Special Delivery from Fat Quarter Shop! - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Special Delivery from Fat Quarter Shop!

Happy Valentine’s Day! We have a special treat to celebrate this holiday of love. We are giving you the opportunity to send a friend or loved one a treat from us. Forget the candy and flowers, how about a $50 Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop instead?

Is there a special quilty friend that you would love to surprise with this Gift Certificate in their inbox? Comment below letting us know who you would shower with this Fat Quarter Shop treat and why. We will send three lucky winners this Special Delivery. Be sure to include YOUR email address, we will contact you for your nominee’s email address. Contest closes on Monday 2/18/13. Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. I would send this treat to my sil Debbie. She loves Fabric and quilting and is always interested in new projects for her grandkids. It would be lovely to surprise her with a gift during a long cold winter!

  2. I would send it to my friend Tammy L. She is having a tough time this year and I know this would cheer her up tremendously! She loves fabric and I know that this would make her smile 🙂 Thank you FQS for the chance!

  3. I would love to surprise my sister with the gift certificate. Not only is she my sister and best friend, she is my triplet sister! It was our birthday on February 10 and we were not together to celebrate so I would love to surprise her! !

  4. I would love my dear friend Trish Hanson to win!!!!! She loves creating new things for everyone!!!! Trish is so deserving of this gift and it would excite her, beyond words!!!! Not to mention, how excited it would make me for her to win!!!! Thanks ya'll!!!

  5. I would love to surprise my friend Amanda! They're in the middle of shopping for their first home (always stressful!), and I know this would really make her day! 🙂

  6. I would want to keep the gift certificate for myself, buy a bunch of awesome things, and make an amazing quilt for someone who deserves it. I don't know who this person is… maybe I'll take it up to our local hospital to a deserving sick child. I don't know, but that's what I'd want to do. I'd give the finished gift to a deserving kid!

  7. oh O, didn't leave mt email address…katmedley1956@yahoo.com… Anonymous said…
    I would love my dear friend Trish Hanson to win!!!!! She loves creating new things for everyone!!!! Trish is so deserving of this gift and it would excite her, beyond words!!!! Not to mention, how excited it would make me for her to win!!!! Thanks ya'll!!!

    February 14, 2013 at 9:11 AM.

  8. I would most definitely give this to my mom. She tried for years to get me into quilting, and once it caught for me, there was nothing I could do! So, for my mom, to thank her for guiding me to my new favorite hobby and for being her wonderful self! <3 thanks for the chance to win!

    Erin: thebakers2@hotmail.com

  9. My 12-year-old daughter loves sewing (small quilts are her favorite), and I would love to give her a gift certificate to encourage her love of the craft and so she can choose whatever fabrics her little preteen heart desires!

    sharla dot green at att dot net

  10. I'd like to send it to my friend Carol C. Because she has had a rough couple of years since her hubby passed away and it would mean a lot and cheer her up!

  11. I would send my friend Miss Lisa a treat such as this. She is a young Mom of 3. She loves to quilt, but doesn't get much time with 3 little ones at home. She is such a terrific Mother. She's a stay at home Mom, raising her children to be courteous God loving citizens. My hat off to you Miss Lisa!

  12. I would gift it to my friend and new quilter Lisa. She's a mom to three identical triplet boys and is just learning to quilt, so I know she'd enjoy a little play money for herself and she totally desrves it!
    abbybeth(at)hotmail (dot)com

  13. I would give my mother this wonderful gift as her birthday is Valentines day (today) and she is 91. She belongs to a quilting group that makes an annual quilt to be raffled by the local volunteer fire dept. The fabric purchased with the gift certificate would go towards fabric for their charitable donation.

  14. I'ld love to give the prize to my friend Monika Schindler, who's donated more than 250 quilts so far to children with special needs in Lüneburg/Germany

  15. I'd love to send a gift card to my friend Sharon. Not only has she taught me valuable lessons about quilting and craft projects, she's also taught me valuable lessons on friendship. Just last night she put away her own craft project to help me (almost) finish a quilt since my sewing machine broke in the middle of my project. abbyner22@gmail.com

  16. Need to grow my fat quarter stash!! I'm new to quilting so would definitely use to create more projects. 🙂 Happy Valentine's Day either way

  17. As one of the youngest members of my local guild, while welcomed kindly when I joined, I had a harder time connecting. Joining a small group, a wonderful woman – Anne – reached out to me and made me feel at home. I'm proud to call her a friend, and appreciate her support and encouragement. I'd love to show her some kindness in return.

  18. I would send it to my quilty friend Mikki. She lives so far away, I don't get to see her (or shower her with gifts) very often. 🙂

  19. I would give the gift certificate to my oldest daughter. She turned 25 today and is pregnant with her first child. As a college student, she would really benefit from the chance to make her little one a quilt. Perhaps she is carrying a third generation quilter 🙂

  20. I would give this to my friend Melissa. Her husband just got back from Iraq and she has been spending her time raising their adorable daughter. She is an excellent quilter and is working on lots of patterns and think she could really use something special for her.

  21. Happy Valentine's Day and Thank You for such a Loving Gift! I would love to give this to my daughter-in-law who is just like a daughter! We love to quilt together and try to make it an every or every other Sunday event. She would be delighted and that would make us both winners! macrain@gmail.com

  22. I would love to gift this to my BFF in Canada. She is going through a bit of a rough time at the moment and it would be lovely for her to have something to smile about…. Linda.

  23. I would give it to my fried Barb. She has heart of gold. Always giving to anyone who she sees in need. She lost her husband in November so this is her first Valentines without him and I would love for her to have this little surpise!

  24. I woukd send it to my sister in NC as she lives so far away from any family. She sometimes feels a little left out of family outings. It would certainly brighten her day.

    Pauline Gudas

  25. My sister for sure. She is the best friend I could ever wish for. Thank you for the chance to win. Happy Valentine's Day.


  26. I would gift my friend, Rani Cardinaux. She is a fairly new quilter on a tight budget and I know she could find something she loves at Fat Quarter Shop.

  27. I would really appreciate if you could send one to my mom. She is a new quilter in the last 2years and is still finding her way. She loves the fine quality fabric that you sell, she just doesn't always have the funds for it. I would love to be able to surprise her with a gift certificate from you. Thanks for the chance to give gifts to the ones we love.

  28. Definitely for a great friend who just had her second child in 2 years…and who can totally do with a pick-me-upper like this!!!

    Sume dot Haumann at gmail dot com

  29. My Sister-in-law loves to sew even though she doesn't have a lot of time to do so these days on account of being a full-time RN (nurse). She doesn't even have much time to shop. I think she would so love to have this gift card to buy more fabrics to add to her stash for the day(s) when she can sew.

  30. I would surprise my twin sister Karen, my best friend! We live 1,000 miles apart but no one is closer! We enjoy quilting together, talking and being silly! This would surprise her and lift her spirits in many ways! Thank you for a chance to win!

  31. I would give it to my step mom. She is the person who got me into quilting to begin with and I feel she deserves it. Quilting is her #1 hobby. She is a great quilting buddy and would help anyone she can. I wish I lived closer so I could quilt with her more often.

  32. My mother passed on the love of sewing to me, and I have passed it onto my daughters.. I would give it to my youngest daughter who now has a little girl of her own… She has never had that much $ to spend on fabric before and it would be wonderful to see her shop and then sew something for her daughter.. 🙂

  33. I would get this for my daughter as I know she would ask me to make her a quilt with some gorgeous fabric! Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day!

  34. I would send it to my niece, Hannah. She is working on her first quilt and said she doesn't need more fabric until she finishes that one – WHAT?!?!?!?! I have to teach her that is not the way that things work. She must learn the wonderful pleasure of building up a stash!!

  35. I would love to send this to a sweet 13 year old girl from our church. I am about to start teaching her to quilt and I'd love for her to have a gift certificate to get her first fabric with!

  36. I'd send it to my mom! She gives almost everything she quilts away to friends and family. She works so hard — both at her job at a community college and at home taking care of her elderly in-laws. She also is the best grandma in the world to her four grandchildren and makes me and my brother know that we're her kids forever even now that we're grownups.

  37. I would love for my 7 year old daughter, Sydney, to receive this wonderful gift. For her birthday (Jan 17) she asked for a sewing machine! Giving her the opportunity to purchase her own fabric would be such a wonderful occasion and experience for her! Thank you, Fat Quarter Shop, for this awesome giveaway!

  38. My friend Bonnie makes quilts for seniors and children for our Yahoo group, World of charity Stitching. She has made and donated about 100 quilts for our charities. I know she would love a gift certificate from your fabulous shop.
    Peggy Gibbs

  39. I would send my Mom a special gift card! She has Always shared freely and liberally from her stash, even when she barely could cover the postage. She is my quilting buddy, teacher, cohort, and biggest fan, and I'm hers!

  40. I would love to send this to my twin sister Susan. I've tried to get her to start quilting, and with this, she'd have no excuse! LOL!

  41. I would send the fabric to my daughter. I have quilted for over thirty years, and I am very proud that the last 4 years or so, she has been letting me teach her how to quilt as well. This would be a wonderful surprise for her, since she and her husband just gave me my first grandchild 3 weeks ago! She could make her very first baby quilt!!!

  42. My sweet mom deserves a shopping spree at the FQS! She makes quilts for all 5 of us kids, her 9 grandkids, donates quilts to the senior center, and never takes the time to make one for herself. When she looks over my shoulder at the huge selection of fabrics at your shop, she's just in awe that so many other fabrics exist outside of her local quilt shop. I can't wait to have her sit down and order all kinds of loveliness at your shop! Thanks.

  43. Would love to surprise my mother with this. She is always in awe of all the fabrics I get to use when sewing and I would love to teach her her first skirt with fabric she has chosen for herself.

  44. I would love for my sister Jenn to receive this because she loves new projects of all kinds. She is single and on a fixed income so purchasing fabrics is a real treat for her. Thanks for your consideration. My e-mail is wtpooh11@hotmail.com

  45. I'd give it to my daughter. She started quilting with me a few summers ago. Time was in short supply what with jobs and college and now teaching, but I'm hoping summer will bring our machines together again to finish her Irish chain all in blues and tans. Most of the blocks are done…now putting together the top…I know she'll feel gratified. She could use this certificate for a backing 🙂

  46. I would send it to my daughter who is a nurse. I've been trying to encourage her to quilt to unwind. I think some pretty new fabric in her hands might do the trick!

  47. Definitely my daughter's mother-in-law! She is so sweet and helpful, thoughtful and courageous. She deserves a treat on Valentine's Day! Thank you.

  48. My daughter pieced a throw last fall and is ready to make another, but as a student, her funds are limited. A surprise gift certificate would be perfect for her!

  49. I would love to surprise my mom. Almost 2 years ago we took our first quilting class together and have not stopped talking quilts, sharing patterns, buying fabrics, waiting for new lines to become available and creating quilts together! A quilter is always in need of another new fabric bundle! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Valentines Day 🙂


  50. I would give this to my sister. She spends so much time caring for everyone else–her family, her friends, her church–that she forgets to take some time for herself. Hopefully, if she wins the gift certificate, it will encourage her to spend some time doing something she loves doing!

  51. I would give it to my crafty daughter who doesn't have extra money to spend on fabric. She makes beautiful gifts for others and her baby girl. I could tell of my daughter's struggles but will leave it at this. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  52. I'd surprise my mom! She taught me to sew over many years, beginning when I was five, and when I discovered quilting a year ago, she was all in and bought me a very nice machine! So she deserves a little treat of her own. 🙂

  53. I'm not sure how to choose whose name to include (there are a few family/friends that would LOVE to receive this!) I would love for my SIL to win. She has two adorable, busy little girls that don't leave her much time to induldge in the things she enjoys. I'd love for her to win and pick out some fun fabrics! Happy Valentines!

  54. I would love to gift my daughter this prize! She works at Children's Hospital in Nashville, TN and I know she would love to buy fabric to make special little blankies for the patients! What an awesome Valentine's Giveaway!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  55. I would surprise my sweet daughter Meghan…who is now expecting a sweet daughter of her own!!! Happy Valentine's day and best of luck to ALL!!!

  56. My sister, Linda, of course! Linda is my quilting inspiration! The lap quilt she made for me over 30 years ago graces the end of my sofa, and I pull it up to my chin every time I settle in for an evening of TV. Linda taught the the personal, sentimental meaning of quilting for someone you love.

  57. I would send this to my friend who I used to have sewing night with. I recently moved to another state and I miss getting together with her!

  58. I would want to send to my dear friend and fellow quilter in my guild, Lura. She always takes time to teach new techniques to others and makes thoughtful gifts. She arranges quilt retreats for friends and one of the most dedicated members of our local Guild

  59. I would send it to my mother-in-law! She just bought a new home and I'm sure she'd love to spruce it up! Plus, she's an awesome lady who shares her scraps!

  60. I would send it to my husband. He supports my sewing habit in so many ways. He has bought me quilt design software, a cutting machine to help make appliques and his latest wonderful gesture is to buy me a new storage press for my growing stash. I have sewn for my boys, for friends, for family but not yet for him. I would love to make him something special so I would love hm to have this so he could choose exactly what he would like me to sew for him.

  61. I would definitely enjoy seeing a smile on my DD's face if she received a special treat from FQS. She's a fairly new quilter and tends to raid my "Magic Closet". This would give her an opportunity to start her own "Magic Closet".

  62. My sister, who taught me to quilt and is my soulmate when it comes to everything fabric, just had her third (successful) surgery in 3 years for colon cancer…I would love nothing better than to gift her a $50 spending spree at the Fat Quarter Shop. Thanks for the chance!

    caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

  63. Ah, so many deserving people! It's hard to narrow it down, but I would love for my 12 year old granddaughter to be able to continue on her quest of quilting. She is my true Valentine! Thanks for the opportunity!

  64. That's tough! Probably my mom. That way she could pick the fabric she'd like for me to quilt for her. She's due for a new one.. (We trade: she scraps pages for my kids, I quilt for her.)

  65. I would love to give this to my friend and neighbor, Robin. She loves to make quilts but is on a tight budget with a teacher husband, and hardly ever splurges on herself–her family is always first.

  66. I would send this to my sister who needs a little boost to get back into quilting. I think some new fabric would get her motivated.

  67. I'd love to surprise my oldest daughter who turned out to be my best friend ~ she always inspires me and teaches me and I'd love to do something for her in return! Thanks so much for the chance to do so 🙂

  68. I would love to surprise my QFF (quilting friend forever)! We are both big fans of FQS and we get together every week to sew our BOMs.

  69. I would love to give this to my daughter. She loves to make handmade gifts for people she loves. Her love for those around her is contagious.

  70. I would love to surprise my mom with this. Although she has sewn forever, she just started quilting and it would be great for her to have some fun building her stash. Thanks!

  71. I would love to send this wonderful gift to my friend Carolyn! We were great friends in college, but lost touch when we moved to different states. In October, I began learning how to sew/quilt. I immediately called Carolyn because I knew that sewing/quilting is her passion. She not only gave me wonderful advice, but encouraged me to continue. I have called Carolyn numerous times for help with a pattern, buying fabric, selecting particular colors, and more. She is always so willing to help! About three weeks ago, an unexpected package came in the mail for me from Carolyn. The package was filled with beautiful fabrics with a note that said she was so happy that I was quilting and that she wanted to share her love of quilting with me! This was the perfect surprise for someone with a very tiny stash. Now, I would love to surprise Carolyn with this wonderful gift that I know she would love!
    Thank you for this opportunity!

  72. I would love to send this to my cousin/friend, Tammie B. Living over 600 miles away. We have quilted together by sending "crumbs" back and forth. Oh, and she loves fabric!kawolfer@gmail.com

  73. I would love to give the gift certificate to my good friend, Michelle Chance. She is an avid quilter but recently her family has suffered some health and financial issues, and I know this would brighten her day! She quilts when she gets a chance but the opportunity for some new things would be so welcome.

  74. I would send the gift to my mother. She is my inspiration in quilting AND everything else.

    Thank you!


  75. I would send it to my aunt. She was thrown off a horse last week and has to rest her back and bruised ribs, so a fabric deliver to start a new hand sewing project might be just the pick-me-up she needs.

  76. I would give this to my online quilty friend Jamie. My job went away in February of last year. Basically my job was our 'extra' money for getting things we want (vs. need) and eating out, that sort of thing. Needless to say, when my job went away (business sold, all employees downsized) so did my fabric spending for the most part. Jamie and I have been in a couple of swaps together in the last couple of years and she knew I had shortages of certain colors in my stash. She filled a flat rate postage box with fat quarters in those colors and sent them to me as a surprise! She's a wonderful friend and I'd love for her to have $50 to spend on some of your gorgeous fabric! Thanks for a chance to give her a little something sweet. 😀

  77. I'd love to send this to my Mum, as she's the reason I am now a quilter! She's been quilting for many years now, and it never interested me until just a few years ago. Now, we are always swapping fabrics and patterns (I sent her several mini charms from FQS for Christmas!), and it is so much fun to share this with her!

  78. I would nominate my sister! She is having her first baby in a few months and she would love to make her baby some clothes! 🙂 teatly ATT gmail dottt com

  79. I would send it to my best friend Lauren. She has helped me through many a tough time. Plus, she makes the most beautiful quilts.

  80. I would love to give my sister this wonderful gift. She has rough couple of years. She had to have her left foot amputated last year, but she handled it with such grace. She has started quilting again, and I think she would be thrilled to win!!!

  81. I would love to send this to my "bestie." She and I met while taking a quilting class and have been besties ever since. Like true besties, we always think of each other when we are out shopping for fabric, books, patterns. Usually it ends up one for her and one for me. She's always complimentary of my quilting projects and provides me excellent feedback and ideas. She's also there for me as a true friend. Thank you for the opportunity to do something sweet for my bestie!

  82. I would send this to my wife, Mary. She is always quilting for others and giving and giving and giving. She is a loyal fan of Fat Quarter Shop and this would be my chance to give her a gift that can allow her to keep giving. johnmeier1@gmail.com

  83. I would like my daughter to receive the gift certificate. She has just told us that we will be grandparents and there is a lot of sewing to do before that baby gets here.

  84. I actually don't know anyone who quilts so I would love this gift certificate for myself. I would use it to make a quilt for a dear friend whose husband is dying.I think it would be a blessing to her.
    bveinotte at juno dot com

  85. I would definitely like to send this certificate to my daughter, a newbie quilter. She began quilting 3 months ago after hearing me say how much I wish that I had started quilting while my mom was still alive. She was an avid quilter and would have loved to share the hobby. My daughter is now officially obsessed with fabric and quilting and we have so much fun together. I'm sure my mom is smiling down at us.

  86. I would send it to my friend Jan, in Ohio. She's the best. We have the same name, the same interests, and we both blog.

  87. It would have to go to my friend, Jeannette who agreed to attend Quilts for Kids sew days with me even though she has to drive for an hour and a half to get there.

  88. I would love to give this gift to my 28 year old daughter. She just recently asked me to teach her how to sew and this would be a great starter kit for her! Thank you for the chance to get her started. Now to find a machine….. 🙂

  89. I would give the certificate to my daughter, Julie. With 4 children, she doesn't have a lot of time to sew, but really enjoys attending quilting retreats with me.

  90. What a sweet idea this is! I would absolutely love to send a gift certificate to my sister Amy. She has been such an encouragement to me in my sewing, and I love her so much!

  91. I have a dear friend Jeanne who has been having tough time lately as both she and her husband are currently unemployed and this obviously makes other things than purchasing beautiful fabric a priority. I would love for her to be able to have a special treat for Valentine's Day.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I would pick my friend Rachel. She is ALWAYS doing stuff for everyone else. She NEVER tells me know when I ask for something from here, heck I don't even have to ask, I mention something and it's done! Her son is on the autism spectrum and I honestly don't know how she does all that she does for everyone. I love her to pieces!

  93. My big sister Danielle would be my choice. For Christmas she just wanted time this year for the two of us and our mom to work on a quilt together. We're a bunch of garment sewers, and way to easily distracted by all the possibilities in quilting and thus we are still in the process of picking out the pattern. To be able to give her something more with our time would be fantastic!

    My email is kmtisdale@gmail.com

  94. HI! I'd send it to my dear granddaughter,Emily, who is beginning to show an interest in quilting/sewing! This would be such a treat for a beginning quilter!
    Thanks to you+FQS for a sweet giveaway! HAPPY VALENTINES TO YOU!


  95. I would give it to one of my London Modern Quilting Guild friends – I wouldn't be able to choose just one though so we would have to pick a name out of a hat!

  96. We have four daughters but only one that has caught the quilting bug.I would like to send her this chance.We are both big fans of FQS.

  97. I would give it to my friend, Erica, who is going to be a new mom soon and whom I know will find lots of inspiration here. We used to sew together, but now there are too many miles between us to make that happen.

  98. I would love this gift certificate to go to my MIL who helped and encouraged me when I started quilting. She used to do a lot of quilting herself, but lately seems to have lost interest somewhat. Some minor health problems related to aging are getting her down and making it hard to get motivated. She does plan to make a baby quilt for a shower gift and I'm hoping that will get her excited again. Some gorgeous fabric from FQS could really help too!
    jklmengland at windstream dot net

  99. I would send it to Katy Jones-I'm A Ginger Monkey. I don't know her personally, but I get so much out of her blog-fantastic ideas for quilting and fabric choices, plus she seems like such a nice person. Hope I can win for her!!

  100. I would shower my mother-in-law with this gift as she has been bitten by the quilting bug and would have so much fun playing with new fabrics.
    Happy Valentine's day to you too!!

  101. I'd give it to my pal, Shelli. Us singletons have to give each other Valentines, since no one else is gonna. She'd love it!

  102. To my dear friend, Kathy! She is the most generous, unselfish person on earth and I would love to treat her for a change. Thanks so much!

  103. I would luv to surprise my quilter friend Kimberly. Even though she lost her job and home during this recession, Kimberly continues to be the driving force behind our local guild's charity quilting. She cuts kits to hand out to members. Once the tops are returned Kimberly quilts them on borrowed long arms throughout the area. Her once envied stash is rapidly depleting as she donates fabric to complete the 250 quilts that go out into our community each year. She deserves this gift.

  104. I would send it to my battle buddy and quilting buddy Megan. Our husbands were in the same Army unit in Germany and we got though a deployment (or two) learning how to quilt… among other things ;-). We are now living in different places but still talk and often text pictures of our latest projects to each other for advice or just to show off. We even talk about opening a shop together one day. BUT the main reason she needs this is that she just gave up her job and moved in with her parents to help out her mom who is recovering from breaking her hip. 50 "free" dollars would give her something to play with while she's away from her own house and helping her parents. Thanks for the chance!

  105. I would give it to my 12-year-old daughter. She's really getting good at sewing, even has her own sewing maching, and has already made her first quilt. She'd like to make more, but it's been a long time since I worked, and I can't afford to spend much on fabric for either of us. This year she's doing her 4-H project on sewing, so she will need some supplies. She's said she can use some fabric from my stash, but I know she'd rather choose her own fabrics. I feel bad that I can't afford to get her what she needs.

  106. What a wonderful idea, I'd love my friend E to win, she creates gorgeous, beautiful things but all the time being so cautious with precious fabrics, I'd love for her to be able to splurge without worrying about the price. thanks

  107. My Flickr friend is on a fabric buying freeze…and it's killing her! I'd love to let her have some wiggle room with her tough challenge!

  108. I would love to give this to my sister. She has such a giving heart. Recently, they got their first foster son. He came with holy clothes and shoes that didn't fit. I think she could use this to make him a quilt to take with him on his journey for where ever he ends up, if not with her. Please consider her.

  109. I would love to give this to my daughter. She loves to quilt & has many projects on the go! She deals with the effects of multiple sclerosis on a daily basis & could use some cheering up.
    Diana Simmons

  110. I would love for my friend Janey to win the gift certificate. She is currently in the midst of breast cancer treatments and everything that goes with it, and she could really use a pick me up right now. She was an avid quilter before this, and I could envision her looking forward to, and participating in, the designer BOM with the gift certificate.

  111. I would send it to my SBAM(sister by another mister)/BQB (best quilting buddy) Lorie! She keeps me eager to sew! We can quilt side by side for hours and we never miss a beat. Love sewing with someone that can read your thoughts.


  112. I would absolutely LOVE to send it to my dearest quiltiest friend Lisa. She had surgery in the latter part of 2012 and wasn't able to sew at all for months.It was the kind of nightmare that only another quilter could truly understand. SHe has just gotten back into the swing of things and I know that she would be thrilled to be able to get herself a sweet fabric treat !!!! Thanks so much for the chance 🙂

  113. I'd love to give this voucher to my 4 year old son. He loves to watch me sew, and I'd love to start teaching him on a quilt of his very own with fabrics he picked (i bet it would have a super hero theme).
    Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  114. I would give to my friend Ronit, who always manages to squeeze in some time to sew gifts for others even though she's busy working on her PhD!

  115. I would give it to my friend Kelley. She is the one who got me back into quilting again by sending me patterns and fabrics and she still sends me boxes from her stash, so I would love to give her a gift of replenishing her stash.


  116. I would give this to my daughter, Emily. She is always so generous, and it would be great tot totally surprise her with something unexpected.

  117. I have a dear blogging friend who is sharing her stash and love of quilting with her 3 granddaughters – I would love to gift them with a certificate, so they can do a little of their own stash shopping.

  118. I would give this to my sister Lynn. She upgraded to a new embroidery machine and she is giving me her old one! She sews the most amazing things!!!

  119. I would send it to my sister in law. She is expecting which gives her lots of reasons to sew, plus she has always been there for me when I needed her so this would be something nice that would be for her.

  120. I'd love it if my friend S received one – she's a fabric addict but is on a strict 'no fabric' regime while she saves up for FQR this summer and is very deserving of a treat! She makes the most wonderful things for other people, despite her health problems and lack of spare pennies, and I'd love to show her how much she's appreciated! Thank you!

  121. I would love to give one to the wonderful woman who got me into quilting, my friend Karen. She constantly checks on me to make sure I'm still doing okay, if I have questions, and if I'm overall enjoying it. She took me under her wing, and I can't thank her enough for showing me this great hobby, which has now taken over my life. It's people like her that make really help spread quilting to new and excited potential quilters.

  122. My friend Pam is the best quilting buddy I could ever imagine. She shares my passion for collecting fabric and for imagining how to use it best. I would love to treat her to some extra "stash."

  123. My friend Eva who is always making quilts for others through our quilt group or my sister who has donated MANY quilts to the local NICU and is now doing Quilts of Valor.

  124. I would love to give this certificate to my dear friend Elizabeth Huibers. Elizabeth's husband has been fighting cancer for the last three years and she has unselfishly given up a lot of her time that would normally be dedicated to all things quilting to look after him. Receiving this gift from you would let her know that there's someone out there that is caring for her. wj.rance@sympatico.ca

  125. I would love to see my mom win. She is in Arizona right now and has talked about trying quilting. She sees how much I enjoy it and it will give her something to do.

  126. I would send it to my daughter. I have FINALLY broken her down and pulled her into my addiction!! She has been hand sewing little creatures like crazy and is even willing to learn to sew a little on the machine. She spends several evenings a week with me in the sewing room. I LOVE IT!

  127. I would send it to my sister. She and her daughters all sew and craft, and are often making something to give to someone else. raybanfandango at hotmail dot com

  128. I would send it to my friend Melissa. In June she left her husband and three young adult sons to go to Tennessee to care for her terminally ill mother. She expected to be there for a month but is still there, at great personal and financial expense. None of her mother's extended family have offered to cover her for even an extended weekend so she could go home. She inspires and humbles me with her selflessness. Hand piecing has been a sanity saver and I know she'd love some new fabric.

  129. I would send this generous gift to my beautiful sister in Arizona. She does my long-arm quilting and would appreciate such a special gift. Her quilting is absolutely wonderful and I appreciate her so much. Thanks! sharhen93311 at gmail dot com.

  130. I would love to watch my grandmother having fun picking out such pretty fabric. She first introduced me to quilting. She is not able to sew much herself these days, but sometimes we work together. She lives in a small town and doesn't have the selection of FQS.

    cylampi (at) gmail (dot) com

  131. I would LOVE to send a FQS treat to my Mom. She has been sharing her leftover fabric from her Vintage Modern BOM with me so I can make a set of blocks too.
    I would love for her to win the gift certificate so she can buy the finishing kit for her quilt.
    Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  132. My most wonderful friend Esther, who is always there for me. She is a gifted quilter who inspires me with her creativity and skill, and is my mentor is all things quilty.
    This is a generous giveaway, and I would love for her to benefit.

  133. I would love to surprise my stepmom. She is one of my best friends and really does so much for me, my dad and my grandparents!She loves to sew and would be SUPER excited to get this gift certificate!


  134. I would use it for myself: but I would get a bundle of Pieces of Hope and make a Swoon or Melissa Corry's Starburst, and display it then give it away or auction it off to support Autism families.

  135. I think I would pick my friend Kelli. She is everything a best friend out to be when you are knocking on 50 and the kids are mostly grown. She is the sister I would pick for myself.

  136. "You never appreciate something until its gone" is so true. My mom loves to quilt and sew, but my sisters and I never cared to learn. Now there is 800 miles between us and I'm learning to sew. I can't get back those opportunities to learn from my mom, but I now appreciate her input and long-distance direction. I would love to give my mom this gift certificate to say thank you for all of the patience and instruction that she has given to me. Thank you for this give away.

  137. I'd give this to my daughter. She loves fabric and enjoys sewing and crafting. She's always encouraged and supported me and I'd love for her to enjoy this gift!

  138. I would nominate my sister Sara. She is new to the world of quilting and has taken to the fabric stashing side like a duck to water. She has a new baby and so many projects that she wants to work on that anything to help her get those projects underway would be a gift to both of us.

  139. I would send it to my sister. We love to get together and sew whenever possible. She is always helping out others and is the perfect hostess for family gatherings. I would love to see her purchase fabric just for her to create something fun.

  140. I would pick my Friend from US – Emily! And buy her some AMH fabric with it! She is crazy for AMH! shruti[at]13woodhouseroad[dot]com

  141. I would love to send it to my friend Fredia. She has been taking care of sick folks in her family and now she is having a health scare herself. She could have a good time using it and she would appreciate that she was being thought of.

  142. OMG!!! I would love, love, love to send this amazing gift to my daughter… who has just shown a great interest in learning how to quilt… eeek! I am probably more excited about this than she realizes!!! Thanks for the chance to share the love!!

  143. I would send it to a fellow blogger and quilter BillieMick. She is a blogger and quilter who is always there to help and answer questions. She helps out with things I may be stuck on and just is a generally sweet and nice person. What more could you ask for in a quilting buddy??

  144. My Sister would be my pick. As a mummy of 2 toddlers who is just getting started with quilting she doesn't have a stash to work from and we all know we spend our money on our kids & household first and ourselves last when we are mums so I think this would be a lovely treat to help her spoil herself and get something to help her enjoy her new hobby.

  145. My mom too, she just started quilting again and is having trouble getting quality quilt fabric down in Mexico. Thank you for the giveaway!

  146. I would give it to my friend jess who has been having a rough few weeks. Fabric shopping would certainly help cheer her up!

  147. I would give it to MYSELF. Yeah, that's right. I am tired of being on a "fabric budget". (bought my sister a sewing machine so we could "bond" and it stays in the box *sigh*)

  148. I would give this gift certificate to my daughter, who turns 12 in April. She has been learning to sew and quilt, and has been stuck using my stash fabrics, lol. If she had a gift certificate, she could choose exactly what she loves and the fabrics that inspire her!

  149. I would love to give this to my Mum, she has always been there for me and is currently teaching me how to sew. She is being very patient while showing me and is allowing me to use all her material/thread, etc. to learn so I would love to give her this voucher to replace some of that stuff. 🙂
    Thank you

  150. I would love to give my wonderful mom a gift certificat to your wonderful shop! She is an accomplished seamstress and an inspiration! awolk at rogers dot com

  151. I would like to give it to one of my blog followers. I would probably randomly choose someone that has already commented on my blog. Comments mean so much so it would be nice to give back. I love this idea because it's so easy to get wrapped up in ourselves that we forget to include others. Hopefully this would qualify!

  152. I would love to send this to my friend Lynn because she needs a little pick me up right now. And we all know that nothing is better than fabric for a pick me up! 🙂

    Sandy A

  153. I'd choose my friend Diane. She and I connected when she pushed $20 in my hands and said, "Buy color for your classroom." My solution was a bolt of muslin and several bottles of Rit dye. She didn't even realize I sew. Recently she's been getting into quilting as more babies are born in the family. I'd love to bless her back for her step of faith to invest in me – and what has become one of the best friendships of my life.

  154. I would love to give this to my oldest daughter. She is pregnant with her first child (our first grandchild) and she could pick out the fabrics for her baby's first quilt!

  155. Definitely my mother-in-law. She has been making pants for my niece for the better part of a year now. My niece has Down Syndrome and is not in normal sized clothing. So my wonderful mother-in-law has taken it on herself to sew her pants for her, so she can have some cute clothes to make her feel more like a normal kid. I think she definitely deserves some fabric for herself.

  156. I would love to give a gift certificate to my best friend, Capi. We have been sewing buddies for years. Since neither of us has a sister, we have become chosen sisters. She is always there for me. Next week is also her birthday. How surprised she would be.

  157. I would send it to my Auntie Carol. She is my quilting guru and is always so patient when teaching me new things. She definitely deserves a fabric treat!

  158. I would send a special delivery gift card to my sister Kate. We share a love of quilting which is nice having this special bond. I live in AZ and she lives in CO so we don't see each other very often. I was able to go visit her and my other family during the Christmas holiday. We had a fun sewing day together. I know she would love a layer cake of Juggling Summer as we discovered this nice fabric on one of our quilt shop excursions while I was in Colorado. Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite on-line quilting shop.

  159. I would pick my wife. She is not only an amazing wife and mom but she is sacrificing to allow me to go back to school. Her support is unwavering and I know how much she is sacrificing for me. She puts others first always. Her comfort and relaxation come from sewing. She deserves this! wlfpack82@gmail.com

  160. I'd pick my friend Leila. She keeps us all laughing and is a great motivator and cheerleader! She has just started making bags and quilts. She sews clothes and costumes for herself and her kids, which are fantastic and we all envy her talent. Because until now she's mostly sewn clothes, she hasn't built up the quilting cotton stash that the rest of us have been working on for years. And she has cool taste so I'd love to see what she would pick out!

  161. Yes! My nephew's wife-Jasmine. She has twin 20 month old girls who are just about old enough for cute quilt fabric pinafores and pillowcase dreasses…and little ruffle skirts with cowboy boots! Little girls should have cute dresses!

  162. I would send this to my very dear friend in France. I know she has been having a hard time and this would certainly allow her to buy lots of pink fabric – just perfect for a Valentines day surprise.

  163. I would love this for my daughter – she is new to sewing and expecting her first child. This would be a boost for her – fabric to feed her new found hobby.

  164. My daughter – working all her life and raising two children and homeschooling three grands has left little time to sew. I want to start her stash and then teach her to quilt. Yeah!!! for us. Judy C in NC thanks you.

  165. I would like to give this to my lovely friend Sue, who hosts our once a month sewing group we call Stitch and Bitch. Her work place is really making her stressed.
    She is my very special friend. To use an often quoted phrase, she is a kindred spirit. Thanks, Meran

  166. Of course I would give it to my friend Alice. She is a breast cancer survivor and her husband died in 2011. She is a Magnificant seamstress who has just recently taken up quilting. This would blow her away (and make her quite happy too.)

  167. I've got a friend that just learned to sew (her husband got her a sewing machine for her birthday) and I'd love it if she won! Her name is Jo ~ it's so wonderful to see her enthusiasm and what's she's already learned to make!

  168. I took my daughter to the Vermont Quilt Festival last year and she has been hooked on quilting ever since. She is only 11 but already has plans to enter a quilt in the festival one day. She now sews a lot including making her own stuffed animals and reusable fabric lunch/snack bags which she sells at craft fairs.

    She would enjoy a gift certificate tremendously!


  169. I would love to send a Valentine to my sister. She is one of the most generous people I know. It would be great to let her know how much she is loved.

  170. Since home sick from surgey, I am making quilts for the Rainbow house which helps abused kids. thanks for the giveaway!!!

  171. My sister! She is a prolific quilt maker and she teaches her granddaughters to sew. She even lets them use her best machine! She is quite an inspiration.

  172. I would send it to my Mom. She doesn't get out much in the winter so shopping for fabric through the internet would be a warm winter treat for her:)

  173. I would pick my baby sister charlotte. She is just getting into sewing and crafting good. She has her very first lovely lil granddaughter.And could use it to make her soemthing adorable. My sister has allways been their for me and gives of herself so freely to help others. She is anurs eint a nurseing home and has been for many many years. She loves her patients. And I think she would be thrilled to win something just for her. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)vom

  174. I would send it to my sister, Brittany. She just bought her first machine and it has quilting capabilites (I have a basic machine, jealous)and she needs to grow her fabric stash! I've been picking a pulling from my stash to help her out. I can't wait to move back to Texas so my sister and I can quilt together! Thanks for the chance to win! mrs(dot)hbraun(at)gmail(dot)com

  175. I have a bloggy friend who lives in England. I know she loves your site, and fabric shopping in the UK is so limited compared to here in the USA. It would be fun for her to get a bunch of her favorite fabrics from across the pond!

  176. I would give a very special Birthday present to my friend Sue because she's a Valentine baby, the best of friends and a fabric and quilting lover.
    Jane dot bitz at gmail dot com

  177. I have two grand daughters…one is already hooked on quilting …she is just turning 7 next month. THe other one, 12 almost 13..she lives with me and she loves crafts, but no real direction…just "stuff" crafts. I bet if she could choose her own prints from a drawing she wins..it would spark her quilting talent that I know is in there somewhere! They don't teach sewing in Home Ec class anymore in junior high..they don't even offer Home Ec anymore so I am h er only option!

  178. I would give it to my girlfriend Kathy…she has suddenly gotten into quilting and is always digging in my stash..time for her to start her own!

  179. I would give it to my sister. She is having a baby in August and has lots of projects in mind for her new little one.


  180. My daughter is my choice for this gift certificate. She has just moved to an apartment with her two small children after living with us for almost a year. When baby number two was 10 weeks old her husband announced that he was finished being married. She has had a difficult year and is starting over. I am sure some fabric to make something special to personalize her new home would give her a real lift. Thanks for the chance to win this for her.

  181. I would pick my sweet friend Dana. She was my go-to sewing buddy/teacher before I moved away. She made me a beautiful scrappy throw sized quilt as a going away gift. Her birthday was a few weeks ago, I know she would love this belated gift.

  182. I would send the special treat to Beth, a friend of mine from my quilt guild. I did not know Beth before joining the guild a few years ago, but she made me feel very welcome. She is always doing special things for me, is so fun to be with, and is a wonderful inspiration.

  183. I would love to give this bundle to my friend Jean. Jean is 85 year sold and is always making quilts and giving them and fabrics to others. She is always willing to help me, either with instruction or fabrics on my my projects. I would love to surprise her with a gift. Thanks!

  184. I would love to send this to my future DIL. She and my son have had a really hard time last year with her losing her job while pregnant with their first child and then my son losing his just before their baby, our Granddaughter was born. They had to move in with us for awhile and I have given her free reign to use my Husqvarna D1 machine anytime she wants and told her I'd teach her what she doesn't already know how to do.
    Now that our Granddaughter is 1 yr old (4 days ago) she doesn't need to feed her as often and I'd love to allow her to choose some fabric she likes so she can make something on her own.

  185. I would like to gift this to Kristy, a guild member just beginning chemo treatment. I think it would be a small thing that would make her smile.
    Thanks FQS for being such a huge supporter of the quilting community.

  186. I would send it to my friend, Kristine. She taught me how to knit, and listens to me complain about all of the UFO's in my craft room.

  187. I DO have a special quilty friend that I would love to send a gift certificate to! Her name is Melissa and she so deserves it!!! She has adopted 4 children, two from the foster care system here in Calif. Several of them have had learning disabilities and she has had to work hard with them every night to help them in their school work. She has also sent her oldest son on a two year mission to Guatamala, and had the anxiety of having him in such a dangerous place! Not to mention the cost of the mission, which is around 10,000 dollars, which her son helped pay for, but I have a feeling that she and her hubby had to help with the cost also. She currently serves as the leader in our local church women's group and donates MUCH of her time to helping out in that organization in many different ways! She has also served in her local quilt guild for many years, spending quite a few years organizing the bus trip for the women to go to PIQF. She is such a GOOD person and is always willing to help anyone. She deserves much more than 50 dollars, but I know that she would be thrilled to death to receive this gift! Thanks for the chance on her behalf!! I'd be so happy if she won!!!

  188. I would pick my daughter as she is new to quilting and doesn't have too many supplies or a stash yet. With a 5 year old and being pregnant, there is rarely any money left over for treating herself to some quilty goodness. Thank you for the opportunity to win a gift certificate for her!

  189. I'd pick my wife who just started quilting and sewing. We just can't afford much fabric right now, so it would really make her day!

    snoggletweeng @ gmail dot com

  190. This would make a great gift for my daughter. I have started teaching her to quilt and she is using fabric from my stash. This way she could pick something new for herself.

  191. I would give it to my dear friend Brenda. I always drag her to quilt and sewing shops. We always have a great time and she would really appreciate it.

  192. I would love to give this to my sister! We both learned how to quilt about the same time. She has a really limited budget so she can't buy all the fabric she wants for all the quilts she wants to make. I would love to treat her to something like this!

  193. I would love to prepare such surprise for my bloggy friend Joanna. We first 'met' on our blogs and the similar attitude to modern quilting was the reason why we started meeting in real life. Now we are organizing some blog events together and we will be even co-lecturers on quilty workshops:)

  194. I would love to send this to my best friend, Wynter. We were neighbors when my 3 yr old son, Isaac, was diagnosed with leukemia & she watched my apt while we were at Children's Hospital. Six months later, Isaac was diagnosed as terminal & I was advised to take him home to live his final few weeks of life. Wanting to make Isaac happy, upon returning home Wynter surprised him with a huge "Half" birthday blowout! I learned that Wynter's son was also 3 yrs old son & named Isaac. Our Isaacs quickly became the best of friends. Wynter and I spent every moment of Isaac's final days together. I can honestly say they were the happiest six months of my life. On November 3, 2009, Wynter's husband was on his last day of military leave before returning to his overseas deployment the next morning. Without hesitation, she left her husband to support me as I prepared my son's body for the funeral home. She spoke at my baby's funeral service when I could do nothing but weep. It's been 3 1/2 yrs but she is my best friend whom I love unceasingly. I can never repay the love, support, & kindness she has shown me, but I'll do my best to try!

  195. I would love for my friend Cheryl, who is packing up and moving house, to have a lovely present from you. She hasn't been able to do her normal sewing for some time now so what a surprise for her it would be.Thankyou.

  196. I'd definitley give this to my sister. She really needs to take time for herself and getting her back into creating and sewing will be do her the world of good.

  197. I would love to send one to my mom! She is 74, has sewn most of her life and has just recently started doing more quilting. She taught my 3 sisters and myself to sew, made our wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses,sports coats for my dad and has poured so much of her time and money into us…she deserves a special treat!! 🙂 Would love for you to contact me at our10kids@cox.net