The Fat Quarter Shop is excited to welcome Debbie Beaves to the Jolly Jabber. Debbie’s latest fabric collection is Simple Pleasures from RJR Fabrics.
Q: What was the first seed that grew into the Simple Pleasures collection?
A:I was browsing through a local garden center and a group of African Daisies caught my eye. The cheerful yellow petals with a surprising orange center just clicked something in my brain! Daisies are a simple flower and a pleasure to look at.
Q: What are 3 Words you would choose to describe this collection?
1.Color Range
Q: What single print/SKU in the collection is your favorite (can only pick one!)?
A:Progressive Dots is based on a vintage fabric swatch I own. The picotage dots are spaced farther apart as they get progressively become larger allowing the background and dot coloration to interact more. This allows a hombre, gentle light to dark value change in stripe-like rows, to appear.
Q:What is your dream project using this collection?
A:The “Let the Sunshine In!” project. I had to simplify the already single petal style of the daisies. Each appliqué petal is a merging of 2 or more single petals. This gives a natural silhouette of the daisy with fewer appliqué pieces. I grew up in the ’70s so the song kept going through my head as I designed it. It was a very happy experience to design and make the quilt. The Sparkling Jewels was a kick to design using the entire color range.
Debbie’s Silly Secrets:
1. What music are you listening to right now?
Celtic instrumental
2. Where did you grow up and where do you call home?
I was born and raised in Murray Utah on the outskirts of Salt Lake City. I have lived in the NW, Vancouver Washington since 1991.
3. Do you have any pets and what are their name(s)?
I have two little dogs Teddy Bear (a pomeroodle) and Bella (a long hair Chihuahua). Bear has been confusing for the grandkids. They are learning baby signing and my Bear is a dog and looks like a snuggle teddy bear.
4. Your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest life pet peeve is when people don’t accept the differences in the people around them as “normal”. My biggest quilting pet peeve is when a new quilter doesn’t have access to other quilters to ask questions and learn.
5. What color are you thinking about today?
Deep pink with a violet cast
my simple pleasure in life is creating and crafting. doesn't matter what medium, just love to make things. love the fabric. thanks.
Watching the birds at the feeders drinking my morning coffe.
Late at night, I sit on my porch and listen to the hum of the city.
M&Ms! I need say no more.
mine is sitting on the couch looking out my bay window, sometimes with a book in hand, and sometimes with just my thoughts. 🙂
The sweetest time of day for me is right before bedtime. We just reflect on the day with each other and share our hearts. Dawn C.
My 2 year old son cuddling his favorite quilt I made him!
Taking a walk outside and enjoying nature and my husband's company
working on a favorite quilt for myself, sitting and hand quilting and listening to classic books on audio.
My most simple pleasure is creating new things for my daughters to wear. It warms my heart when they want to wear thing I made for them.
It started with M&Ms, then on to Hersey Kisses, then York Mints, now I'm on small Butterfingers. Then I'll probably start the round over again……grin.
Maybe I should have just said chocolate.
Now into my retired years – my simple pleasures are my grandchildren.
My simple pleasure is an evening walk along the creek, watching for herons and eagles.
most simple pleasure… a cup of tea on a rainy day and a smile from my little girl
My simple pleasure is spending time with my family whenever we can. And also spending time with my precious puppies.
My favorite simple pleasure right now is cuddling and rocking my last baby every night before I put him to bed. The fabric is gorgeous!
Simple Pleasure, my most favorite thing to do in the whole world, is to watch my little girl learning and loving it. She is 3 and we are working on our ABC's right now. I love your fabric collection, it would make my little girl a BEAUTIFUL quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.
My simple pleasure right now is sitting somewhere quiet and handsewing my hexies for my grandmothers flower garden quilt. I am going to make it my retirement gift to my self…I have six more years till I retire..:)
Waking up and seeing the sun coming through the window!
Cuddling my 2 year old.
my simple pleasure is a nice glass of wine and some great music sitting on the deck.
Simple pleasures, hmmm…, I love sitting out on my deck while being very still and watching the birds come up to the bird feeder. Sometimes I even get pictures of them!
Oh my goodness those colors! Those beautiful colors! I hope I win, I hope I win (fingers crossed). My greatest simple pleasure in watching the birds in my garden. Just thinking about the way they dance and bicker and chirp makes me smile.
Simple Pleasure for me would be watching my two beautifull granddaughters. Would love to make a quilt for them with this fabric collection.
My simple pleasure is sitting watching the ocean. It changes day to day, hour to hour and second to second.
Gorgeous fabrics! My simple pleasure is watching the sunset!
My simple pleasure (until I get grandkids) is to sit on my back porch by my pond with my 5 outdoor doggies!
My simple pleasure is spending time with my grands. If I am feeling down, just experiencing them lifts me up.
Watching tv with my husband right after the kids go to bed. House is dark and quiet and it's the first time we have to really see each other all day.
With two young girls keeping me busy, I enjoy finishing a hot cup of tea…uninterrupted : )
One of my simple pleasures is getting a really good book and reading it all the way through without distraction!
My simPle pleasure is sitting in the sand and watching the tide roll in.
Who wants this Simple Pleasures fat quarter bundle? ME!
My most simple pleasure in life is to spend an hour floating on our lake in an inner tube with my husband!
Seeing a smile on a child's face brings unmeasurable pleasure to my heart. And it is so simple to achieve in most cases – smile at a child and they smile back.
My two favorite simple pleasures are getting to spend quiet time with my wonderful husband, and having time to make crafty gifts for my family.
My most simple pleasure in life is reading Dr. Seuss books to my kids at bedtime.
Just sitting and sewing! Thanks for the chance.
My simple pleasure is watching baseball with my husband after the kids go to bed. Thanks for the giveaway!
My most simple pleasure is sitting with a cup of coffee while my cat and I watch the birds and squirrels at the feeders.
My simple pleasure in life would have to be in the afternoons when I sit out by my pond, listening to the waterfall, enjoying the cool breeze, and the wonderful aroma of my gardens surrounding me.
I truly love "Let the Sunshine In" quilt it's gorgeous!
Thank you for thinking of us and hosting this awesome giveaway!
My simple pleasure is sitting in my recliner reading the morning paper with my cat, Tigger on my lap. He loves my fuzzy pink bathrobe and likes to "make biscuits" on it and talk to me.
My simple pleasure is snuggling with my daughter and reading a book 🙂
One of my simple pleasures is sitting with a cup of coffee, a good book, and my kitties and golden retriever.
My simplest pleasure is sitting on my deck in the early morning, drinking coffee and listening to the peacefullness….. 🙂
First thing in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, sneak outside onto the porch (Scruff usually tags along), sit and drink it in a comfy chair. The world is still asleep except for the birds chirping, and we have an awesome view 🙂 Thanks so much!
My simpelest pleasure in life is a bag full of 5cent candies and a slurpee. I love it and makes me happy!
My simple pleasure is going out on the deck when I first awaken, to greet the morning. 🙂
A simple plain Hershey bar is a simple pleasure for me. Nothing fancy just an old fashioned simple chocolate bar.
I love the colors you have chosen and designs. I was also inspired by nature and I like the margaritas.
The simple pleasures of life such as walking, sewing, chatting with people who share interests, is best.
Walking with my dogs in the fields at sunrise. They teach me to live in the moment with joy, they make me laugh every day, and remind me to play. And they never, ever, ever lose hope. Love my dogs.
Sitting on my deck with a good book on a beautiful evening.
Having "conversations" with my 3-month old. I love to listen to all she has to say.
sewing with my sisters -we have so much fun together
Wendy S in Iowa
Simple pleasure? Sitting down to a good meal. 🙂 And getting hugs from my kids, of course!
My most satifying simple pleasure is the smell of black walnuts. It's a rich, intense, evocative scent and always makes me smile.
Simple pleasures………making things with my hands, quilting, embroidery, cards, etc. and of course just being with my kids and grandchildren. I recently lost my DH so it puts life into perspective!
My simple pleasure is watching my son laugh and his little eyes look like rainbows 🙂
Watching the ocean waves come in and out and listening to the sounds they make. Beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win.
My simple pleasure is sitting on the swing in the backyard chatting with friends or family. I absolutely love that spot under the tree.
Petting my dog.
I have several simples pleasures but my favorite would be kicking the ball in the backyard for my bulldog Lola. She absolutely loves it and makes me laugh!
My simple pleasure is sitting down with a blank piece of cross stitch fabric, getting ready to start the first stitch to make a gift for a senior citizen or a child. My group, World of Charity Stitching, makes lap quilts, tote bags and many other items for charity, and I love it.
My simple pleasure is waking my son up in the mornings at the butt crack of dawn by tickling him 🙂 We have to leave the house by 7 am and I start waking him up at 6:20 and we're still late very morning 🙂 Beautiful fabrics!
Gosh, is there any such thing as a single most simple pleasure? I have so many, and am thankful that I do. 🙂 One of my favorites is singing in the car with my nieces, as loud as we all want. There is nothing more fun than such a carefree experience, when I know that all of us are enjoying sharing the moment.
The smell of clothes dried in the sunshine.
Riding my motorcycle on a summer evening in a state with no helmet law. That warm breeze in my hair and on my skin is wonderful.
Sitting in the glorious sunshine, peacefully stitching is my simple pleasure. Stunning fabrics, I'm in love with this range.
open windows on a rainy summer day.
My simple pleasure is bare feet in cold grass on a hot day
My simple pleasure is reading a great book with my favorite music playing in the background!
And I also want to add: one of the things that I love about this particular line of fabrics is the range of purples. I feel like so many fabric lines are missing it. Or maybe that's just where I shop . . .
Give me a bag of Cheetos & I'm a happy camper!
My favorite simple pleasure right now is that moment in the evening, when everyone is home, and we are all lazy and tired and we cuddle up on the couch. I love that.
Having a morning that I can sleep in!
A phone call from my Granddaughter.
coffee on the front porch on Sunday mornign, watching the sun come up.
My boys' laughter over simple, silly things.
Apart from crafting I love cooking with my grand children. They are such a delight to work with and watch.
My simple pleasure is my cabin in the mountains. I don't have to be doing a thing and it is wonderful.
My simple pleasure is being able to relax on the couch and catch up on some TV. It is rare and I treasure every moment.
My simple place is having a quiet place to sit and drink coffee in the am. And thank you Debbie for your comment about new quilters. I was snubbed by experienced quilters with my first quilt and have never shown my quilts to any quilter again, nor do I share pictures of my quilts.
reading a book…or as I have rediscovered, checking out books from the library!
Playing with my grandchildren. Knowing I don't have any of those "responsibilities" that used to plague me when I was a young mom with young children. Now I'm an old grandma and those grandchildren are my #1 priority when they're here. Everything else just falls to the wayside.
My simple pleasure is quiet. I love quiet time. I find it in the car with no radio on, in the bathtub reading quilt magazines.. I just love my quiet.
Listening to music and relaxing is my simple pleasure.
Sitting on my back porch, sipping a steaming cup of tea, watching the birds at the feeders and watching the squirrels wishing they were at the feeders! 🙂
*Most* simple pleasure?
Curling up in the sunshine on a warm-ish fall day…even better if I can manage to snag sun *inside* so the cats can join me :o)
Awesome giveaway – those are gorgeous fabrics!
My simple pleasure: sweet, innocent laughter of children. Nothing warms my heart more than to hear the unadulterated joy spilling over in the life of a precious kiddo.
What a lovely collection! My simple pleasure is a light breeze through the open window. 🙂 Thanks for the fun!
My simple pleasure would be nightly walks with my husband and our two boston terriers dogs Buster & Betty.
My simple pleasure is taking a nap and having all my pets around me! Thanks for the giveaway!
simple pleasure is simply being with my husband. We don't need to converse or anything — just be there together.
PS Thank you for a chance to win.
Laying in bed with my kids cuddling and laughing and talking and praying.
My simple pleasure is eating fresh cherries and having the dog cuddled up beside me.
Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize.
This fabric is so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win some!
My simple pleasure in life is just getting to see my boyfriend when I can & spend some time with him. Our whole relationship has been long distance (because of my schooling & work) & we rarely get to see each other. When we do – I don't even care what we're doing. I just love getting to see his smile again & spend as much time with him as possible 🙂
I have 2. After everyone's asleep a hot Cuppa tea and a good book. Also watching my 12yr old son grow and realize what a generous, thoughtful person he is. ( sometimes) Thanks for the colorful giveaway! ;>
My simple pleasure is having my little Quaker parrot sit on my finger while I talk to him.
My simple pleasure is watching my husband play with our two kids. I love to watch while I cook dinner, it always brings a smile to my face.
My simple pleasure is quilting. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Those fabrics are just gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance! My simple pleasure is sitting on the deck under a quilt on a chilly morning with a cup of coffee.
My simple pleasure now days is getting up in the morning before my husband(who has Alzhiemers)and having a cup of coffee and reading emails and checking out my Facebook and Blogger to get the latest quilting news. This quiet time is so life saving.
What a wonderful giveaway you have given us. My simple pleasure is ….. Diet Coke!
My simple pleasure is watching my DVR recordings of my favorite shows after everyone is in bed while doing some hand stitching or reading a book. Usually while sipping on some wine!
It would have to be sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee and a good book! Love that quiet moment (and it is usually just a moment).
A hot bubble bath after all my kids are in bed. Heaven!
Besides creating, I have been enjoying the cooler temps on the porch, while I watch the bunnies and birds and other critters in the yard.
A nice cup of hot tea in the morning. Definitely my most favorite simple pleasure (sewing/creating is pleasurable, but definitely not simple for me). Oh, I love this giveaway!!!
Not that I'm complaining, but if you find anyone willing to giveaway 5 minutes of silence to one mommy with 3 kids under 5, THAT would totally ROCK (I would take it with my morning tea)!!!
My simple pleasure is being able to spend time with my husband no matter what we are doing. Our boys are grown and out of the house and it's just us. I love this fat quarter bundle. Thank you for the great giveaway.
Coffee! I just love a cup in the morning! It makes my day.
My simple pleasure is drinking ice cold water on a very hot day.
The most simple pleasure for me is to spend time with our family. We are all in different cities and states so any time spent together is precious.
A simple pleasure for me is Juicy Fruit gum. The clove and fruit flower (and sugar!) make me happy every time I chew a piece!
Hearing my grandson's laugh!
Snuggling with my three children early in the morning when we have just come out of bed.
My simple pleasure would be my horses 🙂 they are so beautiful and fun to ride! Thanks for the chance to win!!
My simple pleasure is cuddling with my kids!
What pretty fabric. One of my simple pleasures in life is water. If I have had a bad day or I am stressed I will take a shower and let the water wash all my worries away.
spending time with my family is my simple pleasure.
ginger c at gmail dot com
Sleep. Okay, I'm tired right now. 🙂 But I do love sleep. A lot.
Spending time with my darling nieces!
Picnics with the family in the Summer time. Even if it's just on the lawn outside the house we do it all the time.
The view out my bedroom window!
Thanks for running the giveaway!
Hearing my son say "I love you."
My simple pleasure in life is to take care of my family.
My simple pleasure is watching the sun rise.
Love the colors in that fabric!
Besides sleeping ( yay !) , looking at flowers and gardens of homes as we ride by them on our Harley ! and , oh yeah , riding in the Smoky Mountains and Tennessee when we can go !
My simple pleasures are watching the birds at the feeders & in the bird bath. I can sit & watch for quite a long time.
LOVE the fabrics – thanks for the chance!
My simple pleasure would be to snuggle up with the dogs, a cup of tea with cookies, and a good book. Beautiful fabric, thank you for the giveaway.
Gazing up at the stars at night while I sit in the hot tub…That is the most peaceful time of my day~~ Thanks for the chance at this beautiful giveaway~~ Faye
Selling books for a living is one. Making food for my family another. My family. ^_^ Guess that's three, but they're all good ones….
My simple pleasure is drinking the first cup of fresh coffee in the morning! We grind the beans, and the smell from that cup is heavenly — and then the taste is heaven too!
The simplest and sweetest pleasure in my later years is snuggling in bed with my hubby on a Sunday morning!
My favorite thing is my puppy, when he's circled up next to me while I'm sewing
My simple pleasure is rocking my four month old grandaughter. Who knew a precious baby could bring so much happiness!
Wow! Hard to pick just one. It would have to be spending time with my family, including my two dachshunds, Bruno and Heidi!
Love your fabric line… the colors are.. knock your socks off… beautiful!!
Wow!!! I was just drooling over Simple Pleasures at the Fat Quarter Shop before I found this giveaway. Hmmmm….maybe I'm onto something here. lol At this particular point in my life, just getting to sit on my front porch, with the deer and all of the birds and sip a cup of tea in the morning is my simple pleasure.
My simple pleasure in life is watching my children sleep when I check on them at night. There is nothing like a sleeping child and how angelic they look.
going to any fabric store and just touching every bolt of fabric I can get my hand on…even if I leave with nothing 🙂 Thanks for a chance to win!
My simple pleasure would be to spend quality time with my daughter.
My simple pleasure is sleeping in on the weekend until at least 8:00. Leaves me feeling so rejuvenated!
Sandy A
Hard to choose. I think finishing a project and liking the end result. I probably should have put spending time with my grands first.
Bringing in a new day with coffee and coffeemate.
My best simple pleasure is getting a "Nana!!!" and a big hug from my 3-year old granddaughter!!!
My simple pleasure in life would be spending time with my family and have a family chatting.. 🙂
My greatest simple pleasure is mashed potatoes. I love em any time I can get them. 🙂
There are a lot of simple things that give me pleasure. One of them is reading in bed at night just before going to sleep.
What beautiful fabric!
My most simple pleasure in life is (don't laugh) a freshly-made bed with nice, clean linens.
I actually try to live my life exploring and enjoying the simple things. I particularly enjoy it when one of my cats wants to cuddle and purrs quite loudly. It's such a joyful and comforting feeling. On a separate note, that last quilt on this post is exquisite! The colors! the shading! The highlighting. Absolutely incredible!
My most simple pleasure in life is being able to hold hands with my husband of 36+ years. Nothing can make me feel better than when he reaches for my hand every night before he falls asleep 🙂
I love to fall asleep to the sound of rain on the roof… Just thinking about it makes me feel sleepy!
My simplest pleasure sitting on our new deck watching the sun come up and our little dog and cats play in the yard. Gorgeous fabric.
I love how simple life is when I take my puppy for a walk. He makes me appreciate how exciting a walk around the block can be.
Today, the simple pleasure that most comes to mind is inhaling the first sweetpea blooms of the summer. My favourite scent. I love to bury my nose in a bouquet of them.
Funny you should ask that question…I just came inside from indulging in my favorite simple pleasure. Every evening, my hubby and I go out and sit in the shade of our flowering plum tree just a few feet from our two hummingbird feeders and just enjoy the evening, and the antics of the little hummers buzzing around us. I sometimes take one of my stitchery quilt blocks out with me to work on, but not always. I usually just enjoy the quiet time, chatting about the day, waving at the neighbors as the drive or walk by (as we yell at the dogs to stop barking at them, LOL) and watch the birds. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful bundle. All the lovely flowers remind me so much of my mom. She loved daisies so very much that I think of her every time I see a flower that even looks like a daisy. Gorgeous fabric. Hugs…
Definitely the three men in my life–my husband and two sons.
Early morning reading & coffee sipping.
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My simple pleasures are a quilt magazine and dark chocolate. Thank you for the chance to win this Simple Pleasures bundle. It is beautiful. Take care and God bless, Cory
A good hug, especially from my hubby or daughter. Money can't buy hugs, they have to be given.
My most simple pleasure is curling up with a kitty and a good book!
Beautiful fabric! My simple pleasure is a luxurious hot bath at the end of the day. The best.
Relaxing and listening to good music
My simple pleasure is sitting at the beach with a good book while my children play.
Playing with my grandsons ages 1 and 3.Tickling, reading, rolling cars, building w/blocks. What could be better?
My favorite simple pleasure is sitting with my husband in the morning, having a cup of coffee, and watching the birds at the feeder! A friend told me not to feed the birds that God will provide for them. I feed them so I have the pleasure of watching them up close.Pat Mc
I love to watch the birds at our bird feeder. My husband hung the feeder so you can see it from the kitchen and the dining area. He's very good about keeping it filled so the birds are always around. It's wonderful!
My favorite way to de-stress is to walk into a favorite fabric store. To totally surround myself with the colors, textures and scents is my simple pleasure. Even a twenty minute break to step inside a fabric/quilt shop, makes the whole world a better place for me.
My favorite simple pleasure is blowing bubbles with my granddaughters on a nice warm day and listening to their delighted laughter as they chase the bubbles.
sitting early in the morning on our balcny and have a cup of coffee. I really enjoy the early and quiet morningtimes.
My simple pleasure is sitting out in my garden in the evening on my swing seat, watching the sun go down, a perfect end to the day. Linda
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I didn't even have to think about that one — spending time with my two little granddaughters! They live in opposite ends of the state and time is so fleeting — I treasure every moment with them.
My most simple pleasure is just enjoying the sunshine. I live in Arizona so I get to appreciate the sun everyday.
My simple pleasure is a mug of tea and a good book – especially quilt themed fiction like the Elm Creek Quilt series!
My simple pleasure in life is to sit out on the patio at night before bed and look at the stars and wonder what tomorrow will bring,perhaps a chance to make a beautiful quilt of simple pleasures!!
my simple pleasure is spending time with my family.
My simle pleasure is to enjoy the silence an early morning, before the rest of my familiy wake up
My simple pleasure is sitting out on the deck, in the sun, and enjoying watching my lambs graze nearby.
My simple pleasure is a long hot shower when needed.
My pleasure is: sitting in the sun and enjoying an ice crème 🙂
My simple pleasure in life is to spend time on our back deck in my wicker rocker, overlooking our pool and land, watching the animals that are not afraid of us, having my beloved Maverick (chihuahua) on my lap, hubby by my side and loving life and each other. I have been blessed with so many good things in my life!
Watching the rain and the clouds 😀
My current favorite simple pleasure is drawing with my grandson…he is 2 and especially loves when we draw houses for him to color.
Bathtime for my 3 year old daughter – she loves to sing as she splashes around!
I would be so thrilled to win your FQ bundle of Simple Pleasures, thanks for the chance!
Getting up really early and just sitting in the garden!
My simple pleasure is having a cup of tea in bed at the weekend before getting up, reading a new issue of a quilting magazine!
My morning coffee!
My simple pleasure is when my three daughters are NOT fighting or arguing.
Going for a walk with my husband
Watching my grandsons grow up is my biggest life pleasure and creating a new quilt design is my biggest quilting design.
The most simple pleasure in my life is when my boyfriend sends me that "Look of love"! He smiles and I can see all his love to me in his eyes!
Thanks for that great giveaway!
The most simple pleasure of life is when I cuddle with my almost 13 years old son en my 9 years old daughter.
Greetings Josien.
That would be ice cream or frozen yogurt!!
A simple pleasure is that first cup of hot coffee in the morning:) Have a wonderful weekend!
My most simple pleasure – Oh my gosh – it has to be this fabric !!!!
It is just beautiful – I would truly love to win some 😉
Pleasures – My husband, kids & time spent with them – Can't beat it !!!
My simple pleasure is my (almost daily afternoon walk with my dog (French bulldog) in the woods.
This fabricline is fantastic! Thanks for a chance to wiun.
Have a great weekend,
New magazine… cup of coffee.. lazy morning in bed, my Boston and my Frenchie mix cuddled close. Ahhhh…. :0) gorgeous fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!!
What gorgeous fabric!
My simple pleasure, checking on my sleeping children before I go to bed (especially after a grouchy day!).
Thanks for the chance to win
Sitting on my screen in porch with some hand piecing
My simple pleasure is sitting under the tree in my garden reading – an added pleasure last weekend was watching the birds at my bird bath. There were literally 14 little birds all making a beautiful noise while splashing and drinking.
My simple pleasure is greeting my husband with a kiss when he comes home from work. I love to see him walk in the door even after 37 years of marriage.
The simple pleasure I relish most is feeling the sun on my skin on a pleasant day. Mmmm…
The most simple plesure in life is to sit down under a peach tree on spring and smell and look at flowers petals dancing in the air!
My simple pleasure is the first thing in the morning drinking my awesome coffee. We order our coffee beans from a company in Milwaukee WI that roasts their own beans daily so it's always super fresh and soooooooooo good. I grind my coffee beans daily because I am such a huge coffee snob. LOL
Reading a quilting magazine while sipping a chai tea!
My most simple pleasure right now is just getting outside and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
My most simple pleasure is hand sewing hexies or cathedral windows. It's a portable project that I can take anywhere.
My most simple pleasure has always been reading. These fabrics are beautiful – love the color combinations. Thanks for the giveaway.
My simple pleasure is a cup of coffee shared with a quilt blog in the morning!!
playing with my grandchildren they are both just wonderful boys.
Falling asleep next to my loved one and waking up next to him. Simple but deep pleasure on a daily basis. 🙂
Early morning sunshine on the porch with a cup of coffee.
Wow.. I have so many now that I reflect. Aside from the obvious "family time", my simple pleasures are late night, after taking a bubble bath, sitting in my cool room, listening to my soft music piecing a new quilt while reflecting on the day to myself. Just being able to "be". Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Definitely family time!! Gorgeous fabric thanks for the giveaway!
Most simple pleasure: Relaxing on my front porch swing with one of my many hand-stitching projects.
My simple pleasure is a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning with nothing to do but take it easy reading blogs, magazines or a good book.
Thanks for a chance to win such beautiful fabric.
My simple pleasure is enjoying a cup of coffee early in the morning on the back porch with my dog, Mickey.
Listening to nature, birds, frogs, running water….
My simple pleasure is my grands. Seeing my grandson play and hearing my granddaughter giggle makes my day!!
My simple pleasure …enjoy dinner with my family and reflecting on the day.
Shawn in Michigan
Movie night with the family.
The easiest pleasure to enjoy is color!! My color of choice – PURPLE!! You can make yourself happy with purple nail polish, a T-shirt, flip-flops, lip gloss. Such small things, pleasure can surround you. All with a color!!!
My early morning bike ride through my neighborhood. I like looking at all the different houses with their different flowers, trees and bushes.
My simple pleasure is spending time with my little girl
Beautiful fabric!! My simple pleasure has been sitting on our front deck in the evening and handquilting.
Enjoying a latte with a nice breakfast with my fiancee in the morning, looking out at the garden and seeing my plants growing! I love this collection – probably my favorite in a long time!
Gorgeous, gorgeous fabric! Very soothing. Thank you for this giveaway. My simple pleasure is learning about and watching nature.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
My simple pleasure in life is having the time to create and be crafty. Snuggling with my twosome is tied for first though. 😉
Thanks for the chance to win this!
Mine is chocolate! 🙂
First, seeing things through my grandchildren's eyes – renewing.
Second, cup of coffee and quilting magazine or book to read.
Love that fabric! My most simple pleasure is sitting on the deck and listening to the waterfall in my water garden. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
My simple pleasure is listening to classical music while I quilt, with my pup resting nearby. Thanks for the chance to win.
My simple pleasure is sitting out on the patio in the summer with my husband and two dogs just before going to bed and looking at the stars and moon.
Snuggling with my babies in the morning! The oldest is five, hopefully she won't want to give it up anytime soon.
Anything related to sewing.
My most simple pleasure is sitting on the patio doing some hand sewing for my grandkids.
those fabrics are delightful!! I find so many simple pleasures throughout my day but my biggest is enjoying the peace & quiet in our gorgeous custom built house we designed (been here almost a year) in the country. no noise like trains, sirens, etc. like in the city–just us and nature like listening to the birds sing.
I love the sound of my 3 kids playing and laughing together, its the best. Thanks
Having a cup of coffee in the morning while the house is still quiet.
My most simple pleasure…sitting on the deck with a cup of tea. A little taste of heaven!
My simple pleasure is hugs from my kids…even though they are 26 & 27, I still love their hugs!!
A summer breeze touching my face as I rest from my gardening.
These are beautiful fabrics!
My simple pleasure is reading the paper first thing in the morning with a few cups of coffee!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Those are such beautiful fabrics!!
My most treasured "simple pleasure" right now is RAIN falling!!!! Lovely, refreshing RAIN!!!
Watching the wild-life especially the birds feed in my garden.
My simple pleasure is spending time with my family. My husband of 44 years(today!) and I have two amazing children married to wonderful spouses and 5 melt your heart grandchildren. I would love to win this fabric and think both of the quilts Debbie showed are must haves!
Just sitting and talking with someone I love. It seems like we're all so busy that calm conversation is hard to find.
My simple pleasure is hanging out with my friends. They are the family I got to choose myself.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My most simple pleasure is sitting on the back step on my outside patio with a glass of sweet tea watching all the different birds at the feeders.
Working on a quilt with my husband near-by reading a good book. I love the quiet sounds of home, without the noise of the outside world.
Snuggling with my husband!!(And after 31 years of marriage, we are snuggling pros…)
My simple pleasure in life is reading. There is nothing like getting lost in a story.
My simple pleasure is laughing with my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sitting on my deck in the morning with a cup of coffee and having the hummingbirds join me by drinking out of their feeder.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Sitting in my holiday home and just watching the surroundings – it is so green, peaceful and quiet. Absolute bliss.
Snuggling with my kids, can't get much better than that. Well, hand quilting comes in close.
Sitting in the backyard sipping a glass of wine and watching the birds. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Going to get a snowcone with my DH. Thanks for the giveaway!
My simple pleasure in life is sitting and looking at nature. The sights… sounds… and tranquility of it. 🙂
Is being the first to read the morning paper…once I get the crossword and cryptoquote done…I can start my day! Of course, I have my three cups of coffee to help get my butt in gear for the day!
Sitting on the porch swing on a warm day, with a nice breeze and reading a good book.
My simple pleasure is enjoying a nice cup of coffee…..either in the morning, reading my wonderful emails, or in the afternoon after a full day of sewing…..
My most simple pleasure is going into my sewing room early in the morning with my coffee and working on newest project.
Got to be rocking my new grandson, Dylan Scout, and singing nursery rhymes. And the joy of hearing him sing back!
My simple pleasure is sitting outside with a cool breeze, listening ro the birds, my dogs laying close by, reading quilting magazines, deciding on a new project.
My simple pleasure would be a late nigth walk on the beach, with my two dogs. Looking at the moon and stars and watching the fog roll in from the sea.
Best simple pleasure of all time… daydreaming! Followed closely by laying on my back looking at the sky! 🙂
c.paints [at]yahoo (dot) com
The colors in this collection are just stunning!
My simple pleasure is being outside just before a storm…..when there's that warm breeze washing over you right before it rains. So simple and yet so wonderful.
My favorite guilty pleasure is sitting outside a cabin or lodge in the mountains with my husband and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
My simple pleasure is just sicking outside with no phones, no TV and just enjoying nature. Thank you for the give away
I'd have to say finishing a project and that moment of standing back and taking it all in! And of course when my son says something hilarious. or when he curls up next to be to read a book… I know I was supposed to pick one, but when I started thinking about it more than one came to me! Thanks
cutting and arranging flowers from my gardens.
My simple pleasure is my very early morning walk with my little dog, Honey Bear, which happens 6 days a week with the 7th day being my other simple pleasure:_ to stay in bed for an extra hour with a cup of coffee and a good book. 🙂
My simple pleasure is hearing the voices and laughter of my grandchildren at play.
I love sitting on the swing in the morning watching the birds at my feeders.
Simple pleasure???
It would have to be the quiet time that I have to myself each morning before all heck breaks loose with the day.
Simple Pleasure is sunset when the day is done.
Reading a book with a tall glass of iced coffee!
My simple pleasure is sewing of any kind. I find it so relaxing and I can make something at the same time.
My most simple pleasure is watching kids and their expressions. They show everything: joy, surprise, excitement, fascination, so clearly and beautifully!! nothing is sweeter than a child!!
My simple pleasure is sitting with a new quilting magazine and a cup of tea. Thanks for the chance to win that beautiful fabric.
My most simplest pleasure is steping into my quilting room, being surounded in a garden of colorful material just waiting to be made into a bouquet of projects I love.
Kathy Sabel
It would be time spent with my husband, children and grandchildren. Thank you for a great giveaway.
now that i'm older, nudging elderly, my fave simple pleasure is sitting at my new viking, sewing my heart out.
For me a simple pleasure is cooking for my family.
my simple pleasure is a cup of coffee and some knitting 🙂
Simple pleasure – sitting at the dining table watching the wild turkeys and deer through the French door.
A very simple peasure…take a cold shower in this heat just before I go to bed. It's so much easier to get asleep and I love the smell of the soap that is left in the room.
Thanks a lot for this fantastic giveaway.
Listening to someone's heart beating with just my ear against the chest – specifically my husband or one of my kids…though as a child it was a parent. I just love that sound of life and the love symbolism of the heart.
Reading is my most favorite simple pleasure.
Those are very beautiful. Thank you for this offer. Your posts really keep me interested. thanks
My simple pleasure these days is,I think, sitting quietly and watching my grandchildren play. When they forget you are there, magic happens. And I love being the witness of a majic moment.
Listening to my children giggling and laughing..
Sitting on the couch next to my husband at the end of the day.
HI, thanks for the giveaway, my most simple pleasure…..listening to the birds on the trees outside my window waking me up with a song.
Nicki Nawrot
The sun on your face and a summer breeze
My most simple pleasure in life is sitting in my backyard in the evening watching the sunset….I have never tired of this ever! Thanks for the chance to win!
tamiquilts at att dot net
My most favorite simple pleasure is reading a book while my toy poodle sleeps on my lap.
My simple pleasure is reading great children's books to my grandchildren.
My most simple pleasure is watching fireflies in a field as dusk falls. So relaxing!
My most simple pleasure is seeing joy and happiness on my grand children's faces.
My most simple pleasure is sitting quietly with my husband and enjoying the peace of our lives now that we have retired and still have each other.
Having a cup of coffee on the bench in my backyard, watching the birds at the birdfeeders and my puppies running around the yard! It doesn't get much better than that!
I would say; having the first mug of fresh coffee in the morning while checking out crafting blogs. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
Waking up every morning with the birds chirping and singing.
My most simple pleasure is spending time with my husband. Great giveaway1
I Love or maybe I should say … COFFEE AND QUILTING !!! Manon J
my favorite simple pleasure is cooking a meal for my family 🙂 thanks for a chance to win – laurie
What great looking fabric! Love it.
A simple pleasure is a perfectly brewed cup of tea. And perhaps a little sweet thing so I can dunk it!
My simple pleasure is gazing at the mountains from my front porch swing.
Simple pleasures. A sleeping baby. A ripening peach tree. An apple orchard in September. A sidewalk lined with lilacs.
Picnic in a park with my family.
It varies depending on the moment…at this point I'd have to say, quiet, alone time! Thanks for the chance!
A bath!! My most simple pleasure is taking a bath!! I love bubbles, candles, salts, the whole works!
Walking in the early morning, sun just coming up, cool, crisp, peaceful. So soul filling.
Hmmm, I think I have two favorite simple pleasures – 1) snuggling with my kids and reading a story, and 2) petting my cat!
My simple pleasure is walking hand in hand with my husband with our dog at our side.
My favorite simple pleasure is walking down our long, green, shady driveway to get the mail. My sweetheart does, too, and I love about him. We like the simple things and especially like sharing them.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
My simple pleasures this summer would be my koi recognizing me and flocking to feed, AND watching the small family of wild turkeys ambling thru my yard, with the rooster on guard and his hens and chicks moving away from perceived danger–ME.
snuggling my children, youngest is being very cuddly atm
I would say sewing or reading but it varies day to day.
Stawberries and youghurt for breakfast, outside in the sun an early summer morning. Enjoying the silence alone.
I love most of Debbie's fabric lines, because I love purple. I would love to win, hint, hint.
Escaping the computer to sit in my armchair in a patch of sunlight with a cat by my side and a good book. There's nothing better!
Breakfast in the garden with my family in a sunny morning!
Watching my baby daughter explore the garden – it is all so fascinating!
Honestly, other than quilting, my most simple pleasure is cracking open a brand new book on my comfy 'reading chair', a cold glass of ice water by my side, and often a box of kleenex!
My simple pleasure in life is snuggles from my husband and daughter. He works long hours and isn't home much and my daughter is constantly moving so to get snuggles from either of them is a special moment, and a big deal!
My simple pleasure? Being with my children and grandchildren-it's the best!! Of course quilting comes in near the top too!
Shareing meals with friends and/or family. From sandwiches to fancy dinners.
My simple pleasure is spending time with my girlfriends laughing and more laughing. This fabric line is just beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win.
Brenda Kowalski
I love spending time with my 2 grandsons.. what could be better. When I am with them life is simple.
My simple pleasure is seeing my terrier Jaxi first thing in the morning. He's still a little sleepy and super sweet and cuddly. It's the rare time he's not in turbo mode.
Handing someone a zucchini or cucumber or tomato from my garden between the sidewalk and parking lot where I work. The smiles are worth a million dollars! Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful stack of fabric. Love the greens and purples.
My favourite simple pleasure right now is watching the "Coming soon" section right here at the Fat Quarter Shop and dream up quilts with all the beautiful fabrics that soon will be available. Since I can't buy them "right now" its so relaxing to just dream away and sketch them up (without any stress of not being able to afford the fabrics before they sell out) so it's just such a simple pleasure =)
My simple pleasure is feeling and buying the wonderful fabrics, taking them home and cutting them up, sewing them together in a pattern and seeing the end results in a beautiful quilt; then, when giving as a gift, watching the expression of the person receiving!
My simple pleasure is crafting. Thanks for the chance
My most simple pleasure is smelling the rain. I love, love love rain. 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
My fav simple pleasure is a hug from my hubby or one of our kids. Even though they are grown, it still makes my heart happy. (And maybe one day I'll have grands!!)
Jacque in SC
I LOVE the colors in this line! Yumm. Speaking of yum, a simple pleasure is a cup of vanilla ice cream. Id rather have that than a full blown sundae!
My simple pleasure is crafting when all my family sleeps.
Thanks for the chance
Simple pleasure – listening to my kitty pur, hugging the kids, talking to my Mom on the phone
Sitting on my country front porch in my Cracker Barrel rockers watching the sunset over the Allegheny Mountains. Lovely.
my simple pleasure is enjoying the grandchildren (and the faux grandchildren)
Taking a nap on a summer day; a warm breeze coming through the window blows the curtains gently and an oscilating fan cools me from head to toe…ahhhhhh, heaven.
My simple pleasures are weeding my veggie garden, and collecting a ripe tomatoe to have with my sandwich for lunch!Yummers!
My most simple pleasure is spending time with my best friend from childhood.
Oooo, so many things — the smell of rain, the beauty of a spring day dawning, the way my cat looks at me as if he understands my feelings, a goodbye hug from my grownup kids. Simple things get forgotten in the hurry-up of day to day living, don't they?
My simple pleasure is watching my Granddaughter sleep. WOW!
My simple pleasure is watching my Granddaughter sleep.
My simple pleasure is watching my Granddaughter sleep.
Right now in life my simple pleasure is sitting with my parents who are both battling cancer and having a nice cup of tea.
I enjoy the simple pleasure of evening raindrops outside my awning-protected window illuminated only by the light of the street-lamp.
Equally as great…hearing my daughers say, "I love you mommy."
My favourite simple pleasure in life…buttery vegemite toast and a hot cup of tea…ah bliss…
Playing cards with my grandsons outside on the deck on a perfect summer afternoon. Watching my sweet kitty purring contentedly all curled up on the rug by the door.
Your fabric is gorgous. Thank you for the chance to win it!
My most simplest pleasure – my morning cup of coffee. Among my greatest pleasures tho is quilting! Your fabric line is just beautiful – I know just who in my family will love a quilt from this fabric but I just can't say right now! : )
One of my simple pleasures is sitting next to a purring cat – there's nothing more relaxing. Debbie, I love your sparkling jewels quilt – so very pretty!!
My most simple pleasure would be a venti starbucks and sitting on my back patio looking at the flowers and listening to the birds.
My simple pleasure is reading quilt blogs with my morning coffee. It is a close tie with petting my cat and cooking something new and exciting for myself and my husband to enjoy!
My simple pleasure is visiting the library.
I love waking up on Saturday mornings and reading in bed. Regardless of when I go to bed, I wake up early so those early morning hours on Saturdays are all mine.
The best simple pleasure is sitting outside after dinner and enjoying the sun and little warm weather we have had this summer here in the PNW.
My simple pleasure is hand quilting. Or petting the kitty. Love these colors, so pretty!
Cutting out the pieces for a new quilt!
Summer rain!
My simplest pleasure is quilting.
my greatest simple pleasure is spending time with my grand-children
My most simple pleasure in life is "Hi Lo". At dinner, we go around the table and tell our high and our low from the day. It is an opening to talk with my family and find out what they did. It makes me happy each and everyday.
As long as I'm using my hands to be creative in some way by quilting, knitting, doing needlepoint or counted cross stitch….I'm a very content and a happy camper. Anyone in my family will certainly agree with me.
One of my simple pleasures is homebaked bread. Makes the house smell wonderful! And since I "cheat" by using a bread machine, it's simple to do. Gorgeous fabrics, thanks for the chance to win.
early morning sitting on my veradah and admiring the fields, then my gardens and most of all the trees.
So peaceful and inspiring
Snuggling with my Yorkie!!
My simple pleasure is waking up in the morning with my cup of coffee and sitting at my computer checking to see what my blogging friends have to say each day.
Greetings from Northern Saskatchewan CANADA!
What a beautiful collection! Simple pleasures – I love relaxing in the evening watching TV with my embroidery to keep me awake!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My simple pleasure in life is hearing my kids laugh. Its a great thing to hear and always brightens my day. Thanks for the chance to win some fab stuff!
My most simple pleasure in life is spending time with my son. He's 24 years old now which makes those moments even more precious.
My simple pleasure is seeing my flowers bloom in the garden and completing a crochet project and hugging, kissing and tugging my children into bed daily.
Hearing my daughters gorgeous infectious giggle and seeing people's smiles as her joy spreads!
My most simple pleasure is getting to sleep in (which doesn't happen too often becuase my kids are early birds)
My lifes simple pleasures are to have a few minutes each day to sew and ice cream in the evening!!! Life is great!!
My simple pleasure is having some quiet moments to sit and read a book without interruptions.
I have so many simple pleasures, from enjoying summer breezes on my porch (which I am doing right now) to laying on my stomach in bed at night looking out my open window at the nighttime country landscape. I guess most of my simple pleasures include the outdoors.
My son laughing!
My simple pleasure is having cuddle time with my fat cat. In the summer, it's hard to have a furnace lying on me. Seriously, she likes to walk up to my chest and plays dead. Sometimes she has good timing where I don't have to move or go pee.
Enjoying the quiet morning at sunrise.
My simple pleasure is sitting in my garden enjoying the sounds of the birds and scents of the flowers. Thanks for the giveaway of such beautiful fabric.
a good book!
My simple pleasure is ti sit quietly in the evening watching TV and hand sewing my hexies.
Sitting in the sun, doing some patching or quilting and watching the cat catching butterflies. I always tell him not to do this but he has a will of his own.
My simple pleasure is spending time with my children and making them laugh. I love hearing that innocent, childsize laughter. Loving this fabric, thanks for the chance to win!
Cuddling with my kids… especially on a cool evening… not so much in the summer though!
Love that gorgeous fabric and would love to win! My simple pleasure is walking on the beach with my husband.
My simple pleasure is my quilting. THanks you for the giveaway.
Simple pleasure – walking along the lakeshore with my dog. Sun, rain, wind or snow, I always find it peaceful.
My favorite simple pleasure is hanging my laundry on the line outside on a nice, breezy day… 🙂
I love to just look at all the colors in the world, and be thankful for it every day. This came from having just a black and white tv long past when everyone else had color. Color is so much better. How boring life would be if everything were in black and white.
my simple pleasure is finding little treasures in my kids (preschoolers) pockets while putting away their clothes, after they've gone to bed! It just warms my heart.
Feeling at rest & content whether it be with friends, in the garden or stitching.
My most favorite simple pleasure is quiet time. It rejuvenates and refreshes. It doesn't take a lot, but it works for me.
Trees. They just make me happy
Reading a good book on a rainy day.
Simple pleasure for me, dinner with all of the kids…..just having everyone home and enjoying each other and good food.
The fabrics are so colourful and vibrant!
sleeping in! a luxury i usually cannot afford, but will be taking advantage of this weekend!
Hugs and kisses from my one-year-old. They are few and far between!
My simple pleasure is sitting at my sewing machine in the evening when the day id done and everything around me is quiet and I can piece without interruption.
Lying in bed on Saturday morning and listening to my husband and my son laughing at Looney Tunes on TV.
Quiet moments when the children are awake.
Sitting in my rocker with my dog and a cool breeze drinking a "good" cup of coffee.
An unexpected phone call from family or friends. Just makes my day. Gorgeous fabric.
My simple pleasure, is tuckin my 2 boys in b4 i have some quite peaceful me time
Life is made up of simple pleasures, past, present and future, from walks and talks in early marriage to cuddling and watching your babies, then as they grow through the years,to cuddling and watching grandchildren and how your children are now fine adults and parents, to breathing fresh air and comtemplating nature and life,to enjoying your favourite ice cream a couple of times a year! The most simple pleasure would be memories of all of them! May simple pleasures never be taken from us!! The fabric is beautiful, thank you for the chance to win.
My simple pleasure usually involves a cup of tea, some sweets, and silence. I love just drinking my tea by myself and just unwinding. It's so relaxing and refreshing.
hearing my kids giggle…simple pleasures
My most simple pleasure in life is reading a good book
I love sitting on the deck with a book, watching the kids in the pool.
Pretty! My simple pleasure is snuggling with my baby girls. Big brother doesn't snuggle too much anymore!
I love the smell of coffee in the morning and doing needlework.
My simple pleasure … a cup of good coffee or tea, with a new quilt magazine or pattern in hand … my mind free of cares and full of quilt possiblities !!
Love these fabrics – thanks for the giveaway !
My simple pleasure is time alone with any craft, an audio book and a tall glass of iced french-vanilla latte.
Life's simplest pleasure to me, Reading a great book with a cup of coffee by my side
Being a mom. Is my most simple pleasure.
Playing with my niece and nephews…
The simple pleasures are the best! Makes me think of shared time together with my family, when we are absorbed in the moment and it makes us feel united. For example, something our pet bird does something cute or funny and we see it and share a giggle together.