Blogger Choice: Julie Herman - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Blogger Choice: Julie Herman

The Fat Quarter Shop and Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts have teamed up to present you with a Fat Quarter Shop Exclusive!

Julie has specially selected 12 of her favorite prints along with 3 coordinating solids from our store for this special bundle you will only find at the Fat Quarter Shop.

Q: What will you be making with your Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundle?
A: I honestly don’t know yet! I have so many ideas that I might need to get a 2nd bundle so I can make 2 quilts. I don’t often get the opportunity to make one of my quilt patterns twice but I think this bundle would make an amazing Firecracker quilt.

Q: What quilt project are you currently working on?
A: I’m working on a few things right now.
I’m using an assortment of Dr. Seuss & Cat in the Hat fabrics to make a quilt for my niece.

I’m also planning out the fabrics for a 2nd “Lily Bag” as the first one I made has quickly become my favorite.

Prince Charming Fabric
Silent Cinema Fabrics

I like to lay out my fabric options in the location I think they would be best in the bag and then snap a photo.

 I wait a few days and go back to the photo to see if I want to make any changes and then I make the bag!

Hot Seat:
1. jelly roll or layer cake
2. planned or scrappy
3. prints or solids

Leave a comment on this post choosing one of each pair you think Julie would have selected. Answer correctly and you will have a chance to win one of her Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundles.
You have exactly one week from this post till the contest closes.

Good Luck!


  1. Love the fat quarter collection – beautiful fabrics. Tough choices on the guessing – I'm going with layer cake, planned, and prints.

  2. I believe her choices will be: layer cake, planned and solid.

    The fat quarter bundle is so pretty!!

  3. Those colors and prints make such a beautiful combination! My guest is: layer cake, planned, prints. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Jelly roll since a few of her latest patterns use them.
    Planned in that there are a lot of prints, but the palette is planned.
    Prints – most definitely.
    I love the grey and orange palette that Julie chose. Thanks, Kathie L in Allentown

  5. Looks like this is a popular guess, but it was my first instinct so I'm going with it!
    Jelly roll

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  6. I'm going with Jelly Roll, Planned, and Prints. Thanks for the chance. I've been loving oranges with grays lately.

  7. I'll say Jelly roll, Scrappy, and Prints. Love her choices in this bundle, they're so great! Thanks.

  8. I absolutely LOVE these fabrics together, and I doubt I would have thought to put them together. I'm in love with them now. LOL

    My guess would be jelly roll, planned and prints.

    Thank you for a chance at these fantabulous fabrics!

  9. Jelly roll…since a few of her latest patterns use them.

    Planned…she uses a lot of prints, but the palette is planned.

    Prints… oh yeah baby!

  10. I love those colors, orange and grey together are great and the turquoise is a nice pop

    I'm going with Jelly Roll, scrappy and prints…

  11. Jelly Roll

    Fingers crossed that I win . . . and thanks for the opportunity to win a very generous giveaway!


  12. Layer cake, planned, prints! I am such a fan of Julie's! I just love the color combo she selected. What a great idea for custom bundles, FQS! Thanks!

  13. I think it would be…
    Layer cake
    Love the colors in the Blogger's Choice Fat Quarter Bundle that Julie picked…what popping colors ;o)

  14. I LOVE the fat quarter bundle – so pretty!!

    My guess would be: Layer cake – scrappy – prints!

    thanks for a chance in this giveaway!

  15. Great giveaway!
    Last week I ordered another designer bundle which came today: lovely!
    As for Julie's choices, I think:
    1 Layer Cake
    2 planned
    3 prints
    (I hope)

  16. Love Juliie and her works!
    I am going with

    jelly roll

    Linda where it is 102 cool today

  17. orange is my new favorite, too! I've been waiting for this bundle to release! I'm going to go with:

    layer cake

  18. I love everything Julie does. I hope I get these right because I would LOVE to have that great bundle! Here goes!
    Layer Cake
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  19. ok, I LOVE that bundle! Those colours are delish all together!
    My guess is:
    Layer Cake

    JEn S.

  20. I'll guess Layer Cake, Planned, and Prints. Whatever Julie makes, or however she does it, it always turns out great. Love her FQ stack with the unique color combos!

  21. I never win anything~~~but that doesn't stop me from trying!! I am going to guess~~~ Layer Cake~~Planned~~~Prints~~~.

  22. I'm going with layer cake, planned and prints. I love orange and teal…add in that gray and WOW! I LOVE this bundle!

  23. I will guess Julie would go with
    Layer Cake

    Thank you for the chance to win the goodies. 🙂 J

  24. Oh, that's a tough one. I'm going to go for Jelly Roll (because of her patterns), Planned (she takes care when choosing her fabrics), and Prints (she likes solids, but many of her quilts use prints.
    Thanks! Great bundle!

  25. Hello! coming over from Jaybird's newsletter. I love the firecracker pattern!
    ok, I don't know if I'll get it right… but I think she'd choose Jelly Roll, Planned and Prints.
    thanks for the chance (if I've guessed right…)

  26. Hmmm. Jelly roll, planned, prints? I always think this is a tough questions, even when I read the person's blog! The real answer is usually "all of the above!" akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. I'm channeling her thoughts now… "layer cake, scrappy….and hmmm, PRINTS"…yeah, that is my choice, too! I think I should make a Lily bag too, it's t-o-o-o cute!

  28. Hmmm, don't think my comment went through (usually get a verification). Sorry, everyone if this is a duplicate.

    My guess is layer cake, scrappy and prints. Great colors!

  29. Gosh, I don't even know what my own choices would be….
    I'll say layer cake, scrappy and prints.

    Love all of Julie's ideas and follow her blog faithfully. She's a doll!

  30. Okay here goes: Layer cake, planned, prints.

    I don't even know if I could get this right for myself, let alone someone else. 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway. Great bundle–when did I go from hating orange to collecting it?

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  31. I love all the colors in the bundle!! I choose jelly roll, planned and prints. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  32. A total guess, but from following her blog… I think (totally guess):
    layer cake
    Julie has a fantastic bundle, thanks for the chance to win!

  33. My daughter and Julie have the same taste! Especially with that orange with aqua bubbles.

    Jelly roll

  34. Love the firecracker pattern – my choices are jelly roll, planned, and of course prints. thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Jelly roll



    Loving this set, I've got a modern house block quilt in the planning stages!

  36. First of all….love this combo of fabrics and would love to win! I am going to guess:
    jelly roll

    tamiquilts at att dot net

  37. This fabric bundle would be fun to win because it is definitely out of my comfort zone color wise.

    Layer cake

  38. Gah, love the color combo. Hmm..
    1. layer cake
    2. planned
    3. prints
    Yep. That's my answer. I'm stickin' to it 😉

  39. I am so loving orange and aqua at the moment – thanks for the chance to win!

    I think Rebecca would choose;
    Layer Cake

  40. I"m so glad you posted about Julie Herman's patterns again. I had that firecracker pattern on my to do list and forgot all about it! Now that I see it again I've got to do it! OK, here are my guesses:
    Hot Seat:
    1. jelly roll
    2. scrappy
    3. prints

  41. What a great selection of fabrics! Hard to pick for the first one but I'm going to go with

    Layer Cake

    Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  42. I'm guessing:

    layer cake

    but then I guess I weigh 105 lbs HAHAHAHAHA…not so good at guessing..I guess <:/

  43. I've already said this is one of my favorite FQS bundles on a few other contests so I may have to buy it if I don't win it!
    Jelly roll

  44. I'm gonna guess Layer cake, planned, prints …love the colors in the bloggers choice. Hope i win!
    stefanie_sullivan at yahoo dot com

  45. Love the grays with the turquoise just so unique

    1. Layer Cake
    2. Planned
    3. Prints

    Shawn in Michigan

  46. Layer cake — scrappy — prints.
    Love the colors of the fabrics you picked — thanks for the give-a-way!
    I love sun chips too! so good.

  47. Jelly Roll, Scrappy, Solids. I would love to win this bundle. It contains me current favorite color, orange. I love it paired with aqua and grey. Thank you for the chance to win it. Take care and God bless, Cory

  48. Based on the pictures and your interview, I'd say:
    Layer cake
    Your bundle is so contemporary, young and clean. LOVE the dots! Your bundle would be safe with me. Hope we get to see what you make.

  49. I love Julie's fabrics and her wonderful Blog.

    I'd have to say Jelly Roll, Planned and Prints.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  50. I believe Julie would pick layer cake, planned and prints. Love the fabrics in the bundle, especially the orange! Would love to make Chopsticks with Julie's fabrics.

  51. My guess and it's truly a guess is:
    Layer Cake
    Hoping Julie and I are in sync today because I WANT this bundle!!!!!!

  52. Love the quilt design and especially the selection of fabrics being offered! I'd love to make this quilt. I'd say: layer cakes, planned, prints.

  53. Well, I'd say jelly roll, planned and prints. It was fun reading her post, and I also went and browsed through her blog and had fun with that too!

  54. My guesses would be layer cake, planned, and prints 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win – I LOVE Julie's bundle!

  55. Gorgeous colour/fabric combination in that bundle, just love it. I think that Julie would have selected:
    1. Jelly roll
    2. planned
    3. prints.
    Thanks 🙂

  56. I've always liked the idea of grey and orange together and that bundle shows how great they do look together. That would make a fun modern looking quilt.
    I think she would have chosen layer cake, planned and prints.

  57. Oh I bet she'd use one of her great patterns and use jelly rolls, planned and prints.
    She does great things with prints!

    Thanks for the chance to win and Happy sewing

  58. Great giveaway! This is my favorite Blogger's Choice bundle yet. I think Julie would pick

    layer cake

    Thanks for the chance!

  59. Layer cake

    Really love Julie's choices, they would be great in lots of different designs. I'm thinking perhaps a brick wall type pattern.

  60. That's a great bundle of fabrics. Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway.

    I am going with:

    layer cake

  61. I say jelly roll, planned and prints- My favorite is the teal version- very pretty.
    Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabrics.

  62. hmmm – layer cake- more options
    planned for sure…takes some planning to look random!

    LOVE the colors & selection!!!I Orange & grey have always been favs and i am mad about dots!!!

  63. I am going to have to go with; Layer cake, planned and printed. I hope I am right! I've never used this color scheme before but I'm going to now!! What an incredible combination!!

  64. Layer Cake
    And it will look adorable as always! Love the bundle colors – I'm moving into a new house, and am painting one bedroom gray, and one pale turquoise – so this would be perfection!

  65. I love the fabric, I would choose prints and solids. I had that darling bag pattern in my hand yesterday at a new quilt store, and put it down. I love the size and all the cute options you could incorporate…Now, I'll go back and get it!!