The Fat Quarter Shop and Pat Sloan have teamed up to present you with a Fat Quarter Shop Exclusive!
Pat has specially selected 12 of her favorite prints along with 3 coordinating solids from our store for this special bundle found only at the Fat Quarter Shop.
Q: What will you be making with your Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundle?
A: I’m nuts about novelty prints and when I saw the cupcake fabric I knew I had to work with it. I have a whole book of Novelty print projects this can work in, or I may just make a few tote bags mixing and matching the prints.
Like this one
or this one!
and my favorite part… the words.. for sure!
Q: What quilt project are you currently working on?
A: This weekend I’m doing some block mockups for a magazine project proposal. I’m also lining up guests for my internet radio show (Kimberly was on the show May 30, 2011). And I’m doing sketches for my next book that I ship to the publisher in March… fun!
Hot Seat:
1. jelly roll or layer cake
2. planned or scrappy
3. prints or solids
Leave a comment on this post choosing one of each pair you think Pat would have selected. Answer correctly and you will have a chance to win one of her Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundles.
You have exactly one week from this post till the contest closes.
Good Luck!
Layer Cakes, scrappy, and prints.
Layer cake
I love Pat!!! She always has something fun going on over at her blogs. Thanks for the interview & the chance to win a bundle…..
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints.
Layer cakes, scrappy, prints.
Layer cake, planned, prints are my guesses
Layer cake, planned, prints! Thanks!
layer cake, scrappy,solid
layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!
Prints and solids! Fun contest!
Layer cake, planned, and prints!
For sure,
Pat will select prints and solids, I hope…..
Layer cake, planned, prints!!
Layer cakes, scrappy and prints!!Love the cuupcakes.
Layer cake, planned, prints.
Jelly roll
I've always loved her fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.
Jelly Roll, planned, prints
Layer Cake, Planned, Prints
My guess is layer cake, planned and prints.
I guess….jelly roll,planned and prints…Merry Christmas
Jellyroll, planned and prints
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints
My guess: layer cake, planned, prints.
Layer cake, planned, prints.
layer cake, scrappy, prints.
Layer Cake, planned, prints
I know it's early in the morning here but I hope I understand this 🙂 Layer Cake , scrappy, prints. k.bugbee@att dot net
Jelly roll scrappy and prints are my guess
I think Pat would have selected Layer Cake, Planned, Prints
Great contest… I just love the cupcake fabrics!!
Layer Cake, Planned, Prints
I heart Pat. I think we are secret sisters, she just doesn't know me yet!!!
Jelly Roll
Layer cake, planned, and prints!
layer cake, planned and prints.
love those cupcakery words!
My guess is:
Just a guess, but I hope I'm right! I'd LOVE some of that yummy fabric! 🙂
1. Layer Cake
2. Planned
3. Prints
Thanks for the chance!
Oh yummy! I want to make a cupcake quilt! No, I don't care that our son is a Marine or that our daughter is in college…every home needs a cupcake quilt! LOL.
I will select: Layer Cake, Planned, and Prints. Thank you so much for letting my put my name in the hat!
Oh, I love Pat Sloan, her smile is contagious and I have never seen a picture of her that didn't make me smile… I'm gonna say, Layer cake, Planned, and Prints. Thanks so much for a chance in this giveaway. Hugs…
Such a cute group of fabrics. And great interview.
I am going to guess
Layer Cake
Thank you for the chance.
Layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for having the giveaway!
Layer cake, scrappy, prints!
Ooooh. I'm gonna guess Layer Cakes, Planned and Prints and cross my fingers! Thank you for the giveaway!!!
– sunshdws at yahoo dot com
Jelly rolls
Thanks for the chance!
layercake, scrappy, prints!
Ok, let's see how well I know Pat .. or not!! LOL
layer cake
Beautiful fat Quarters. I will be making potholders, and maybe a doll quilt for my grandbaby. I am currently working on not a quilt but a patwork hat for my daughter for Christmas.
Layer cake
BTW- the fabrics you chose for your bundle are absolutely YUMMY!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this bundle (said while crossing my fingers)!
Layer cake
I love the fabrics Pat picked for bundle, especially the cupcake "words"! She's a joy, glad you guys had a chance to interview her!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
layer cake, planned, prints
Layer Cake
I love the Cupcake pattern! Thanks for a chance to win.
I think Pat would select the same items I would: layer cake, planned, and prints.
Layer cake, scrappy, prints. Those fabrics are so cute!
Layer cake, planned, prints. For some reason, I feel like I need to bake now… 🙂
Layer cakes, scrapy prints. And now I'm craving cupcake frosting
Layer Cakes, scrappy, prints is what Pat has on her mind!
Great give away and love Ms Pat Sloan!
I think Pat would pick a layer cake, planned & prints. She's a quilter after my own heart.
Pat would use a layer cake that is scrappy and prints.
I think Pat would choose Layer Cakes, planned and prints. Thanks!
Love the prints Pat picked, too! So cute, and great coordinates.
Jelly Roll, Planned and Prints
Layer cake, planned, prints!
Jelly roll
Layer cake, planned,and prints. Love the podcasts!
Layer cake
I always enjoy Pat's blog, great giveaway!
Layer cake
Pat sent me here. Pat's blog is great – she is fun and creative. I enjoyed the interview and thanks for the opportunity to win this bundle.
jelly roll
I enjoy following Pat and have been for quite awhile. Yep, I agree she is fun and creative! I think she must be an energized bunny! Thanks for the opportunity to win. It is an awesome choice of fabrics. I love cupcakes and these are the best kind since there are no calories!
Layer, planned, prints. I need to find a cupcake now:)
Layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
jelly roll, planned, prints 🙂
I suggest: layer cake, scrappy and
solids. Oh I hope I´m right, lovely fabrics!
Liebe Grüße
Bente – Germany
Layer cake, planned, prints.
Layer Cake to make appliques.
planned for her great patterns.
prints because they are so fun.
Wonderful fabric, Pat! I love it all! I think Pat would choose 1) layer cake, 2) scrappy, & 3) prints. Thank you! Kd
pat sloan's quilt: jelly roll, planned and prints.
I think Pat would choose Jelly roll, planned, prints.
I think layer cake, planned, prints. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
Layer Cake, Planned, Prints.
Thanks for the chance!
I'll guess layer cake, planned and prints!
Jelly roll, planned and prints.
Love cupcakes – have some in the freezer for Xmas and hung some in the tree today, so I would welcome the fabric as well.
My guess is layer cake, planned and prints. Thanks for the chance.
Layer cakes
I'm going with
layer cake
Thank you!
Layer cake
are my best guesses. No matter which way Pat goes, it's gotta be
great. Yum, cupcakes and polka dots.
Layer cakes, planned, prints! I absolutely love Pat. I never miss her show. 🙂
Prints, scrappy and jelly roll. Thanks for the chance to win!
I think Layer Cake, planned, prints.
I like these cute fabrics !
Layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the chance
thanks for the giveaway – I'm going jelly roll, planned, and definately prints 🙂
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints.
Yummy fabrics! I think Layer cake, scrappy, prints. Thank you for the chance!
Layer cake, planned, prints
Jelly, scrappy and prints
Layer cake, planned and print. Thanks for the giveaway.
Layer cake, planned and print. Thanks for the chance!!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I think layer cake, planned, prints. Merry Christmas to all
Layer cake, planned, prints.
I believe Pat will choose, layer cakes, planned and prints!
Layer cake
That's my guess 😉
Layer cake,scrappy, prints.
Fun fabrics.
It seems to be pretty popular, but I'm going with layer cake, planned and prints.
I think I'll go with layer cake, scrappy and prints.
Sandy A
Layer cake, planned, prints
My guesses –
Layer Cakes – I think Pat likes variety in a larger scale
Scrappy – Pat flies by the seat of her pants, and will make do if she runs short.
Prints – Are you kidding? Pat is far more exciting than a solid fabric!!
Thank you for having Pat guest blog – she's really a lot of fun!!
I think Pat would select layer cake, planned and prints.
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints?
That cupcake fabric is adorable!
My guesses:
1) layer cakes
2) planned
3) prints
Hope I'm right!
layer cake, scrappy and prints
My guess is Layer Cake, Planned, Prints 😀
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Layer cake, planned, prints – I love them all!!
Layer cake, scrappy and prints.
Layer cake
Jelly roll, planned prints.
Layer cake, scrappy, prints.
I'm thinking layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the chance!
Jelly roll
Layer Cake, planned and prints
layer cake, planned, and prints
thanks for the giveaway!
Layer cake, planned and prints!
Layer cake, scrappy, prints.
Layer cake, planned, prints
Layer cake, planned, prints also my guess 🙂
I think Pat will pick layer cake, planned, prints. Love the cupcake prints. Thanks for the chance to win.
my thoughts of what Pat would pick are:
Jelly roll
But with Pat's creativity it could be all of them 🙂
layer cakes, planned, prints!
such beautiful fabrics!!!
My guess would be layer cake, planned. And prints. Thanks for the giveaway.
Layer cakes, scrappy, prints for sure. Love her choices.
Layer cake,planned, and prints. Cute fabric!
Wow, what great fabric, I love the word fabrics as well. I will guess:
1) layer cakes
2) planned
3) prints
Hope I win!
Layer Cake
I love the cupcake fabric!
Layer Cake
My guess is layer cake, planned and prints. Thanks for having Pat on the Jolly Jabber. She is so fun.
Love the fabric! Layer cake, scrappy, prints. Pat would do fun thins with any combination!
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints. 🙂
Guessing here…Layer cake, planned, and prints.
I'm not sure how I would answer for myself–I have a feeling it would change from day to day. 🙂
Layer cake
What a great array of fabrics in that bundle!
Layer cake, planned, prints!
Happy Christmas!
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints…love Pat Sloan.
Layer cake, planned, and prints!
Thanks for offering the giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
Layer cakes, planned & prints. I'm either whimsical or fall colors. Always making quilts & giving them away. I believe in teaching kids to sew & have 3 GK that do already. Thanks for the gift if I win.
Love, love Pat's novelty book – I think it's jelly roll, planned, and prints! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would say layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the chance to win this yummy collection!
I am guessing Planned or Scrappy. A winning guess maybe.
Carol L
Layer cakes, scrappy and prints.
My guess is Layer cake, planned and prints.
Thanks for a great giveaway and a chance to win some awesome fabric. Love Pat Sloan!
Thanks for the chance to win. My picks are:
layer cake
Layer cake, planned, prints. I love the cupcake prints!
I will guess
Jelly Roll
OK – here goes:
1. Layer cake
2. Planned
3. Prints
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Layer cakes, scrappy and prints – my choices. Great fabric choices!
Layer cake, scrappy and prints. Love the fabrics!
Layer cake
Love the fabric.
I love this fabric line! I'm guessing layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the give-away! Crossing my fingers to win this one! 😉
Layer cake, scrappy, prints
Layer cake, planned, prints!
Planned, Layer Cake, Prints.
Ohhh, I hope I'm right! 🙂
Layer cake, planned, prints.
Layer cakes, planned, prints. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks, Tammy
Layer cake, planned and prints 🙂
Jelly Roll, planned and prints
I am going with:
Layer Cake
I hope I am right!
Layer Cake, scrappy, print
Pat is so much fun! I'm guessing layer cakes, planned and prints.
Jelly roll, planned, prints. Great matching in this collection. It's bookmarked for drooling over!
Jelly Roll
Layer cake
layer cake
have a happy day dreaming of cupcakes:)
layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks.
Layer cake, scrappy, prints.
Layer cake, scrappy, prints 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!!
Layer cake, planned, prints … is my guess. Thanks for sharing your fabric with us! Love the cupcakes.
LOVE this fabric collection!
My guesses are:
layer cake
Thank you for the giveaway!
So lovely fabric.
I say:
Layer cake
happy holidays regards kimmy
I guess:
Layer Cakes
Layer Cake
Can't wait to see your new book Pat! Merry Christmas all!
Tammy Mabry
Pat Sloan is so cool! I will have to say (based on what I've seen on her blog) layer cake, planned, prints
I think Pat would choose: layer cake, planned and prints. Love her latest book, and am looking forward to her new book next year.
layer cake, scrappy, print
layer, planned, prints.
I am picking layer cakes because of the cupcakes-planned because I am guessing and prints because of the adorable cupcake fabric. What a great giveaway. I love Ms.Sloan's work and I have been following her blog for many.
I would have to guess layer cake, planned and prints. I love Pat Sloan's fabrics! I hope I win!
layer Cakes
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints is my guess. Love the fabrics! My daughter is so into cupcakes right now that I would surely make something that she would love!
Jelly roll, planned, prints.
Thanks for the giveaway!
layer cake, scrappy, print
layer cakes, scrappy, prints are my guesses, love the fabrics.
Layer cake, scrappy and prints.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Layer cake
Love Pat's choices! Love her passion and enthusiasm. Thanks for the chance!
These are total guesses:
Jelly roll
tamiquilts at att dot net
Layer cake – planned – prints
Would be my choice – hope it's her choice also!
I'm going to guess Layer Cake, Planned, and Prints!
Layer cake, planned and prints. :o)
Jelly roll, layer cake
layer cake
layer cake,
prints i hope
Layer Cakes, planned, prints!
Love her work!
Jelly roll and layer cake
Layer cake, planned, and prints. Thanks!
jelly roll, scrappy and prints. Love Pat's choices.
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints are my guesses at Pat's choices. Great looking bundle!
I'm going with Layer cakes, planned and prints. Love your stuff , Pat !
My guesses would be
Jelly roll
thanks for the chance to win!
Layer Cake
Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
Layer, planned, prints. Love this bundle!
jelly roll, scrappy, prints
so fun to
learn more about these designers!
I'll go with layer cake, planned, and prints.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Layers,scrappy and prints. I love the cupcake print.
Layer cake, planned, prints
I think she would go with Planned and Scrappy, then layer cakes. Thanks for including me in this giveaway.
My guess for Pat Sloan:
1) Layer cake
2) Scrappy
3) Prints
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
This fabric is right up my alley! I love to make cupcakes and always bring them to work when any of my coworkers have a birthday. I would love to use this bundle for an apron or curtains for my kitchen, maybe pillows.
Here are my guesses:
layer cake
I love this fabric My guesses would be
Layer cakes
Jelly Roll
Cindy Luedeman
I think layer cake, scrappy, and prints.
Love your radio show Pat!
Layer cake and planned prints = Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 🙂
Jelly roll
These are my guesses for Pat's answers!
Happy Holidays,
Layer cake
Great fabrics.
Deep down Pat probably likes them all but I will say layer cakes, scrappy and prints.
I love Pat's fabrics!!
Layer cake
ooooh yummy cupcakes, especially these NO Calorie varieties! These would make a luscious wall hanging for my granddaughter! My guesses are: Layer cake, scrappy, and prints…love love love your show!
jelly roll
Jelly Roll, Scrappy and Prints is my guess as if Pat were a Cupcake, she would be the Confetti one!
I think Pat will choose layer cake, scrappy, prints.
Think Pat's choices would be: Layer Cake, Planned, & Prints. Thanks for a chance to win. Love those cupcakes!
bhambeth at gmail dot com
What a generous giveaway your Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundle is. My choices are jelly roll, planned and prints. I would really love to win these beautiful fabrics!
I guess layer cake, planned and prints. A real guess!
I'm guessing number 1.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
How do I cancel number 25, I got ahead of myself!
jelly roll, scrappy and prints. Thanks again
Jelly roll, scrappy, and prints!
The jelly roll layer cake choice was a toughy!
layer cake
jelly roll
Pat is a LOT of FUN!! Thank you
i'm going with layer cake, planned and prints. hope to win
Layer cake, planned, prints.
Jelly roll, scrappy, plain Thanks for the opportunity!
layer cake, scrappy, prints
My guess is:
1. Jelly roll
2. Planned
3. Prints
Thanks for the chance to win these yummy fabrics!
Vickie in Cleveland
My guess would be : jelly roll , scrappy and prints.
Love that bundle .
Happy Holidays!
Layer Cake, Planned, Prints & Solids.
Jelly roll, scrappy, prints
Love these fabrics. My guess would be Layer cake, planned and prints. Thanks for the offer.
Jelly roll, planned, prints
I am looking forward to seeing what she does. Everything Pat does is great!
Layer Cake, Scrappy, Prints
Jelly Roll