Big News from It's Sew Emma - The Jolly Jabber Quilting Blog

Big News from It’s Sew Emma

The countdown to Market has begun! I can count the days on one hand. Until then we are focusing on our normal everyday business. Which is — everything.

We have a some major giveaways planned, plus videos featuring two of our favorite sisters coming up.

We are, like, so serious.

Then right after Market, we will have another awesome visitor here filming with us. Watch for that! But for today, we’re announcing something else! (Disclaimer: I have restricted the amount of exclamation points I can use in this post, or else it will just look like this!!!!!!!!!!!!)

A new It’s Sew Emma book!!
We have a NEW Fat Quarter Quilt book coming out!

You may remember our first Fat Quarter Quilt book, called Simply Fat Quarters. It was 10 quilts, in four sizes, and it looked like this.

Jogging your memory? OK, now sweep that image out and make way for… drum roll please…

Doesn’t your heart thump a little at the sight of it? That there on the cover is the first quilt we designed for the book, out of Miss Kate fabric.

This book is on a mission to show how versatile and stylin’ Fat Quarters can be. There are 12 quilts this time, and we listened to your feedback on our first book, so each quilt can be made in crib, lap, twin and QUEEN sizes.

Now for the good news/bad news. Bad news first: the book won’t be out until July. Boohoo! Good news: You can pre-order the book NOW for 20% off. We’ll be showing more juicy sneak peeks in the coming weeks, and then the book will be here before you know it!

Enough with the chatter! Here are a few teasers to show off our stylish picks.

Navy is the new neutral!

Traditional never goes out of style…

And neither do adorable feedsacks!

We love the sophisticated look…

Just as much as we love whimsy!


  1. So excited for you. The new book looks wonderful. How fun to see Me and My Sister visiting from AZ. While I am at it….Kimberly, Mary and Barb, wishing all of you a wonderful Mothers Day filled with lots of wonderful memory making. From me and my sisters, Mary Andra, Cheryl Ann, Candee and Andee.

  2. Lovely, but just once in a while a KING sized quilt option! I need king size that is large enough on three sides to cover these 18-22 inch mattresses! Just adding plain borders is boring!