Name That Quilt Kit with Fat Quarter Shop - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Name That Quilt Kit with Fat Quarter Shop

And we have a winner! This quilt is now the Mint Jelly & Jam Quilt Kit, named by Rhonda Dohna. Thank you all for playing! You can reserve the Mint Jelly & Jam Quilt on our website, and we can’t wait for the next Name That Quilt Kit contest! We hope you continue to play along!

Hey Fat Quarter Shop-ers! We have a fun new contest for you! We are constantly putting together new Quilt Kits for you to make and we are out of inspiration. We need a little help naming one of our new quilt kits!

This new quilt kit includes the Back Porch Quilt Pattern and pretty red and green Back Porch fabric by Kaye England for Wilmington Prints. Get creative and come up with your very own name for this new quilt kit. We will choose a winning name and if your name is chosen you will receive a $50 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!

Comment on this post with your quilt name idea for this quilt kit for a chance to win the Name That Kit contest. A winner will be chosen Tuesday February 25th and announced here on the Jolly Jabber. Get creative!


  1. Check the kit listing because one part says a gift certificate equal to the price of the kit and then it says $50 gift certificate. Can you clarify please? Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. "Summertime Stargazing". I have fond memories of watching the stars on a summer evening from our back porch when I was a kid, and the red & green colors remind me of beans and tomatoes in our summer garden.

  3. It has to be Back Porch Nostalgia! That's exactly what it reminds me of when I look at the fabrics and the pattern name. Lovely!
    Linda W.

  4. I choose the name of "Candy Dish" because it reminds me peppermints and candy canes and maybe even some lemon drops! Candy Stripes is a close second! Thanks for this!!

  5. "Civil Stars" came to mind first…giving a nod to the Civil War coloring

    Then I thought, "Granny's Stars" because a picture of Gramma sitting on the porch swing, watching the stars came to mind.

    No matter what the name, it is an awesome quilt and fabric!

  6. Irish Stars!! That immediately came to my mind when I saw the photo.


  7. I like the name "Hopscotch Stars"
    because the quilt and fabrics remind me of some from years ago, and I think you could play hopscotch around those squares!

  8. Stars from Grandma's Kitchen is what I would name it. It reminds me of the yellow table from my Grandmother's kitchen on the old farm. Cute kit!

  9. How about
    "Star Trellis"

    I tried to look at all the comments, but my eyes were crossing. I apologize if someone else already suggested this. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. "Slice Of Apple Pie"

    The colors remind me of the different colors of apples and the points of the stars make me think of slices of apple pie.:)

  11. My Stars and Gardens is the name I would choose for this quilt using Back Porch fabric.
    Susan Bajdek

  12. "Evening Stars"…because it reminds me of the days when life was simpler and we would sit on the porch, on summer nights, watching for the first stars to appear.

  13. Back Porch Constellations
    My first thought when I saw it was constellations of the sky. Why not look at the stars from your back porch? Kind of a back porch observatory.

  14. I'm submitting the first words that came to me when I saw the quilt…."What Lovely Stars"……it describes this quilt perfectly.
    Thank you,

  15. In the old house you had a separate building for canning in the summer, really your kitchen. My Grandmother still liked it to be nice so she put quilts on the tables. This makes me think of her sitting there with her cup of coffee in the morning just planning her day so I would call it Canning Stars.

  16. Love this quilt. My suggestions are: "Heavenly Stars" and "Symphony of Stars". And maybe "Pocketful of Stars". And also, "Starstruck". Ok, last one, "Oh My Stars". Can't help myself, "Star Strippin".

  17. back porch dreams. i remember sitting on the back porch, looking up at the stars and day dreaming about my life when i grew up.

  18. My first thought was Stars and Stripes, but then I saw the pinwheels and thought Spinning Stars.

    Whatever you call it, it's pretty! I love how you PLANNED the stripes – so often, shops kit up striped fabric, then when you go to use it, the way the pattern has you cut, you've got 2 pieces going one way and 2 going the other way and it just looks dumb! Yours looks PLANNED and right!

  19. I love spring after the snow and all the new flowers start to come up. So I like

    Springtime stars or

    Springtime on the Porch

  20. True North….the star points remind me of a compass and the grids are longitude and latitude lines. The red and green remind me of Christmas and what's more Christmas than the North Pole! shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com

  21. This quilt reminds me of the classic one room schoolhouses on the prairie. Do your remember when your teacher put a star on your homework when it was well done? Now we tell a kiddo that "he rocks" when he does something good, so my name for this quilt would be "Schoolhouse Rocks!"

  22. My first impression was oh.!!!!!!!

    So fresh and beautiful! I would call it "Oh La La!" Love it.

    From Denise in Louisiana

  23. Startime Sentiments
    Summertime Nostalgia
    Vintage Christmas,
    because the prints almost look a bit like, well, vintage-y Christmas!

  24. "Grandma's Christmas" because it reminds me of the colors of Christmas in my grandmothers house

  25. Apron Strings – it reminds me of a country kitchen with big flour & sugar canisters on the counter, and my Grandma making cookies in her apron.

  26. Back Porch Holiday (because every day can be a holiday on your back porch, and the colors remind me of both summer and winter holidays)

  27. How about 'All IN A Whirl'? That's what comes to my mind, like they were in motion, spinning out of the little boxes, twirling up and off the quilt.

  28. I would name this quilt "PINWHEELS"
    The design reminded me of those old fashioned plastic pinwheels on a stick !
    Terri McGreer

  29. It reminds me of breakfast with my Grandma who makes biscuits everyday, and we eat it with strawberry jam in the summer.

    So: Strawberry Jam

  30. Star Revery

    Star Nostalgia


    Follow the Stars

    Twinkling Paths

    Starlit Paths or Starlight Paths

    Starlight Ramble

    Star-crossed Paths

    Star-crossed Trails

    Starlight Trails

  31. Love this beautiful quilt and fabric. While I can see it in many different fabrics, my first thought was for Christmas. So how about:

    Holiday Cheer

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. It's a gorgeous quilt, and I love the fabric. When I look at the pattern I see lots and lots of stars, so my name would be "Stars Aplenty". Hope it suits you.

  33. I am combining the Irish Chain with the Star aspect and I see Constellations, so perhaps I would name it Irish Constellations or Trellised Constellations! Beautiful quilt!

  34. "Lookin' Out My Back Door" from the Back Porch collection *by Kaye England for Wilmington Prints

    Loving the color pallet, thanks for having the contest 🙂

  35. I love this quote about stars, so I would call this quilt: "Forget-me-not."

    “Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven,
    Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.”
    ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow