Designer Tidbits: Dear Stella Fabrics - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Designer Tidbits: Dear Stella Fabrics

The Fat Quarter Shop is excited to welcome Jamie Arcuri, part of the Dear Stella team, to the Jolly Jabber. One of Dear Stella Designs’ latest fabric collections is Petal Pusher.

The Dear Stella team. (Lindsay on the left; Jamie on the right)

Q: What or who would you dedicate this collection to? Do you have an inspiration board?
A:Petal Pusher was inspired by a gorgeous photo of vibrant and colorful painted wildflowers on a white background, and of course STELLA loves fresh-cut flowers! It is dedicated to all the smart and creative people we surround ourselves with every day to lift ourselves higher in every way. I love how the clean colors and bold, modern design of Petal Pusher are floral without being fussy.

Made with JayBird Quilts Chopsticks pattern.

Q: What is your favorite project using this collection?
A:Eloise! We had our Eloise elephant pattern made up in Petal Pusher and it’s so adorable, I feel the need to pet the fabric every time I walk by it!

Q: If time travel became possible, what year would you want to be in?
A:I’d love to go back to the early 1980’s when I still believed that Santa Claus was real and my biggest problem was that my friends might not be able to come out and play that day.

Q:If you had to change your first name what would you change it to?
A:Superwoman, because some days I feel like I should have super powers to achieve everything on my to-do list!

Q:What was your favorite childhood TV show?
A:He-Man & She-Ra, Saved by the Bell (still is!) and I Love Lucy.

Q:Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
A:Jerry Seinfeld sat behind us at a New York METS game last year. I could not tell you a thing that happened during that game, I spent the entire time turned around in my seat! Oh, also Jon Bon Jovi high-fived me at a concert once… does that count?

Q:What is your favorite App to play on your phone?
A:Draw Something – I take my illustrations very seriously and on the iPad you can really do some good work!

Q:If you could marry a technology, what would it be?
A:My iPad & my DSLR (digital super camera). I can’t figure out how I lived before either of them.


  1. Wonderful collection! It's one of my favorites.
    The chopsticks version is already on my to do list. Now I have to add the cute Eloise for two grandchildren that are to be born very soon.

  2. That elephant is an elephant to love. I am not an animal lover of stuffed animals but this has panache. Thanks for the design & to meeting the designer.