Gudrun Erla, designer and owner of G. E. Designs, has two brand new patterns from her strip series at Fat Quarter Shop, called Strip Off and Strip ‘n’ Dip. We think they are pretty terrific. In fact, Debbie Taylor will be combining these two patterns with collections we purchase at Market for two new kits, so keep an eye out for that!
Hello readers of Fat Quarter Shop’s Jolly Jabber. I am extremely excited about sharing with you two of my brand new strip patterns that are hot off the press.
I have been very fortunate that the Fat Quarter Shop has carried my whole strip pattern series, and if you are familiar with any of them, you might have noticed that I have lots of fun coming up with names for them. Some of my previous ones are: Strip Poker, Strip Tease, Strip Down and Strip Search. All of my strip patterns are done with 2-1/2” strips only and there are 3 different sizes in each pattern, usually crib, lap and twin size. They don’t have any borders which gives you lots of options for adjusting sizes and making it work for you. The fabric requirements will show you exactly how many strips you will need to make it (how many lights, how many darks etc.) and it also tells you how many fat quarters you need if you would rather use fat quarters.
Strip Off
This is a very simple pattern to make; it goes together really fast and is a great stash buster. All you need is 6 strips of each color group, some background strips and you are set. It honestly doesn’t take longer than 5 hours to make, start to finish. I just love how the colors just pop off the background, the quilt is so playful; it really reminds me of those colorful Lifesavers candies or Juicy Fruit gum. This quilt would be great done out of theme fabrics, for example novelty kids fabrics, baby colors or seasonal fabrics. Christmas fabrics would make the blocks look like ornaments.Strip ‘N’ Dip
This quilt was so fun to make. You have to cut 45° diamonds from the strips which you can do with your regular ruler if it has the 45° lines on it. I however got this great set of brand new Stripper templates (Product #8059) sent from Marti Michell ( to play with, and they are fabulous. There is a 45° diamond in the set of 4 templates, so I used it to cut out my diamonds. As you are cutting, you are cleaning off all the dog ears at the same time, which makes putting the diamonds together so easy. All the seams match up automatically, it’s great. This quilt actually looks harder than it really is to put together. You trim your blocks to size after sewing so that putting everything together will be a breeze.
Thanks Kimberly for giving me the opportunity to share with all of you. For more sneak peeks, giveaways, tips and tricks, check out my blog Happy Stripping!!
Gudrun Erla
Congrats on the cute designs!
love your patterns Erla!
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Could I enlist your and your readers’ help identifying a print? It’s the leafy print on the bottom here and can also be seen in this tute.
I got a fat quarter at JoAnn but haven’t been able to find it anywhere on the bolt. I have no idea what the brand is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
So much color! What fun it must be just to be among all the color!
Great designs…hope you have fun at the Portland Market
Anett in Oregon