais se quoi.
    Love this fabric line too 🙂

  27. I like the easy going attitude of the French country side. And you can wake me up for some lovely wine, baguette, cheese and fresh fruit. Yumm. That is France for me.

  28. I have never been to France, but I am drawn to French furniture. I have a set picked out for our bedroom…someday! I love the reds in French General Fabric.

  29. I have not been to France myself but my Mom grew up in Switzerland and can speak French. (with a Swiss accent hehe) When I took French in high school my Mom would help me practice. We'd also have fondue and fresh baguettes. Yum- Yum.

    Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win. Great interview as well.


  30. My grandfather was from France but I have never been there. My maiden name is OUIMETTE. It's O not Q as so many wanted it to be when I was growning up. It's pronounced We-Met. And many would say when did we meet. My grandaughter's name is Paris because her Mother wants to go to France also. I will go someday I hope. This line is beautiful. Thank you for the interview and the giveaway. I loved it.

  31. I have never been to France
    France is a good perfume, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Coco Chanel. I love France!
    Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win.

  32. I adore French fashion and the scenery. Both are beautiful. I have never been to France but I would love to go sometime.


  33. i've never been to france, but something that i love and have enjoyed is the "feel" of all things french. fabrics, flowers and foods that all exude a certain sophistication and joy in the moment.

  34. When we went, I loved just walking around the small towns and seeing the old architecture and eating at the outdoor cafes.

  35. I visited France in my teens, and what I mostly remember is the love the french people showed me, a young swedish girl stuttering her question in French. The police officer was delighted that I even tried to speak French, so he smiled widely and answered me – in French – at the speed of light. My question was about how to get to Bois de Bologne, but I was totally lost after the first words: A droîte … (to the right) but I didn't want to let him know, so I decided to just listen and throw in a oui, oui (yes, yes) here and there. OMG how much we laught afterwards!

  36. I can only comment on Paris because it's the only place in France I've ever been, but my chief memory is that it was just so pretty: everything from the flowers to the sidewalk cafes to the cathedrals to the Metro signs, c'est tres jolie!

  37. I dont know what I love most about France, but I know (well, based on blogs at least…) that I love the reds/white and vintagey feel of all French crafty types.

  38. I have never been to France but I love seeing the pictures of the markets. Such colors and so many beautiful fruits and vegetables. Thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely fabric.

  39. I love Normandy. The countryside and the ocean. The crepes, the warm, generous people. And, of course, the amazing beaches and the military outposts that are still there to remind us of the war.

  40. I have no clue what I love best about France because I've never been, but I would love to go and I'm sure once there I'd find many, many things to love about it.

  41. Never been, probably never will get to etiher, but I love the charm and the old-worldliness I have seen of it on tv lol…

    Love the new fabric, it's yummy.

  42. Never been, unlikely to go . . . most favorite thing about France . . . do French Fries count? .. . . Probably the Eiffel Tower . . . .

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I really liked sitting in the little outside cafes in France & watching the people. Also, loved the bread. I just saw your new fabric at my local quilt store this weekend & added it to my must have list.

  44. I love a nice glass of Lillet too!
    Love your collection of fabric. Thank you for a chance to win.

  45. I've never been to France, but I very much enjoy photos of the architecture. Doesn't matter if it's castles or simple shops, it's all good.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  46. Can I play really? I am French so I might be biased in my judgement, even though I don't live in France at the moment (and haven't been for 11 years). It will have to be food and wine of course. Dare I say rugby as we won on Saturday in the quarter final of the World Cup? But there are also plenty of things I don't like in France like how French people in general can forget to be welcoming and complain so much, I was glad to leave strike-land behind when I moved out.

  47. My favourite thing about France are my memories of traveling there as a twenty year old. It was dreamily romantic but now I'm nearly forty….it would be nice to go back one day. I also LOVE le Tour. It's the best thing on tv all year.

  48. I got "stuck" in Paris because of a train strike a few years back…which is not the worst place to be stuck in! My favorite thing about France in general is the wine and the cheese. I could live off it and did when I was backpacking through Europe. My favorite thing about Paris is the view of the city from Sacre-Coeur at night….AMAZING!

  49. What I love about France? The men of course! They are so sexy with their French Accents!

  50. I lived in France for a few years, and I miss so much. One of my favorite things is how sweet and generous the French can be. I've had people walk blocks out of their way with me to make sure I found my metro stop, and I had two friends who always went to the doctor with me to make sure that I was okay and to make sure that the doctor and I understood each other.

  51. Never been, like a lot of those leaving comments, but I have a dear friend who went over the spring. I got a lovely box of French things. Everything is so beautiful and smells wonderful! I'll be keeping all of the packaging long after the items are gone for inspiration!

  52. Les fromage! The cheese! Sheep's milk cheese, cows milk cheese…made into such delectable lusciousness! And served with a beautiful conserve. Oh and a glass or Bordeaux… I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it.

  53. I studied French years ago in high school and fell in love instantly. Although speaking and reading French is only a memory now, these gorgeous fabrics make me reflect back to simpler days and make me smile. I would love love love to benefit from some of this beautiful fabric…Thanks, Faye

  54. I went on our grade 12 french trip ~ it was so much fun, and such a great experience to really immerse in the language and culture.

  55. I've never been to France, but I love listening to their language. I studied French in high school, but that has been many many years ago so I don't know what they are saying!!

  56. I've never been to France. I've never been to Europe. In fact, I've never been off this continent.

    France has always been a destination foremost in my mind. I've always joked to my kids as they're growing up that I'm putting my everything into them and their interests knowing that one day they will take their mother to Paris. My daughter, now 24, has been feeling a little anxious about it so for the past couple of years I've been assuring her that I was only kidding (and I was). I certainly don't expect either of my kids to take me to Paris. My son, now 21, is still quite sure he'll take our whole family there one day after he finishes University and starts raking in megabucks. LOL I always tell him not to worry about it … that I'll be happy just to live in his carriage house wherever that ends up being.

    Paris, though. The stuff of dreams for a farm girl from the Canadian prairies. I imagine that tower. And fields of lavender in the countryside. And macarons in a fancy bakery. Cheeses. Baguettes. The louvre. Cafes and bistros. Architecture. The haunts of famous artists, writers and thinkers. Ahhh … the France of my imagination.

    Maybe this is why I so love the French General fabrics.

  57. I think I would love the bread and the outdoor cafes. wish I had paid more attention when I took french in highschool. love to hear someone speak in french. Rosetta stone I NEED YOU. Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful french general fabric. Janita

  58. I have always liked the French speaking accent. So much so that I took four years of French in high school. Never used my knowledge and now have forgotten most everything – lol!

  59. I have not yet had the opportunity to travel to France but hope to some day. I love the language, I took 6 years of french in school. A friend just returned from a trip to France and she has beautiful pictures of the country.

  60. I looove the Tour de France! Living in Australia, we sit up late nights in July to watch the tour and were very proud supporters of Cadel Evans win this year. Of course, I love French decorating too. It's my dream to one day travel there and experience everything French.

  61. The memory of my last vacation with my husband before our first child was born. We spent Valentine's Day in Paris. Doesn't get much better than that!

  62. I love the family that hosted me for 7 weeks in St. Brieuc over ten years ago. Salut, famille Lardy! I regret to say I've lost most of my French vocabulary. After them, I'd have to say what I love most about France is the CHEESE! That would be why I gained 27 pounds in 7 weeks! J'adore les fromage…
    Merci beaucoup!!!

  63. My daughter is taking French as a foreign language in school and she loves it! My favorite thing about France is hearing her speak the language 🙂

  64. I love the food and the wine and the art … and on and on! Thank you for the chance to win … my guild is having a jelly roll day in January and I will put it to good use!

  65. My favorite thing about France is my son who recently moved there to be closer to his wife's family. I also love the countryside in the south of France – fields of lavender are my favorite sights.

  66. I absolutely love this fabric (Panier de Fleurs)and grabbed a stack of FQ's Saturday from a little quilt shop I happen to be browsing through. Beautiful fabrics … thank you for sharing. France? Hmm … haven't been there but my daughter has and have read a great deal about it. Love the countryside, the accent, the sidewalk cafes and, of course, the food … which I can enjoy here but not as well. Love to go, though …

  67. That's an easy one for me with a French husband, but there are so many other things I love about it too! Such a beautiful country.

    These are really gorgeous fabrics – I have loved all of the FG lines.

  68. I love the Provance region of France with blue, yellow and paisley in the design. And lavender to help brighten the day. Here at my home in California, the bees are very busy on the last of the year's lavender blooms. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of the French General fabrics!

  69. What is not to love about a french pastry…oh now I'm hungry!…and the inspiration France gives to Kaari for her beautiful fabrics (my favourite fabrics are all French General)…thanks for the opportunity to win…

  70. Hmm, do French fries count?! Probably not. I've never been to France but I've always wanted to go to the museums to see all those paintings I learned about in art history classes in college.

  71. I would love to travel to Paris one day, but until then I just dream. Macarons, ahhhhh oui! Baguette, s'il vous plait! Un promenade pres'que la Seine, bien sur!

    Thank you for the chance to win this lovely fabric!

  72. I've never been to France, it's on my bucket list. It would be wonderful to go to a French Cafe and to the Farmers Market for flowers.

  73. I have never been to France, but i do love the French pastry shop @ Epcot (Disney World). All the pastries and the ham and cheese sandwiches. I do love some nice "French" toast too. 😉

  74. The street food. Who doesn't love being able to walk up to a cart and get a thick waffle smothered with Nutella any time you feel like it. Although I should add that the Louvre is pretty good too.

  75. I have never been to France, but from what I've seen, the women (and men!) dress so amazing 🙂 Would love that style.

  76. The first time I went to Europe, what passed for "dessert" everywhere was fruit. We were craving something really sweet… and when we got to Paris, we got chocolate mousse!

  77. My favorite things about france are all things not actually french! My parents had a french exchange student this past summer, and he was a very funny kid. My younger sister loved telling fabien how much he loved french today and french bread…and fabian would huff and say, "that's not french!"

  78. I would SO love to go to France some day….so many things I want to see – museums and gardens and castles and little cafes and the Eiffel Tower and the food and the wine….

  79. Does French toast count? It is my favorite breakfast. I've never been to France and certainly I would love to try their food and see the sights. I once visited a home with a French kitchen design and fell in love with it. I especially love hens on display. Oooh la la!

  80. What I love the most is the French way of living – a simple, rural life amongst flowers like lavender and roses and being in the garden the whole day enjoying the beautiful warm weather. When I look at this new collection it gives me this same feeling.

  81. I haven't been to France (YET) but I love the Romance of Paris, the serene beauty of Provence … C'est la vie! I can pretend I'm there with some good wine, cheese and pastries ! My favorite artist has always been Claude Monet and I love the Impressionist works. Thanks for the chance to win !!

  82. One day I hope to visit France. French things I like are the food, accent and fabrics. Rouenneries is still my favourite fabric collection ever and I am so excited about Rouenneries Deux.

  83. I have never been to France, although it is on the bucket list. What I like most about France is that it seems to inspire artists like Kaari and other people to create the most wonderful things, wine, food, paintings and of course FABRIC!!

  84. My cousin lives in France, and what I love most about France is her darling daughter.

    Thank you for the giveaway.
    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  85. I live in the French countryside and life is so great here, so calm and filled with so many colors, green, blue and all the colors of the flowers.
    I made a doll quilt with Maison de Garance of French General and it's so beautiful!!!!!

  86. I have only been to France (Paris) once but it was a lovely journey. Hard to say what I love the most…… but ofcourse the food and wine and……..

  87. How can I choose just one thing? I love the cheese, the wine, the cafes, the chocolate, the …. well I'm sure you get the picture.

  88. I absolutely love french furniture and decor, the curvy lines and muted colors! I also love french architecture, from the old manor houses to the palaces.

  89. I love their Chamagne reageon. Every restaurant serves wonderful food and of course house champagne. Some of them are so understated which is so opposite to what you would expect from your great French restaurant in London.

  90. I love the look of red embroidery on the natural linen fabric. It has a clean warm look that I associate with things French.

  91. There are far too many things I love about France. A glass or two of Lillet is certainly one. I think i may have a couple of bottles in the drinks cupboard in fact.

  92. I've never been to France, but I love the accent and it also seems like such a romantic place, like it would be the perfect pplace to fall in love

  93. I've never been to France but I love to read about the history of the buildings, castles, and villages! My daughter and I share a dream to one day go and see it all in person!

  94. I have never been to France and I don't speak French so what little bit I know is from the movies. I heard (can't remember where) that the French are much more laid back in their daily routines. I sure would love that.

  95. Dreaming about France, I'd so like to go there. I love the Eiffel Tower, the French Open (tennis), and french pastries, but French General fabric is as close as I've gotten so far. That's okay, I love it! Kd –

  96. I've loved France since I was little. The language is so beautiful. I went there on my honeymoon and I traveled there as a teenager. I love the Eiffel Tower, the Sacre Coure and Notre Dame. So beautiful!

  97. I love the history of France, the flea markets of Provence. This fabric line is absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to win!

  98. My favorite thing from France is a family friend who is a native of Portiers, France, but now is an American citizen! Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. My Dad served in France during WWII. He was impressed with the people who made the best out of whatever they had. The wine, the food, their homes were lovely. I've always admired their love of life.
    I love all of the French General fabrics and am drawn to the beautiful reds in it.

  100. I have never been to France, but from what I've read about, I would love going to the markets, the cafes and seeing all the beautiful scenery.

  101. While I've never been to France, I love the musical tones of the language so much!


    And just keeping it real…

    French fries…


    Perhaps those aren't technically French.

    So perhaps I should say pommes frittes?

    Thanks for a fun giveaway. This color palette is delicious!

  102. My daughter went to France to meeet her husband for R & R when he was deployed with the Marines and she bought me a big bottle of Joy Parfume – that has to be my most special thing about France. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity – I love anything French General and Kaari Meng. Judy C

  103. I haven't been to France yet, but when I see photos of lavender fields I can imagine the wonderful fragrance and really wish I was there! Maybe some day….
    Karen in Breezy Point

  104. I would LOVE to go to France!! I cannot imagine anything more romantic that walking along the Seine and stopping at a cafe…sigh….

    Thanks for a lovely, romantic, inspired collection!


  105. My husband for he is French..not France french but Acadian french. I grew up in this on the border town which is 90% french still. Many of the oldest people do not speak English which sounds weird for living in the USA all their lives.
    I love how so many french words have transitioned into the English language like 'filet mignon' and 'forte' and loads of others.

  106. I love the mystery of France since I have never been there and to all of you that share your experiences! The food, scenery, and flowers sound perfect…..can't wait to go someday and cant' wait to get some Panier De Fleurs…beautiful!!

  107. Cheese. I love French cheese. Give me some nice French goat cheese, fresh baguette and a nice red and I'll be a very happy girl. Add that jelly roll and I'd be even happier! 🙂

  108. I really enjoyed the music you included. I felt like I should be wearing a sundress and eating in a cafe instead of gearing up for winter. I recently purchased 4 charm pack of La Petite Ecole and I can't wait to make something beautiful with them!

  109. Well, from what I know about French General fabrics… I love french fabric! And the food is wonderful too 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  110. France is romance! The language, the flowers, the countryside, the wine, the food, the lifestyle all
    are part of my romantic dream!

  111. Although I've never been to France, I've seen and heard enough to know that I would love many things about the country. The open air food markets come first to mind, then the Eiffel Tower. I took French for 2 years in high school and carved my own Arc de Triomphe out of a bar of soap so that would be neat to see in person as well! I hope I get over there someday.

  112. I took a trip to Europe a few years ago with a dear friend. We spent a few days in Paris and he showed me all his favorite places. It was a magical time. I loved the cafes, the food, the people and all the wonderful history there. I will return one of these days.

  113. What don't I love about France… ok, maybe the strikes. LOL. But it is a fabulous country so full of living history, fabulous food, beautiful scenery. Its one of the most beautiful countries I have been to. The French have a way of life that lets you unwind and relax and enjoy your journey. I love going to France, and while I am living in Germany, I am going as often as I can.

  114. Dining in French restaurants, especially the one (now closed) after which my husband proposed. Love the proper portions, even though the food is rich.

  115. We camped thru Europe one summer and spent awhile in France. I loved the bakeries. We would stop wherever, buy bread or rolls and with meat and cheese, that would be our feast. Great memories. Love the fabric, it really is soft and enfolding. Thanks for the giveaway.

  116. I have never been to France, but hands down my favorite French thing has to be the wine! 🙂 And the cheese, of course. And the fashion. Thanks for the chance to win!

  117. What's not to love? The language of "l'amour", the food, the countryside, the history, the design style of a French country kitchen–these are all favorites of mine.

  118. I've never been to France but we have hosted teen boys for about four years in a row that attended basketball camp in Chicago and needed host homes for one full week and the 2nd week was their camp. The week with us was so they could experience family life in the US. They were all extremely nice boys. I am still amazed to this day they had never heard of so many things we have like, believe it or not, chocolate chip cookies. I was shocked. LOL

    Anyway the charm of the country homes with the beautiful flower gardens and of course, the cheese and wines from France is what comes to mind for me.

  119. I would have to say simple shabby chic styles that come from France and the food influences. Not alot can stop me from a good french bread!

  120. What I love about France are those wonderful small bakaries, with the smell that fills the streets, inviting you to go in a have a divine cake and a small esspresso and you are the happiest person ever… Thanks for the great givaway (and that you have reminded me why I have to order a ticket to Paris…)

  121. I love the language, its beautiful! And the atmosphere, especially in the south, and the food is lovely too. I love France! And Im so amazed to hear Rouenneries will reappear, this time I will buy lots and lots :o)

  122. The bread in France is like no other. I could live on bread, wine, and chocolate! The sights, the sounds, the smells, the "oldness" and the classiness of France make it my favorite place in the world.

  123. I've never had the chance to visit France, but I think I would love to see the countryside! I always swoon at the pictures I see. Such beautiful fabric!

  124. I think it would be the way of life in France that I would love the most. How it seems more laid back and romantic! I would like to travel to France to experience it one day! Thanks for a chance to win this gorgeous Jelly Roll! 🙂

  125. I've never been to France but I have always wanted to go. I admire how the French take time to savor the beauty in life, in everything–food, architecture, art, literature, design, conversation, landscape, etc.

  126. What I love most about France is that it's not SO great that my husband did decide to return home so that we could meet and fall in love!! Seriously!

  127. Hi, thanks for the opportunity 🙂 I love French architecture – the buildings and the wrought ironwork – very romantic.
    All the best

  128. Food – pastry and bread especially
    Colors – of the farms
    Art – the Louvre
    Fabric – French General
    Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  129. Just the thought of visiting my fav niece whom I have seen 15 yrs ago who is born and brought in France.

    Other than that defnitely the food, culture and fashion. Someday I will visit the country.

  130. J'adore Paris – for its architecture and art museums. I spent a fortnight there at the beginning of 2011 and I think I could quite happily live there forever!

  131. the best thing about France is the art and the architecture. France food like crepes, wine and fresh vegetables are pretty terrific too.
    I love the first line of Rouennaires and know that your winner is going to have great fun using the jelly roll of the second line.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely roll.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  132. I don't know a thing about France! Except….my friend and her husband are spending the month of October there and just sent me a picture today of the two of them in front of the gardens at Fontainebleau. Oh my! such beautiful flowers. I had never heard of these gardens before, and now I want to visit these gardens! Would love to win the giveaway.

  133. France is a most beautiful country! The Parissean architecture is amazing including the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe and Le Louvre! The food is amazing throughout the country – bread, cheese & wine, cobblestone streets, little french cafes, and quaint villages. Tres jolie mes amis! If you ever get the chance go visit Belfort France. It has an actual military fort still standing with a lion statue overlooking the village… my cousin would gladly welcome you into her home 🙂

  134. I have never visited France, but I studied French in High School and college. I was not a great language student, but I enjoyed learning about the culture.

  135. I can't quite define what the attraction is but there is one..there are so many aspects but to summarize, it's more a fascination with the culture on the whole and it's rich heritage and quality that produces images of beauty for me. The french language is also quite lovely to the ear for me. I think this fabric range has picked up the flavour of France really well.

  136. I've always wanted to visit France, maybe someday I'll get the opportunity! I love their cooking, the architecture, and the language is beautiful!

  137. In all honesty I'm not really familiar with much of anything French. I've never been there or known anyone who has been with the exception of my father who was there during world war II and he didn't find anything glamorous about it at all during that time. When I hear "French" I think frilly, chic, sleek and countryside, dirt roads and small cars. lol
    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  138. French … what do I love most … french general fabrics go so well with the french provinical look that I love … and the new Rouenneries Deux would be my favourite FG fabric range 🙂
    Thank you for the opportunity to have a change to win 🙂
    Happy stithcing, P

  139. Two years ago my family made a trip to Paris. It was wonderful to visit in Eiffel tower and to be able to spot some famous landmarks (L'arc de Triumph, Sacre Coeur, Hotel de Invalides and 'Old Lady' Notre Dame.

  140. What I love most about France are the mountains, because were I live there are none. Can't wait to go there in January for a skitrip.

  141. I don't know what I love best about France because I have never been there – But I looooove this fabric & i love red so this fabric could really make me feel inspired !!!

  142. My favourite French thing (among many) is Bonne Maman Strawberry Jam, sooooo delicious. I LOVE French General fabrics, Kaari Meng is just so talented.

  143. I love french food! the cheese, charcuterie, preserves…. Love French General, just finished a quilt with Pom Pom de Paris and bought some Petite Ecole.
    Terrific giveaway!

  144. Greetings from Northern Saskatchewan CANADA!

    Maybe it is all the romance novels I read as a teenager but I have always imagined France to be the most romantic place to visit for a honeymoon! I didn't get there then but maybe in 3 years when my husband and I celebrate our 30th anniversary!

    I love French General fabrics and thanks for the chance to win!

  145. those scrap boards are such a cool idea. I have to admit I don't know much about France except for the food which I think I would love.

  146. Having never been there and not knowing too much, it's a little hard to say. The pictures I see are beautiful and make me want to see it and the fabric designs that inspire Kari are some of my favorites so I guess that's my favorite thing of the moment!

  147. My favorite French thing right now would have to be our daughter & family who are now living in the south of France. I love French General fabric so a chance to win this giveaway is most welcome!

  148. I have never been fortunate enough to visit France…aside from their wonderful language and great food..I would choose their sense of style..their high all goes back to the love of fabrics..I love what they create..Thaks

  149. I've never been to France (maybe one day I will), but I love a lot of the cuisine: omelets, quiche, eclairs, creme brulee, crepes, croissants, just to name a few. Thanks for a chance for some delicious fabrics.

  150. France is a lovely country! It's hard to choose one favorite thing, but I'll say the sweet little villages you can drive through thinking you are in another century…stopping of course at the fabulous French bakeries! 🙂
    The jelly roll is gorgeous and I'd love to win it. Thank you for the chance!

  151. French General fabric. So excited about Rouenneries Deux – I so wanted a FQ bundle of that fabric, but didn't purchase when it first came out. I won't let it get away twice!

  152. The beautiful patterns and details to the fabric, architecture, etc.

    I actually have never worked with a jelly roll (gasp)or Moda and would love the chance.

    geez bees 75 at gmail dot com

  153. I love that all French people seem to have great style! I picture a lot of Kaari's fabrics as dresses or blouses for women, with pretty scarves tied at the neck.


  154. Their architecture is my favorite. The arc de triumphe is something I would love to see in person one day. I won first place in 7th grade for my paper mâché scaled version I made to go with my research paper on the arc. Thanks!

  155. I was in a rural part of southern France 32 years ago as a child and will always remember the artistic feel of the city and the home we stayed in. Everything seemed organic and natural and a perfect place for the artist we stayed with. I've always wanted to go back there again!

  156. I've never been to France but thoughts of the countryside makes me smile. When I think of French General fabrics, it makes me smile as well.

  157. I went to France many years ago with 2 friends and we hired a car to drive around the Loire Valley. It was just beautiful country to drive through and see all the old Chateaux. I'm saving up to go back in a few years time!

  158. I love French Fashion. The women seem to have such a sense of style that you don't normally find here. I think in the US it usually comes down more to comfort than style (not that I'm complaining).

  159. I love the French language! I took one year of French in high school and loved it. Now I remember almost none of it! LOL

  160. I lived in France a little over a year and I loved everything about it. From the beautiful architecture and the busy markets to the delicious food and charm of french people. Nothing can beat a freshly baked croissant! Thanks for the giveaway, and by the way, I can't wait for Rouenneries Deux to come out!

  161. I love the French Alps! My husband and I skied there many years ago and had the best time. Thanks for the chance to win!

  162. I have never been to France, but I understand it is beautiful–the food, the perfume, and the fashions.

  163. It's hard to pick. The food is wonderful. The lavendar is lovely. The scenery is grand. The architecture is fantastic. The fragrance is fantastic. It can best be summed up as STYLE!

  164. I have been dreaming about going to France for 50 years. I want to eat, drink and see everything! Paris, the countryside, everything!!!

  165. This one is so easy. Our family went to Paris last summer on vacation and the memories are wonderful. I loved the look on my daughter's face every day as she bought a fresh baguette from the bakery. She would carry one around and eat it all day long. She's 21 and as thin as a baguette. I have never seen her eat so much bread! She typically hates it. To this day she still says she missing the daily tasting.

  166. I love the French language, especially when it is spoken by my eight-year-old daughter. She LOVES Fancy Nancy books, and Nancy uses a lot of French words (and fancy words too) so I always get a kick out of hearing my daughter bust out French words & phrases. Thanks for the chance to win!

  167. When I went to Europe with my son's class, I felt I had gotten to heaven a bit early! The amazing warm buildings with flowers everywhere and the open markets. All amazing. I think my favorite was walking…not driving to the markets and really taking all the sights and sounds and smells in as a total experience. Thank you for sharing – Denise

  168. I love unstructured French gardens. The organic quality of the natural growth is more appealing to me than a well-manicured garden 🙂

  169. I have not been to France yet but one thing I do love is the language. It sounds so romantic. Thanks so much for the giveaway,


  170. Oddly enough, I love that Julia Child had such a love affair with all things french. She was my intro to french cuisine and I loved her stories about France. 🙂