Thank you for having me today Kimberly, and hello Jolly Jabbers!
In our daily lives we have a lot of things we think of as basics.
This morning you brushed your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
You used toilet paper.
Had soap to wash your hands.
Put on some deodorant.
Ran a brush through your hair.
Maybe took a shower with shampoo, conditioner, body wash and a razor.
Put some make-up on.
You were able to put on clean underwear and socks, that no one else has ever worn.
In the kitchen did you grab some paper towels to clean up a little spill?
At some point during the day you probably grabbed a coffee or tea.
Used some tissue to blow your nose. Maybe sanitized your hands after.
I could go on but you probably have the point by now. We have a LOT of things that we consider basics.
Last year I started the Basics Charity Challenge, and you can read about how it all started in here.
We had a wonderful response, both from those we reached out to for prize donations and all the people willing to donate basics to their local shelters.
After receiving an email from a wonderful woman who wanted to let me know she had continued to pick up extra basics when they were on sale and every month dropped off a care package at her local shelter, I was moved to issue the Challenge once more.
In each of our communities there are places that people don’t have the very basic things we all take for granted. Shelters- for abused women/children, homeless, men’s missions, – exist in virtual every community. They are a necessary safety net for people in our communities who for an array of reasons need help. But these shelters are almost always in need of the basic items. Many of the people have had to leave everything behind, or don’t have anything to begin with.
Last year I received many emails from people telling me how either they or someone they know had had to use a shelter, and how much these very basic items can mean. If you are lucky enough to never had need of a shelter, are protected and loved by your spouse, been supported by family and friends, give thanks by helping those who aren’t.
The Challenge is this:
Go drive past your nearest shelter for abused women/children or the homeless.
See if there is a sign, if not call. Ask what they need. Check online, they probably have a website and most have a list of what is needed at that particular time.
Next time you are at the store pick up a few of the items for the list. Take a picture of the items and then go drop them off at the shelter or drop off point.
Add your picture to our Flickr group, and then leave a comment on my blog post telling us you have.
If your community doesn’t have a shelter, or its location is confidential and there is no drop off point for donations, you can donate through the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Or in Canada the United Way provides funds to many shelters. If you are international there is the Red Cross.
Again, leave a comment stating you have donated.
Each comment will be entered to win one of the many fantastic prizes from our sponsors as a thank you for reaching out and helping those in need. Winners will be drawn on February 29th on my blog.
Spread the word, blog, tweet, facebook, tell your guild, email your friends. Let’s see how many people we can get to help out their community. The best way to solve a problem is to be involved.
Best Wishes,
This is a great plan, I've donated to women's shelters in the past. Most shelters keep there locations "secret" or closely guarded to protect the women seeking refuge there. You might want to call, instead of driving by or knocking on a door.
Every year my Sunday school students and I raise money and collect items to create boy/girl hygiene kits for a local Christian agency that has a house in a poor part of town. Local under privileged kids can get tutoring, meals, participate in organized activities including girl scouts and generally have a safe place to go. She uses the kits which I always put in some sort of bag or bag pack for them. I include full size name brand items as it is a matter of self esteem too.
Great idea. I shared on my blog and FB page.
I am so glad that you are letting people know how they can help out. I volunteer 1 day /week @ the Norcross Cooperative Ministry (NCM)& donate things when I go in. Our county does not have a homeless shelter so this serves thousands each month. I am blessed to volunteer there!